Today, as people across the nation morn the deaths of simple worshippers at the hand of a bigoted, demented killer, the stars and stripes and the state flag of South Carolina are flying at half -mast over the South Carolina Capital building, but the Confederate flag that enduring symbol of racial hatred, inexplicably flies over the same building at the top of its pole.
Does this surprise anyone? It shouldn’t. The mentality that allows the Confederate flag to fly at all, anywhere in the United States, is so warped and twisted that it isn’t surprising that those responsible for that flag flying over the state capital of South Carolina or anywhere else, don’t see the discrepancy of it flying at full mast on a day of morning caused by the same bigotry and stupidity that were responsible for that flag existing in the first place.
Why the hell are southerners so damn faithful to the notion of the confederacy? It is the ultimate loser cause, born out of bigotry and greed. It was a war the south should never have lost, but they did. They had all the professional soldiers, most of the cavalry and weapons and they had the most to gain financially but they were defeated by a bunch of stumbling northern liberals who found out how to fight when they saw a moral good worthy of fighting for.
And yet, despite the fact that they were crushed in a most humiliating fashion, the south has never let go of the confederacy, never abandoned it the way we abandon bad decisions, faulted projects and cars that don’t sell. No, the south has clung to this symbol of their crushing defeat, with flags and posters and the dumbest bumper stickers ever devised by man. Like all true losers, they are constantly celebrating defeat and stupidity.
And when one of our leaders finally stands up and names the problem for what it is, bigoted white terrorism, and tries to take away the terrorists weapons, we will once again see the overwhelming counterattack by those whose financial interest is in those weapons; the military industrial complex that stays rich on a whole list of death tools from handguns to nuclear bombs. We will witness the counter attack of tens of thousands of workers whose livelihoods depend on making these machines of war, of billions of dollars in profit that is gained by causing the death of the innocent.
Man is a terrifying beast, who even without guns, has long ago proven, he can create death in stupefying numbers. It is therefore incomprehensible that we spend our sons and daughters, our natural resources and our savings to attack a potential terrorist force in a foreign land, that has shown no ability to kill our citizens in any number even remotely equal to what we can do in our own land with our own people. What we should be doing is using all those resources to attack the problems and weapons of our own, homegrown terrorism.
The mayor of Charleston goes on national TV and disowns the killer, whining that he is not like the people of that fine city but if the sick little bigoted punk looks up, as they are loading him into the paddy wagon, he will see the confederate flag, flying at full mast, the obvious symbol of the disgusting philosophy that drives him and haters like him.
The GOP seems to be having a lot of trouble understanding or more important admitting, what went on in Charlotte. Most of the candidates, led by Rick Santorum, have spun this obviously bigoted act of hatred as an attack on religious liberty and the church. Yes, it happened in a church, it could just as easily have happened in a gas station, a whorehouse or the steps of the state capital.
How are they able to construct this fantasy world, of which they speak? Well, it seems that the GOP isn’t going to get any black votes in the primary so they are appealing to white evangelical Christians by calling this an attack on religious freedom. Sure, it’s ludicrous bullshit but when did that ever bother Republicans. These are the people you can tell are lying just because their lips are moving.
After all, when the guy who did the deed says out loud that he is doing this to kill black people and he’s carrying out a race war, it’s not easy to argue that he did it because he hates God and the church. You have to be one serious liar to pull that one off and none of these clowns are that good at anything.
The fact that there is controversy about whether or not to get rid of the confederate flag is truly amazing when one understands that it is as much symbol of hate and bigotry as the Nazi swastika. Even as this episode played out, a group of ignorant haters had sued the State of Texas, which had set out to remove confederate flags from all state buildings, license plates and bumper stickers. The courts ruled that bumper stickers were free speech but that the flag had to be removed from all government property, including license plates. What the hell, the stickers will give hunters who disagree with the driver’s philosophy something to aim at.
Those who have raised the demon of guns and our lack of control of them are faced with morons like, Charles Cotton, the board member of the NRA who attacked the murdered pastor of the church because he promoted gun control measures in the state legislature the previous year. This idiot, thought the pastor had gotten his just deserts for not carrying a gun in his own church. This is the kind of brain dead moron we are dealing with in the gun controversy.
Of course the President made his pitch for more gun control even if he did it in a tone of resignation and then a couple of the political types that can turn any tragedy into a way to try and score political points, spoke to the fact that no matter how much Obama wanted to change the gun laws after Newtown, he had accomplished nothing. Of course that’s true. So this time he didn’t even propose legislation to that effect. Why?
Well, unlike the clowns in congress who tried over 50 times to unseat the ACA, knowing that nothing would happen but proving how ignorant and unrealistic they were, Obama realized the futility of trying to push gun legislation through a hostile and cowardly congress and just didn’t waste the time or money needed to proceed with such a folly.
If anything is ever to be done on the gun control issue, two things have to happen first. Citizens United must be replaced and the gun lobby must be closed down through a series of bribery indictments. Two years ago, after Newtown, Obama did send legislation to congress. That legislation was defeated in the Senate by cowardly Democrats who were running for office. That same kind of despicable cowardice, is what will keep anything from happening now.
The flag question has taken over all political discussion. Governor Romney has come out forcefully that the flag should come down, that it is a symbol of racial bigotry. But Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio have copped out on it, saying that it is up to the people of South Carolina to make this decision, that they are smart enough to make the right decision. Are they? If they are, why is it still flying 150 years after their defeat in the Civil War? And why can’t we get a straight opinion from these cowards? Of course it’s up to the people of South Carolina but that shouldn’t stop a presidential candidate from having an opinion.
Only Governor Kasich of Ohio actually had the guts to
inform us of his feelings on this situation when he says he thinks it should go,
A recent poll shows that the nation is equally divided into 49% who think the confederate flag is a symbol of race hatred and bigotry and 49% who think it is a symbol of southern pride. What pride? These are traitors who tried to leave the union so they could continue to subjugate human beings and profit from their slavery. What kind of monster takes pride in that? If that’s a symbol of southern pride, southern pride doesn’t exist.
Then Rick Santorum after a very intelligent interview with Martha Raddatz, refused to give an opinion on the flag issue. To her credit Raddatz came right after him, stating that he is a candidate for the Presidency and it is his responsibility to let the public know what his opinion is. He still showed the yellow flag and backed off
So why do I find this little scum a terrorist. All you have to do is look at the circumstances of his indoctrination into the terrorist white supremacist movement. It is a perfect parallel to the indoctrination of the ISIS or al-Qaeda movements. The young and uniformed are pumped full of twisted ideology and then sent out to do damage. It is exactly the same and then the young man goes out and kills people with no regard to his own safety.
This is absolutely terrorist activity and it must be treated as such and those, in this case the white supremacy movement, must be treated as the terrorist organizations that they are. They preach hate and death and they must be stopped, stamped out like the cockroaches that they are. We must define the symbols of hate, differentiate them from free speech and single them out as defining terrorists. If we don’t we are just allowing a much worst terrorist threat than any that comes from The Middle East or Islam. We are allowing a terrorist organization to flourish within our own nation.