The Next Move

The United States of America. That’s the name of our country.  The United States, not the Divided States or the Individual States but the United States.  That’s supposed to mean something and every time some right-wing asshole starts babbling about States Rights, he denies the name of our country.

While trying to serve his or her own ends every retarded clown who babbles about every state having its own abortion law or voting law is basically denying the name of our nation and the intention of its founders.  This sort of short-sighted view must result in chaos, the only result possible when you allow each state to have a different law about serious legislation carried out by government.

Abortion rights and voting rights are serious and universal  areas that should be considered nationally,  as opposed to fixing local roads and deciding when and where the garbage should be picked up, which should be left to local authorities.

States rights are important, but they must be limited to areas that have a local effect. Universal health, federal taxes, voting questions, financial laws and certain basic business regulations are questions that affect everyone in the nation and must be regulated  on a national level, so everybody is operating on the same track. Our founders understood that. Maybe that’s why they didn’t name the country the Associated States of America.


The border is back leading the news again. This week Biden announced an executive order that would give legal status to  unregistered spouses of legal immigrants.  The GOP grabbed hold of this and tried to make it into a situation wherein Biden was doing something that would make the border situation worse, but anyone who can read should know that it was Trump and the GOP House that blocked Biden’s bill that would have alleviated much of the problem if it had been allowed to go forward to a vote.


Margaret Brennan interviewed Robert O’Brien, the former National Security advisor during the Trump administration, and it was a real adventure. He was asked about what he thought we should do if China invaded Taiwan, and he launched into a completely nonsensical babble that meant nothing and went nowhere. And he did it with a stone-faced attitude that denies thought. The idea that he might move into his old job if Trump is elected is frightening. We would be at war in a matter of seconds. He not only wants to go to war immediately, but he wants to increase our fossil fuel production so that anything that’s left after the nukes hit will only contribute to the nuclear fallout released into the atmosphere.


Mike Morel, former Director of the CIA, was interviewed on Face the Nation and tried his best to scare the hell out of the American people by his comments on our lack of attention to the terrorist threat going all the way back to the late eighties and culminating in a current situation that’s fraught with danger. He isn’t the only one. It appears that most of our government intelligence is sure  that what is happening in the Middle East will lead to another 911.


I’ve been listening to Republicans talk about how Trump should approach a campaign strategy that not only attacks Bidens age and competency, but also includes his own strategies on how he would run the country. Really? What strategies? The only plan that Trump has ever been accused of having on how the country should be run had only to do with making the rich richer. That isn’t a strategy, that’s a self-help plan  for the residents of Mar a Largo that steals from everyone that isn’t a millionaire.

In fact, he has spoken about one thing and that is tariffs.  I’m sure you know about tariffs. They’re the tax that destroys the middle class. They are what caused our latest bout of inflation.


So, we had a debate on Thursday night, and it didn’t exactly go so well for Joe Biden. Truth be told, he stunk the joint up. Joe has never been known as a spell binding speaker. Even at his best, like the State of the Union, he never absolutely killed his audience, but Thursday night was a real stinker.

It wasn’t that Donald Trump mesmerized the viewers either. In fact, he lied so much that even many Republicans were turned off.

CNN’s Daniel Dale fact checked Trump’s many statements after the debate, and listed the lies which totaled over thirty, but the real problem is that many leading Democrats have lost faith in Joe and that’s a serious dilemma. Another real problem is who would replace him if he did step aside? There are five real choices; Camilla Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Wes Moore and Gavin Newsome. They would all make good Presidents, easily better than Trump, but the question is, could they get elected? That’s also the question with Biden now. There was never any question whether or not Biden  would make a good President. His record is as good or better than any President going back to FDR. Just as there isn’t any question that Trump would make a terrible President. His record is worse than any President in history and he has already promised us that he will do everything he can to make it even worse.

I spent Thursday night and Friday morning listening to the various power brokers discussing Biden’s awful performance and what to do about it. There is a definite sense of no one wanting to go after Joe because he is certainly loved among his followers but there is in some cases a sense of panic elucidated by men like Donny  Deutsch that was multiplied by the likes of Bill Maher on his Friday night show.

The question is what to do. They can’t legally replace him if he doesn’t want to go. He has done too much good work, and he has the convention votes already wrapped up. But even if it’s time for him to go, he may not see it, and may not cooperate. I tend to agree with those who say wait and see what the big reaction is. The immediate reaction was shock  and despair but given a few days that may settle into the sand, and no longer show the footprints

I personally think we will not find a better President, but can he still get elected? I really don’t know. I have always been one of those people who could not understand how anyone in their right mind could vote for a criminal sociopath like Donald Trump. He is the antithesis of everything that a President of the United Sttes should be, while Biden is everything that, the office cries out for. If you thought the race was interesting going into the debate, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.