Just when they were once again top dogs, and just when it looked like they would have smooth sailing for at least a little while, the Republicans , acting like Republicans, or more properly like their hero Dick Cheney, shot themselves in the foot. Nothing gets people’s ire up as much as watching someone who hasn’t got a better way, attack someone who is, at least, trying to get something accomplished. That’s exactly what is happening with the immigration problem and President Obama’s action to, at least, temper the abhorrent conditions under which the people affected now live.
No matter how you look at it, no matter which side you are on in this issue, the irrefutable fact is that congress had the legislation before it for over a year and a half and did nothing about it. The president had to move, and all these threats of lawsuits and impeachment were nothing but empty noise. Here is a president acting as a leader, doing what he was elected to do and here is a congress doing nothing, abrogating their mission and rattling bladeless sabers at the only one in Washington who is doing the right thing. They should all be ashamed.
The Right has been so busy attacking the President for the last eight years that they have ignored the fact that they actually have a job to do in Washington that doesn’t involve the black guy in the White House. One of their most time consuming projects has been to prove that Obama, Susan Rice and Hilary Clinton were somehow at fault with the destruction of our facilities in Benghazi and the murder of four Americans there.
The GOP has formed enough panels and congressional committees on the subject to have investigated the History of the World since the flood, but none of them have come up with any of the results that the intellectually bankrupt GOP so desperately wants.
Finally the Republican led, House Select Committee, which is now involved in the umpteenth investigation of Benghazi has concluded that the military and the CIA both responded appropriately. Neither was told to stand down and Secretary Rice’s talking points where not in any way an indication that either she or the President diminished the importance of the issue. Basically this decision by a Republican tribunal should finally put this to rest, except, of course for a few irrational fanatics like Ted Cruz who will bluster and blabber about anything he can think of to attack the President or the White House.
Of course political life being what it is, the fact that the now definitive investigation, made it clear that the GOP was wrong about the whole thing, will probably have little importance to the whackos. This is only the latest report to come to the same conclusion and we all know that truth means nothing to the Right.
John Boehner has called the President, Caesar and indicated that he is acting like an emperor, over the immigration issue. Well, if Obama is Caesar then Boehner is Brutis and McConnell is Cassius, the men who betrayed him and the state for personal greed.
Listened to a guy named Adolpho Franco, the other day.
This guy is really off the diving board. He claims that Obama is forcing the immigration issue to pressure congress to shut down the government so they will look bad. Is this Republican thought or what? This is the kind of thing the GOP would like to pull off but isn’t bright enough to make happen. It doesn’t matter how bad you hurt the country as long as you get what you want.
Franco, a former advisor to John McCain has attacked the immigration bill that passed the Senate and now wallows in the House because it was too long to read. That’s perfect. Now all we have to do is figure out if he is saying that the members of the House can’t read or if they are too lazy to be bothered? Either way his opposition lines up perfectly with the lazy, incompetent far right, which dominates that infantile chamber. It shows a party that is incapable of doing their jobs in any functional manner. Is that what this GOP clown really wants to say on national TV?
Matt Dowd, a pretty smart guy, who despite this was a former strategist for Bush & Cheney, is often very hard to figure out. He states that we absolutely have to do something about immigration and then claims that the President was wrong in moving ahead on the immigration issue. When it’s put to him that Obama did what he did because something had to be done and the Republicans weren’t doing anything, Dowd replies with a smarmy grin, that just because something doesn’t work for you, does that make it all right to ignore the constitution? It’s an interesting statement but it has nothing to do with anything real. Obama isn’t ignoring the constitution. He is following is assiduously.
It isn’t that this situation wasn’t working for someone, it wasn’t working for anyone, and I’m not speaking here about congress. We are dealing with 11 million people who live every day in fear, and that isn’t right, even if you are a Republican and find dealing with this problem inconvenient.
Congress is being paid to do a job, work for the American people and for a year and a half they have done zip on this problem. The president has said over and over, if you don’t do something, I have to. They didn’t and he did. Hooray for the President. At least he recognizes the function of government.
What Dowd doesn’t see is that the constitution doesn’t give the congress the right to be a bunch of lazy, shiftless assholes.
Anna Navarro, one of the really dumb Republican talking heads who has managed to become a regular on Sunday morning programming has decided that after the primaries, the Republican party is now being led by the Tea Party, despite that fact that the Tea Party took a serious drubbing by the mainliners. What Anna fails to see or acknowledge is that the Tea Party, because they thought their victory in 2010 was going to last forever, loaded on the hubris and completely screwed up everything they got involved in. Since the Tea Party victory in the House, noting beneficial for the nation has happened in congress. If that’s success for Anna, then maybe she should just sit still and keep her mouth shut.