Elon Screws the Pooch

Many who watched sadistic bully, Donald Trump, firing contestants on The Apprentice, recognized him for what he was, a dangerous sociopath who got off on showing his bought and paid for superiority on his own show. Many got a vicarious thrill by putting themselves in Trump’s place in order to elevate their nothing lives. It appears that many of these viewers voted him into office, but so did many others, and now that group has to live with their awful choice as Trump and his sycophants go about destroying our government just to show that they can.

No one seems to know if it’s legal or not to stick a campaign contributor into an enormously important government job that allows him to fire tens of thousands of Civil Service employees. Yet that’s exactly what is happening with the appointment of Elon Musk as head of Doge. I’m sure this kind of thing has happened before in our government. The big difference is that, for the most part, the former appointments were generally experienced and competent in their jobs.

Musk is not an idiot. In fact, he’s something of a genius in his own fields, and the federal government is replete with examples of non-functional employees and terminal waste. But to just fire everyone in a specific job category without doing any research as to their abilities to do their job is insane, to say nothing of lazy and incompetent.

Admittedly, previous efforts by both parties to dam the river of waste have been disastrously unsuccessful, but you don’t bomb a school to stop a measles epidemic. You isolate the infected and treat them even as you remove the healthy from the environment until the epidemic fades. Trump, of course, would bomb the school.

I hope I’m wrong about that but we’re about to find out.

Musk is bombing the school, when all he has to do is investigate the employees and find out who isn’t doing their job, fire them, and look like a genius. By firing people who are doing their jobs correctly, he is weakening our government and leaving us defenseless against any and all who would do us harm.

The Trump defenders are quick to point out all the wasteful enterprises that have been embarked upon by USAID. And they’re right. But it shouldn’t be too difficult to uncover who green-lit each of the USAID programs singled out for their stupidity of concept and fire them, instead of just dumping the whole program. Trump and Musk just display their own laziness and incompetence by not doing the work and getting rid of the specific bad apples. Instead, they become the bad apples by virtue of the manner they are going about doing a fairly simple, albeit work-intensive, job.

Now, as if to prove he didn’t know what he was doing, Musk is being forced to hire back many that were fired because their agencies cannot function without them. It’s just further proof that Trump is not equipped to do his job. Now, we will see if anyone he has appointed is.


There was a big meeting scheduled for Friday between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Trump trashed the meeting before it could even get to the negotiating that would give the U.S. much needed rare earth metals and guarantee Ukraine security against further Russian invasion. It’s obvious that Trump knows nothing about diplomacy or even the existing situation. It wasn’t bad enough that the moronic JR Vance started running off at the mouth, but then Trump was way out of line and completely destructive to having any kind of productive meeting. What did these two idiots think they were going to achieve by vomiting out a bucket full of lies and starting a fight with Zelenskyy.
The facts are clear. Putin invaded Ukraine for the second time three years ago. No one doubted it when it happened. It seems that only Trump doesn’t understand what happened, and he is far too inarticulate for his opinion to make any sense. It is to our nation’s benefit to make a deal that brings us the rare earth materials we need in exchange for us settling the fight with Putin and forcing him to back off. We’ve already supplied the materials to Ukraine that is our part of the deal. We did it because it was the right thing to do, something Trump will never understand. Now, along comes the criminal Trump and doing the right thing isn’t good enough for him. Cheap crook that he is, he must also grab the vig.

The fact is, Trump and Vance were too stupid to understand that they should never have had this discussion in public. That’s not how diplomacy works, but they are always playing to the cheap seats.

Trump babbles about Putin respecting him, and not respecting Obama or Biden. That’s because Trump doesn’t understand the difference between respect and disdain.

Putin doesn’t respect Trump. You don’t respect those you have no regard for. Putin knows that Trump is afraid of him, sucks up to him, and will eventually do as he wants because Trump is his butt boy. When offered the choice of helping his own country or bowing to Putin, Trump has made his choice and it’s obviously the wrong one.

Neither Trump nor Vance knows anything about how to conduct international diplomacy. Hell, Trump knows nothing about deal making despite the fact that he is always bragging about a book that someone else wrote using his name. This is a guy who was born rich and still went bankrupt half a dozen times because of bad deals he made.
Trump keeps talking about how this war would never have happened if he had been President when Putin invaded Ukraine. That just shows how little he knows about what actually happened. In fact, Russia actually invaded Ukraine in 2014 and never left the Donbas region. They then invaded the rest of Ukraine three years ago. For all of Trump’s first term, Russia was illegally in the Donbas and Trump did nothing about it because he was so busy kissing Putin’s ass that he had no time to deal with the reality of an invasive war in Eastern Europe.

We should make this deal. It is to our advantage to do so, but Trump is too stupid to see this. The bully and the sociopath in him want Zelenskyy to grovel. Zelenskyy won’t. He’s already faced more danger than the cowardly Trump can even conceive of. Zelenskyy was standing up to Putin when Trump was paying off hookers not to reveal his dick size.


Trump has stated unequivocally that he is a financial genius so let’s look at whom his genius is benefiting. The first time he was in office, he managed to pass only one piece of legislation, a slimy tax bill that saved billionaires and large corporations who didn’t need the money, trillions of dollars, sending the national debt completely out of sight.

Now he claims he is trying to save money through the efforts of Elon Musk and his comic opera fantasy Doge. Even if Musk is successful, he is only dealing with a minuscule number. To get anywhere, he will have to cut all healthcare, Social Security, medical research, the Veterans Administration, and a large chunk from the Pentagon. On the other hand, there is one place Trump can actually save more money than he can raise by all the nonsense he is blowing in our ear. The same sleazy tax legislation he passed in his last term, if rescinded, will save the nation 4.5 trillion over the next five years and it won’t bankrupt any families over hospital bills or force children to miss meals because Social Security checks didn’t show up. We won’t lose any military superiority or have to worry about our trade balance. Of course, all the rich creeps who spend their money on second yachts will have to suffer through with only one, but what the hell, they can offer it up for God and country. Trump will lose a couple of contributions, but he isn’t going to be running again anyhow., and he might actually save the jobs of those sleazy slobs who won their elections on his coattails.

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