A New Joe McCarthy:
Peter King is Joe McCarthy. It is true that in the last ten years, a majority of the terrorist attacks around the world, have been perpetrated by followers of Islam, so Peter King has decided that all Muslims are terrorists.
That’s like saying; Bill is Italian. All Mafia members are Italian therefore Bill is a member of the Mafia. It’s fallacious logic, something used quite commonly by right wing politicians and especially the demagogues like King that inhabit their ranks.
King’s call for a congressional hearing about Muslim interaction with the terrorist movement has no point, other then to get King’s name in the papers and his face on TV. We already have the FBI, CIA, NSA and various other government organizations looking into this and anything that could be uncovered by this carefully orchestrated carnival will be found to have already been studied by those Federal agencies long before it is revealed by anything King can put together.
Our nation has already made this mistake once. Remember the Nisi camps during WWII? Will we, once again, be too stupid to learn from our mistakes?
King is a clown, a dangerous clown, because stupid people are always dangerous: they do stupid things. In accusing an entire religious population he manages to alienate at least some segment of that population that takes umbrage at being falsely branded.
It would be foolish to think that there are no prospective terrorists in the Muslim population of this country. It would be just as foolish and very wrong to paint the entire Muslim population with the same brush. King knows this. He isn’t as stupid as he sounds, just, as I said, stupid enough to be dangerous. Stupid enough to, by his self-serving actions, create terrorists or terrorist sympathizers where none exist now. His pathetic attempt at self-aggrandizement can only have a negative result. He’s a disgrace to his constituency and more important a disgrace to New York State.
Then we hear from Akbar Ahmed in a 3/7/11 piece in the NY Times op-ed section, in which he makes sincere suggestions as to how King could conduct the hearings so that they add to the American/Muslim dialog in a positive way. It’s a truly heartening concept but this pathetic do-gooder has to get his head out of the sand and understand how the world works. King isn’t trying to uncover any kind of truth, Akbar. The government security agencies already know ten times more than will be uncovered by his panel of publicity seekers. He wants his name in the papers and his face on TV. He wants to think in terms of 2012 and his chances to be president. The last thing he wants to do is present anything that could be considered as fair and unbiased toward the Muslim community. It’s a put up job, Akbar and your lovely article only proves that you are as clueless as the trailer park trash that voted for King.
The question about King really should be, how did this former IRA and terrorism supporter, and that’s what he is, get to be a big deal at Homeland Security. Don’t we vet these guys? This is a degenerate, and I paraphrase, who called the accidental killings of women and children by IRA bombs, regrettable but not something he could blame the IRA for. And we let this trash look for other terrorists? What is wrong with congress? Don’t any of these clowns have any brains or sense of right and wrong?
Congratulations to the people and the rulers of Oman, a middle eastern Muslim state with progressive leadership and a citizenry who understand the values of modern leadership. Despite a momentary blip a couple of weeks ago, they have come to their senses and realized that they are living in an ideal, progressive state, under the most moderate of Islamic leaderships and that they are in a position to set an peaceful example for the entire Muslim world.
Newt Gingrich has announced his desire to be president of the United States starting in 2012. Is he kidding? This low-life cheated on a wife suffering from cancer with the woman who would be his second wife. Then cheated on his second wife with his third wife. Then he has the stones to fight gay marriage by lecturing on the sanctity of marriage. This paragon of virtue was the one who led the witch-hunt over the stained dress that wrecked Clinton’s second term, even as he was having an affair with third wife Callista, while still married to his second wife. There’s got to be a more damning word than hypocrite to describe this guy but his behavior s causing me to have a senior moment. Suffice it to say that he is the least among us, and just the thought of this despicable trash becoming president of this country is enough to make one yearn for Sarah Palin.
Of course, as soon as his infidelity became public knowledge, old Newt, in a new burst of patriotism, decided that this disgraceful behavior, was caused by his extreme love of country. Wait, it gets better. He’s quoted in the Associate Press as saying that, “…driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.” Sure, he fell off the podium and landed in Callista. Gee Newt, my heart goes out to you. I wonder how your first wife felt about the other one when she was getting chemo?
Republican’s have always seen themselves as the champions of America’s children. George Bush, despite the view that he could neither read nor write, always wanted to be known as the Education president. Today’s conservatives, advocates of low spending, are always running off at the mouth about their concern for the burden of debt on our children. It’s a legitimate concern that should have the attention of everyone.
So how come the conservatives are busy cutting spending on education and children’s health issues. Maybe it’s because they held out for an extension of a tax on the richest people in the country, a tax that many of those rich people have admitted they don’t need. It’s dumb policy, pushed by greedy politicians who are doing it only because they don’t want to incur the anger of the rest of the rich guys who they need to finance their next campaign.
Saw Gavin Newsom, Lt. Governor of California on Bill Mahr the other night. This guy already looks like presidential material. He’s intelligent and charismatic. He knows how to frame an argument and he’s very telegenic. This last is a big reason why many of the Republican politicians have gotten elected. They are a very pretty group of guys; all that silver grey hair and those chiseled features. They must do great with the girls on the stump and we already know about their stunning success rate in airport men’s rooms.
In an assault on the Mount Everest of moronic politicians, Michelle Bachman has almost reached the summit. Not satisfied with just being dumb as a post, Michelle feels obligated to, once again, prove her lack of gray matter, by moving the geological locations of Concord and Lexington, Massachusetts to New Hampshire, and doing it in a prepared speech. Nobody expects her to be a genius. She’s already established her lack of intellectual credentials with her positions on things like healthcare and the deficit but when are women going to stop promoting the worst of their gender for national office? I always thought women were smarter than men but faced with the likes of Bachman, O’Donnell, Palin and Angel, I am forced to completely rethink that position.