Election Views #4

Bernie Sanders was interviewed recently on ABC and as has been his custom, he answered every question with a straight answer – except one. That question had to do with whether o not he thought Hillary was dishonest. He avoided the question by saying that he saw no value in personal attacks, whether or not he agreed with her stances on the issues in question. What he should have said was that he couldn’t see himself responding to questions about Hilary’s honesty, when the most dishonest bunch of clowns ever to pollute the political airways are the ones that posed them


Watched Ben Carson being interviewed on Meet the Press. He is a very smart guy as evidenced by both his answers to the questions and his background as a brain surgeon. His problem is that he just doesn’t come across as presidential. That along with his lack of a political or business  background and no evidence, as yet, of leadership ability, will definitely stand against him. He strikes one as the kind of guy who you would like to have advising your team, not leading it.

On the other side of the intelligence coin, my wife thinks his remark that there is no war on women but only what is inside women makes him look like a dummy.


Donald trump on an interview on ABC did exactly what he has accused every other candidate of doing. He was asked a series of tough questions and he evaded every one. Where’s the guy who’s not afraid to speak his mind? This guy is so full of crap it’s running out of his ears.


If I hear one more moron talk about securing the border, I think I will shoot him. Anyone who is so stupid that he thinks the border isn’t secure has obviously no knowledge of ours or anyone else’s borders. The only border that has ever been absolutely secure was the Russian sector of Berlin during the cold war. The idea of building a wall is so brain dead that it should disqualify anyone from any office in the country. Scott Walker is especially guilty of this and other faults that show him unable to think straight enough to clean sewers. Watched an interview between him and Stephanopoulos and he never answered one single question straight. This guy wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

Stephanopoulos asked him two of the easiest questions you can ask a politician and he came up with nothing but bullshit on both.

  • Do you believe in the 14th Amendment?
  • Do you believe that Hillary’s email problems will hurt her long range?

Now what Republican couldn’t answer those two questions? The answer: Scott Walker.

It wasn’t that Walker didn’t know the answers. It was just that he is incapable of answering any question with a straight statement. He is the sleaziest pol ever.


The Republican’s got all their candidates on a couple of stages recently, and were supposed to let us see what these 17 people had to say about what they would do if elected president. It turned out to be a giant clusterf**k.

Carly Fiorina was on MSNBC later with Chris Matthews. She explained that her goal was to introduce herself to the 60% of the Republican Party who had never heard of her. Fiorina’s entire platform seems to be nothing but an attack on everything Hillary, which makes her look like nothing but an attack dog for the GOP. It just shows that like the rest of this dog pack, she has no plan to govern.

Watching the lead up to this fiasco was really entertaining. The reporters and commentators were all a-flutter. There hasn’t been more excitement among the media for any event in memory. They were all like twelve-year-old girls awaiting an appearance b Justin Bieber at their school gym.

Who did what in the debate? Christie and Rand duked it out. Christie won but it didn’t seem to hurt either one. It was the ever-present Donald Trump who probably lost it. He looked like the loudmouthed bully he is, when he went after Megyn Kelly. He lost it again in his answer to the immigration question. He didn’t do himself any favors tonight but it didn’t seem to matter to his backers. Marco Rubio looked pretty good on a number of questions especially on the economy but he still looks like a kid among adults. Maybe he’ll be ready in 2024. Kasich isn’t a great speaker but he generally made more sense than did most of the candidates, while Walker seemed to disappear. Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee both proved that they are not Presidential material though each had a modicum of success. The big surprise was Ted Cruz, not because he stopped lying, but because he did it very well and was slick as whale shit.


Egomaniac: the perfect description of Donald Trump. After blowing the debate he calls into Morning Joe, blubbers about how he’s in the 30’s in a lot of polls after the debate and how he’s getting bigger and bigger but under it all is the whine about how the questions he answered were not fair. Oh, he can live with that, he says but he’s still bitching about the unfair questions.

Then, of course he goes on telling everyone on the show how much he’s worth, how much he makes and how successful he is. People who are successful don’t have to broadcast it all the time, not unless they have brutal inferiority complexes. He brags, despite the bankruptcies aimed at screwing creditors, that he never personally went bankrupt but that only means he has always protected his own money; it’s everyone else who has invested in him that is always getting screwed. Do we really want this guy taking care of the country’s money?


Just about every one of the GOP candidates had something bad to say about Hillary Clinton. Considering that they have to run against each other before they even run into Hillary, that says just one thing. They are all scared stiff of her. Carly Fiorina, the lady who has nothing to recommend her as a presidential candidate, was most eloquent at calling Hillary a liar. Unfortunately for Ms Fiorina she wasn’t very truthful herself.

It’s very easy to stand up on a stage and throw out accusations when no one in the hall wants to call you on them because they all desperately hope you’re right. Carly called Hillary a liar in regard to Benghazi. Considering that there have been six different investigations into that unfortunate incident, all run by Republicans, and none of them could assign any blame to Clinton, isn’t is about time for the rest of the party to understand that there is no there, there?

Carly says that the election will be between the GOP candidate and a Democrat, who has no character. What the hell does she know about character? Looking at the two dais’ last night one could see maybe two out of seventeen candidates that had any character at all and only one that would not lie to make a point or who would not change his point of view to gain one vote. That was John Kasich.


Jeb Bush stated this weekend that his use of the term “anchor babies,” referred to Asian babies not Hispanic ones. Really? Has another Bush gone over the edge? Does he somehow think that this change of ethnic origin makes it better? Has he completely lost his mind? It looks like Trump has beaten Bush into the ground and all that is left is a babbling, mumbling, incoherent fool.


The news this morning was full of stories about Joe Biden and will he run. Look, we all love Joe Biden but for him to commit now would be a mistake. Everybody loves Joe now, before he has announced, but the second he decides to run all the old bad stuff will rush to the surface. Joe’s image is that of the lovable but bumbling VP and that’s not the guy we want to elect as President.

Joe’s a great guy but we need a shark as president right now. Everybody is hyped about Hillary’s email problems but a year from now those problems will have faded and the fact hat she is an intelligent, forceful, caring woman who knows how to get stuff done, something that no one else on either side with the possible exceptions of Kasich, Sanders and at least in the construction world, Trump, can boast.