Trump Won’t Stop Lying

Senator Chris Coombs of Delaware, a close confident of the Biden campaign was asked on This Week , if Biden was considering the possibility of dropping out of the race after Thursday night’s disaster. He avoided an answer. What he should have said is, “Of course he considered it! He considers all scenarios. That’s what has made him an exemplary president and that’s why thinking Americans are going to vote for him.  Yes, he stumbled and stuttered and sometimes lost the thread of what he was saying  but Trump flat out lied about everything that was discussed.”

I think Democrats who are jumping the gun and looking for a new candidate have to slow their roll. Despite making  as bad a showing as possible, it doesn’t look like Biden has lost much  territory.   That’s probably because Trump tried to stomp  him instead of truthfully pointing out  his weaknesses. Trump was so busy trying to look like he had it all covered that he lied, obviously,  about everything that was discussed, and in so doing, lost a lot of support.                                               ****

J.D. Vance, after trying to excuse Donald Trump for his serial lying during the debate, came up with  a defense of a President’s ability to do anything he wants, with no limits, as long as he is in office. It’s hard to nail down which was the most absurd position. Vance is a lawyer, a congressman, and an educated person who should have some sense of reality about him. But this belief that a President is immune  from responsibility for any criminal act he commits just because he’s President, is ridiculous and SCOTUS has made itself a body of derision by their ruling on it.

The fact that we have had mostly honest Presidents who have acted judiciously while in office and that we therefore have not seen a reason to legislate to prevent actions which honest men would eschew, is an oversight, not a reason to ignore a situation which should be corrected.

The fact that Vance does not see this is just more proof that he is a non-functional hack who will kiss any ass in sight to get to be Veep. He proves this when asked what it is he thinks would make him a good Veep and ignores the question to babble that Trump was a great President and Biden was a bad President. It’s that kind of insight  which makes him fit only for cleaning Porta-Sans.                                   *****

Once again, no it wasn’t a good debate. In fact, it was awful, so no, I won’t have Joe Biden on my debate team. But his record as President is pretty spectacular so yes, I want him to be President, especially when you consider the lying sociopath he’s running against.

Maybe Joe can no longer hit you with the lightning retort but that’s not a quality he needs as President. What he needs and what he’s got is the ability to make the informed decision based on intellectual qualities that are backed up by the ability to do the right thing.  That’s something that Donald Trump can’t even understand, let alone accomplish.                                                                       ******

There was a discussion on Meet the Press about who Trump might pick as his Veep. All three choices are ass kissing sycophants, so there isn’t really that much to choose from, but each does have an aspect that differentiates him from the others.

For Marco Rubio it’s his “Hispanicness” and the fact that he will bring a certain number of Hispanic votes with him. For Doug Burgum it’s his kind of dumb, all American boy quality,  that would be endearing if he were not just a shit kicker from an insignificant state. For J.D. Vance it’s his political virginity and his smarts but it’s those same smarts that would be a threat to Trump because I don’t think Trump would be able to manipulate him the way he might the others. It would be like having Iago in the White House.

And of course, there’s still the fact that all three have already stated that they accepted that Biden won in 2020, a little item that haunts Trump because he hasn’t yet admitted to it.

What the fuck is going on? Has the nation lost its mind? Suddenly after 250 years of being the model for progressive life on this planet, America is on the verge of trampling everything that has made it special, everything that has allowed it to stand as a glowing example of what human life can be like on planet earth.

It started with the ascension of a sociopathic real estate crook and fading television celebrity into the political milieu and has progressed to the point where that sleazy self-promoter rose to the Presidency of the United States. But when Americans were exposed to the real Donald Trump many of them cast him aside in his attempt to get re-elected. He had done so much damage during his unfortunate administration that many supporters lost faith. The fact is, the Trump administration accomplished almost nothing for the American people during its time in office, but it did much for the Republican Party by installing huge numbers of conservative judges all over the country, and with the help of the unscrupulous Mitch Mc Connell, managed to install three conservative albeit unqualified justices on the Supreme Court. That set up the first GOP victory, the defeat of Roe v Wade and the end of women’s health protection.

Once Trump and his sycophant’s saw what could be accomplished, they decided to ruin the whole country. The already biased SCOTUS went to work on Presidential rights and responsibilities and has just ruled that a President can commit almost any criminal act while in office without fear of reprisal. Normally this would not mean too much because this nation has had a run of reasonably, morally responsible leaders, but in the case of the sociopathic criminal Trump it was nothing more than then a free pass for him to work out his  plan to become a dictator if elected in 2024.

The problem right now is that Trump’s ideas of dictatorial triumph, seasoned as they are with the salt of electoral possibility, aren’t the only insane views of the world. Europe except for  England, in an ultra-conservative reaction to African immigration has moved ponderously to the far right. But U.S. organizations like the Heritage Foundation whose president Kevin Roberts foresees a nation governed not by elected politicians but by the scions of industry who will be appointed by a dictator and rule like old-time despots, are even more important.

Roberts latest accomplishment, if it can be called that, is Project 2025, which is a  blueprint  for how the far right, with the assistance of the Supreme Court,  will turn this country into a faux-Nazi dictatorship if they can get Trump elected in 2024.

The key here is that the rich not the elected will run the country because after all, they got rich which shows they know how to accomplish things. One wonders what they accomplished in Trump’s first term besides making themselves richer.

Even a casual glance at Project 2025 will tell you  that it is the way to go if you are tired of having any rights not given you by His Royal Trump or if you have forgotten that our forefathers fought a revolution to take this country away from England’s King George and then wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights  to insure that we never have a King again.

One thought on “Trump Won’t Stop Lying

  1. Bill, I think you’re missing the point. The upcoming election is more about who leads this nation and the free world for the next four years than it is about who wins an election on one day in November. I have had great love and respect for President Biden. He and I were born in the same city. Our fathers took their families from that city during World War II because the only jobs in Scranton were in the coal mines. President Biden to Delaware, us to New Jersey. How can I not relate to that?
    But now I feel betrayed. the Biden campaign, including the nominee, have not been honest with us about the President’s health. You saw how he behaved in Normandy. You saw how he behaved during the debate. That man cannot lead this nation for the next four years. That man will be ridiculed by the Convict-in-Chief.
    It’s not too late to get another nominee, a candidate who can beat Shitbird and lead us for the next four years.

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