Hillary’s Great Crime


So the Republicans have created a new crime with which to attack Hillary. It isn’t mass murder or genocide because if it were, they’d have to also accuse their war-mongering candidates, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It isn’t destroying the environment, because if it was, they’d have to attack the oil promoting Bush family and it isn’t cheating and bribing because if it were they’d first have to attack the union busting, bankruptcy filing Donald Trump. These heinous crimes are all kept to themselves because they have now come up with a real humdinger.

Whitewater didn’t work, nor did any of the other phony scams they tried to run against the first lady when her husband was in the White House. Benghazi backfired when she went before the hopefully last money wasting committee to investigate it and handed them their collective lunch. Like good little dogs after a bone the GOP keeps chasing the myth of her email server but each devastating revelation turns out to be a pathetic dud; so having accepted that, they have now conjured the greatest crime of all. She actually makes money! Good God who’d a thought it?

Not only does Hillary actually make money, she makes lots of money, up to a quarter of a million for a speaking engagement. That’s serious capitalism. But it’s also entrepreneurial, because no corporate giant is employing her and giving her a bonus for doing nothing. She is her own woman, demanding and getting paid what she thinks she’s worth. If this were Carly Fiorina she would be bragging about how she was a self-made woman, competing with men at the highest level. But Hillary doesn’t have to brag. She’s done it. She’s done a lot more of it than anyone else who’s running.

If corporate America wants to shell out a quarter of a million bucks to the former First Lady, former Senator, former Secretary of State, to speak to their people and maybe imbue a little hint of how she’s done what she’s done, and how they should pay attention and learn how to do it, that’s on corporate America.

The Republicans, who proselytize for exactly what Hillary is doing, are attacking her for doing it better then them. They are attacking her because she is better at whatever she is doing then that dreary cast of candidates they have dragged before the American public. The only one of whom, that can hold our attention is so clownish as to be almost universally un-presidential. The fanatics in the GOP might want a blustering, foul mouthed, sight gag of a buffoon as their candidate but most of America would like to be proud of, not embarrassed, by the person who sits in the White House.

Yes, there are Republican candidates who would probably not embarrass us. They are, unfortunately, either too timid or just not functionally up to the job. So what does the GOP do about this? They could promote someone else in their party who can do the job, but there are very few of those. They attack Hillary for being so functional she get’s paid a huge hunk of money for doing something that no one in their party has shone the ability to do, teach a corporate audience how to act like real Americans.

Hillary makes her money off the likes of Wall Street. Trump makes his money off the backs of his underpaid, non-union workers or those he manages to cheat in bankruptcy. Which is better for the American people? No other candidate except Jeb Bush projects any serious wealth and everyone knows that the Bush empire was built on poisonous fossil fuel, which included engaging with many of the same Arabs we are now fighting. Wasn’t it George who hustled his Saudi buddies onto a plane and in violation of his own no fly edict? He got them out of the country when a bunch of Saudis attacked the World Trade Center, a sin for which George was quick to blame Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe if Jeb gets in office we can bomb Israel. That would make the Bush loving Saudi’s ecstatic.

But back to the great sin! Yes both Clintons have made a lot of money in the years after their service to the country. The key is not how much they made but what they did with it. Did they, like many corporate billionaires erect a monument to their own magnificence? Are hey now living in a fifty million dollar castle in the Hamptons? Actually they live in a very comfortable but certainly not opulent home in a suburb of NYC.

Did they buy up pieces of all kinds of environmentally poisonous industries? They probably have their share of good investments but the giant image of their success is not an investment portfolio but a charitable foundation, one of the biggest, most important in the world; one that because of its success has been the target of envious and devious opponents who attack it on the grounds that it takes money from people, companies and even governments who are not completely in agreement with the United States goals on all issues. Sure, they do this, why not? If you can get money from a government that is starving its people and use that money to feed those people, why not? That bad government is still going to starve those people but maybe you can do some good with its money.

The big accusation against Hillary and the Clinton Initiative is that they take money from the wrong places. Right now, in Hillary’s case, it’s Wall Street. Well if you can get Wall Street to pay to help cure the damage they have done, why not? They’ve been scalping the country for years, maybe it’s about time someone gave them a little trim. We’re not saying that all Hillary’s paychecks go into the Initiative but that the Initiative, like Hillary and Bill, have presented no logical reason to be attacked for making money. In the Initiative’s case we know what they do with it. It’s a matter of public record. If we could get Russia to give us money to feed the hungry in the Ukraine, would that be a bad thing? Only a Republican would find reason to attack that deal and the grounds for the attack, like the grounds for their attack on Hillary for charging Wall Street too much money for a speaking engagement, would be political, not logical or moral. But what can you expect. The GOP has no moral standards only political goals.


3 thoughts on “Hillary’s Great Crime

  1. And herein lies the evil — corporate America is pulling the strings, and Hillary is their shill. Wake up!

    “If corporate America wants to shell out a quarter of a million bucks to the former First Lady, former Senator, former Secretary of State, to speak to their people and maybe imbue a little hint of how she’s done what she’s done, and how they should pay attention and learn how to do it, that’s on corporate America.”

  2. Do doubt that you exposed the truth of
    the attacks on Hillary. Thank you. The Republicans will continue to fund any and every attempt to destroy her. How devious and mean and yes, immoral. It frightens me to see such evil forces working relentlessly on a negative path. Power is strangling our democracy as they try to “kill” her.

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