Immigration: It Never Ends

The Republicans, led by Botched up Boehner, have decided that there isn’t enough traction in the immigration question to get them through the 2014 election. This is mainly because they realize that their position won’t get them any new votes, especially from the Hispanic community. Result; they are dropping immigration, trying to blame this move on Obama and returning to Iraq and Ukraine as their primary issues, hoping against hope that none of the millions that they’ve lied to will read any of the testimony of either the Benghazi or IRS hearings which deny all their allegations. They hope something else will happen in the world before the 2014 elections that will give them an opportunity to spread their venom and deceive their gullible and bigoted constituencies.


Their answer to why they have backed off on immigration is that they can’t trust Obama. To do what? He had already extracted himself from the process. The bi-partisan bill that has come out of the Senate looks pretty good and it had gone to the House where debate was expected and then the Republicans decided that they were overwhelmed, couldn’t face another days work in the next six months. Of course they wanted us to continue paying them. As Dick Durban says, the Right will use any excuse to keep from helping the country solve this problem because it will not help them in their crazed Tea Party districts. After the November election they will sing a different song when they face losing the presidential election because they have alienated the Hispanic, and Asian groups that had looked to the passage of a functioning immigration bill. That’s probably why Obama has also stepped back until after the election. Then there will be no reason, no excuse for them not to act except bigotry.


The GOP says they don’t trust the President with regards to the immigration situation but they don’t say what they don’t trust him to do. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, another one of those know nothings who can’t resist a little TV face time, was asked why and what it is that the Right doesn’t trust. As usual, she was stuck for an answer. It’s no wonder these people are on the wrong side of everything. They are just too brute stupid to figure out where the right side lies.


Here are a couple of illustrations of things said about immigration, by various brain dead Republican congressmen in just the last couple of days.


Mo Brooks-AL “We are giving these kids all sorts of free stuff; food, entertainment, education, transportation. People around the world will break into America.” –They are all in lockup, asshole. Somebody has to feed them, and from the looks of things basic food is all they are getting.


Steve King-Iowa: “The most dangerous demographic you can bring into America.” –Are you talking about little kids, Steve? They really have you quaking in your boots do they?


Phil Gingrey-GA: Quotes a list of diseases that they are bringing into this country including Denge Fever and Ebola, which are diseases from Africa not central America. The guy touts himself as being a doctor; you’d think he’d at least know what Continents the various diseases come from, or maybe he thinks that Honduras is in Africa. Wouldn’t surprise me.


Rich Nugent-FL: “When you have these types coming across the border they’re not children at this point. These kids have been brought up in a culture of thievery. A culture of murder, of rape and now we are going to infuse them into the American culture. It’s just ludicrous.” — Yeah, Rich and we’re such a peaceful country.


Thus bunch of idiots paint a picture of hordes of dangerous, disease infected thieves and murders, who are coming to get our goodies. Make one kind of wonder what their kids are like.


Texas chief moron, Rick Perry is calling out the National Guard because one border guard every 700 feet isn’t enough to keep these invading hordes of 10-year-old thieves and murderers from pouring across our border into a state that doesn’t deserve them. Perry will probably order the guard to shoot these terrifying invaders on sight.


The hypocrisy of this country and its right-wing white men is beyond belief. We exhort countries in the Middle East like Jordan and other Arab nations to take in the refugees from the various wars of the area. The same is true in Africa, where a number of countries, with our encouragement and support, take in so many refugees that they are pushed to the economic wall, all at the bidding of the white countries of the world.


Now, God damn it, it’s our turn. We currently take in half the immigrants that we used to. That was when we were building a country not just turning it into a corporate oligarchy. It’s time to take in refugee children from places where it is too dangerous to live and where those conditions were at least partly caused by us. Honduras is currently the center of the cocaine trade. We are the customers of that trade. So every time some self-indulgent loser snorts at a party he is putting some Central American kid in danger.


Deval Patrick the Governor of Massachusetts, was on the tube saying that, that state would be available to house one thousand of these children when they are ready to be processed. Even in a blue state there was a big stink about it. Some low grade moron named Lombardo, a local pol, had to come on Steve Kornacki and show us how little he understood the situation by complaining that the state couldn’t afford this even though it had been clearly explained that the Feds would be picking up the bill. Lombardo is the perfect example of bigotry, slowed by stupidity and masked by phony patriotism. This clown will definitely become a hero of the Tea Party.


No matter what you say about the immigration problem on our border, the fact remains that all the problems we are facing now stem from the decades old absence of any kind of working immigration system. This isn’t just because of Bush’s law or Obama’s failure to send even more kids back to be murdered in Central America. There isn’t any need to secure the border. The border is secure. The kids who are coming here aren’t slipping into this country and dispersing, they are walking across the border and being apprehended. Hell most of them are giving up.


But for some reason our media, despite the seriousness of this situation, keeps interviewing the most ignorant, most insane spokesmen for each side. Maybe it’s because none of the serious players want to go on record, when there is no real solution in sight. But why keep interviewing Sara Palin and Rick Perry? These two buffoons have nothing serious to say, all they do by speaking is to illustrate their mental deficiencies. The Democrats delight in quoting their stupidity while the smart Republicans cringe every time they open their mouths.


The problem with Perry is that he lies. Yes, he’s stupid too but his big problem is that he just doesn’t deal with reality well. He wanted the President to call out the National Guard. Then he found out that as the governor of Texas, if he wants the National Guard, can call them out himself. Then he did that but soon realized that he had to pay them and it had to come out of state funds so he sent them home. They didn’t need the National Guard, and dumb as he is, Perry knew that. He was just grandstanding. They already have one armed, motorized border guard every seven hundred feet. If that many guards can’t keep a bunch of little kids from crossing the border then what are a few more dumb weekend warriors going to do but end up shooting each other.


Perry babbles abut how this border crisis could have been stopped years ago but his target is completely wrong. It could have been stopped if congress had passed an immigration bill, which both Obama and the senate wanted. It was the Republican House that stopped the bill and is wholly responsible for the mess we have now.


Louis Guiterriz, congressman from St. Louis explains very clearly what a moron Perry really is. He points out that Obama is following the law that Bush and both parties signed in 2008 That during the Bush administration we had over two million immigrants per year crossing the border. Under Obama about four hundred thousand per year. Bush sent about two hundred thousand a year back, Obama about four hundred thousand a year. Who had the stronger border?


Dumb as he is Rick Perry really does know what the answer is, just like all the rest of the Republicans know what the answer is. It’s good immigration legislation. The problem is they don’t want to pass that legislation while Obama is still the president. They just don’t want another piece of important legislation on Obama’s side of the scoreboard. They don’t care about these kids. They don’t care about any jobs pluses that these people bring with them. They don’t care about anything except making Obama look bad. That’s all they have cared about since Obama’s first election when Mitch McConnell set the war plan that has so famously failed.


Like every other stupid, (he said it), Republican, Bobby Jindal starts every immigration conversation with securing the border. The God damned border is so secure we are currently sending more illegal immigrants back to their countries then we are getting legal immigrants in from other countries. That’s a net loss of human input. That’s bad. Can we, for God’s sake, get on with fixing the rest of the system? Don’t Jindal and his moronic associates know when they’ve won? The Republican Party is stupid Bobby, and you are a huge part of the problem.


Of course The Republicans, are, not interested in problems, only in the political capital they can get out of them. Now, Bob Goodlatte, one of the slower clocks on the GOP wall, is raving about the President releasing immigrant criminals onto our streets. Only in your dreams, Bob. It’s Bush’s law that is forcing us to accept these kids, not Obama’s, and it’s one of the few good things that Bush did in eight years. These kids are refugees, not immigrants. They should be treated as such. Of course most of the GOP doesn’t know the difference between immigrant and refugee; three syllable words being above their learning curve.