Truth as a Foreign Language


Congress ducked a bullet recently, putting off the funding of the DHS for another week. The problem as outlined everywhere, is that the Republicans want to attach a rider to the funding bill stopping the President from acting on immigration, while the Democrats want a clean bill on funding and to take up the immigration problem later.

It’s typical politics in Washington, with the Republican’s, by their choice to stick the immigration stuff onto the funding bill, painting themselves into a corner. Now they are stuck with it. The question becomes; are there voters out there dumb enough, that they don’t understand how important this bill is, and how the Republicans are endangering the country by fooling around with it just so they won’t have to do the work of drafting another bill on immigration. Or are there voters out there smart enough that they understand that the GOIP has come up with this piggyback solution to their problem because they know they can’t get a bill stopping Obama’s immigration move, passed, and they are willing to endanger our security to try and get their way.

You listen to the House members babble about the President’s illegal and unconstitutional actions and it’s like listening to Adolph Hitler scream out the big lie. You repeat it often enough and loud enough and regardless of its veracity people will begin to believe you and parrot you.

There is nothing illegal or unconstitutional about what Obama has done on immigration. He has carefully cherry picked the options available to him that don’t offend the constitution. The Right has never wanted to compete on a level plain and they still don’t. They are playing shamelessly to the poor white trash element of their base, telling them that brown people will flock across the border and take their lowest level jobs if Obama gets his way. The truth is, there will be competition, but unlike anything the GOP normally sets up, it will be fair competition.

I am so sick of double talking politicians, never giving a straight answer to any question. You ask them the time of day and they tell you that it is the same time today that it was at this time yesterday. I know that the American public feels the same way and it is reflected in congress’s 9% approval rating. Joe Stalin had a better rating in Hungry. Adolph Hitler has a better rating today in Tel Aviv.

I feel, in this particular situation, the same about Democrats as I do about Republicans. They are all self-serving, dishonest and beneath contempt. Yes, many issues are more complicated than the question asked but most are not, and for most a yes or no answer will illuminate a real position. Sure many answers require qualifiers, but even those should start with a yes or no. I don’t think I have heard a legitimate yes or no answer in Washington since Bill Clinton said he liked girls.

Chris Christie started out by almost saying yes or no but unfortunately most of his straight-forward answers were flat-out lies. It took Chris Wallace almost a dozen re-phrasings of the same question to get Scott Walker to admit that he had changed his former pro-choice position on abortion to pro-life. Why this torture? Just say what the hell you mean and have the stones to take the hit, just like you want to take the praise.

Watched Steve Scalise double talk his way through a series of questions by Chris Wallace over the talks with Iran and over the vote on funding in congress and he never once answered a single question with a straight answer. I would have liked Wallace to ask him if his name was Scalise, just to see how he answered.

No one outside of the GOP knew much about Scalise before the noise a couple of weeks ago about his speaking to a bunch of bigoted David Duke fascists; an accusation that many of us poo pooed, but it is now becoming clear that Scalise is someone, to whom the truth is a foreign language.

The real reason for the kind of political double talk that comes out of the mouths of people like Scalise, Boehner, McConnell, et al, is that they don’t want you to know the truth of either their positions or their goals, because they know that if you did, you would be out campaigning to have their heads on a stick.

Listening to these liars and truth evaders discuss the current mess over the funding of the DHS while trying to make a big deal out of the President’s move on immigration is like running on a treadmill. Every one of them spouts the same invented bullshit and none of them will admit anything that is obvious to even the most intellectually challenged listener.

“The President said 22 times that he didn’t have the authority to do this.”

No he didn’t. He said 22 times that he didn’t have the authority to do something that he isn’t doing because he didn’t have that authority. Instead he did what he did because he does have the authority to do that. If you aren’t bright enough to understand this you should stand in a corner and keep your mouth shut

“It’s illegal and unconstitutional.”

Not in this country, only in the trailer park of your dreams. When you learn to read you should give the constitution a shot. That way you will know what you are talking about when you refer to it.

The ever evasive Steve Scalise, was joined on the tube by Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader of the House who expressed these same evasions and half-truths in even greater detail. They both know but neither of them admits that they are making a huge deal about something that Obama can’t do unless he wins the lawsuit currently worming its way through the courts. They choose to ignore the fact that the President’s action will probably never see the light of day during his remaining years in office because after this suit, it will in all probability, have to face another suit before the Supreme Court.

When faced by the question; why did the GOP choose to make this fight when it wasn’t necessary, they can’t come up with a sensible answer. Well, they could but they don’t want to because to do that they would have to admit that their party is actually being run by the 40 or 50 crazies that come from the red neck, trailer park world, that insane element of their party that sees no logic, that accepts no reasoning, that exists only to repeat the lies, promulgated by the likes of Ted Cruz, Scalise and McCarthy.

I watched McCarthy say that his first priority as Majority Leader of the House is the security of America yet he and his followers are causing chaos over a move by Obama that may never come to fruition. The intelligent move by McCarthy should be to pass the damned funding bill and wait to see what the courts do with Obama’s immigration action. But dummies like McCarthy never make the smart move, which is why our congress hasn’t done anything in six years and why they have an approval rating slightly lower than Bubonic Plague.

This idiot claims that his congress is looking to move ahead on taxes, trade, education and infrastructure. How? How will these morons move ahead on anything when they can’t even fund Homeland Security, a concept that everyone agrees must me done. They already exist in a state of such incompetence, that they have managed to screw up a bill, on which there was universal acceptance. Trying to pass any legislation on which there is more than one legitimate opinion will, for them, be absolutely impossible.

These guys are hopeless. They are a bunch of non-functioning clowns, elected by gerrymandered electorates whose voters are not intelligent enough to recognize either the problems of the country, or who has the ability to identify and solve them. As long as one of our two major parties bases all their programs on the acceptance of a minority of brain dead voters known as “the base,” this country will never again come close to achieving its true place in history.