Sara Huckabee Sanders went on the tube to announce to Chuck Schumer that she and her fellow bottom feeders at the White House were going to give him instructions in negotiating. This would be hilarious if it weren’t so ridiculous. That this degenerate liar, who on an almost daily basis, stands before the White House press corps and without conscience, lies to them and to the American people, could give lessons in anything but the death of truth is beyond comprehension. In fact, she gives every appearance of having gone directly from a job in the stock room at Walmart’s to being a spokesperson for the Liar-in-Chief. That she has the gall to be telling anyone but the guy who cleans the johns how to do their job, staggers the imagination. Her poor father must be sitting at his desk with a gun in his mouth every time his lying daughter disgraces his family on the tube.
Right now the nation, or a least the Fox news part of the nation, is reading the following headlines:
Evidence points to a massive scandal brewing at the FBI.
No choice but to appoint a second prosecutor to investigate FBI.
The FBI is looking guilty a hell in the Russia probe.
The stench at Obama’s justice Department and the FBI.
It’s really all about attacking the Mueller probe as it zeros in on Trump and his inability to know the truth from his lies. It’s obvious that panic is running amok in GOP circles now that Trump, unable to hold his blabbering tongue, has told the nation that he would welcome testifying under oath to Mueller’s investigators. The result of this idiotic statement has put all of Trump’s lawyers on suicide watch. They know their client has no ability to speak the truth through any interview that lasts past the first question and that he will surely implicate himself in something felonious. It is therefore imperative that the GOP protects their President by impugning the veracity of all Justice Department sources like the FBI, which is accumulating evidence against Trump or Mueller’s group who are constructing the case against him. But maybe the worst part of this whole mess is that this nation has adjusted its laws to allow a foreign fascist like Rupert Murdock of Australia, to buy his way into the American media, which he is now using to undercut our Democracy. It’s time we got this foreign degenerate out of our information pipeline.
Trump has spent a lot of time bragging about how great the market is doing and how it is all his doing. Well, the other day the market dropped 1172 points, a new record for failure. Funny thing, he didn’t seem able to find a way to spin that to show what a master of the market he really is.
Was watching a clip of Trump at a speech in Ohio the other day. He was standing in front of the cast of “Deliverance,” when he started up on the fact at the Democrats didn’t stand and cheer for him during his “State of Trump” speech. Now forget that they disagreed with almost everything he said, forget the fact that they saw him as a degenerate bully who was destroying their country. The important point here is that he called them treasonous for not backing his obscene policies. The next point here is, Trump doesn’t have the faintest idea of what treasonous means. He thinks, as do all would-be dictators, that if you disagree with the leader, you are a traitor. What he doesn’t understand is, when the leader acts in opposition to our constitution, which Trump does all the time; it is the leader, who is the traitor. What the Democrats were doing is called political opposition but Trump doesn’t understand that. He thinks that now that he has been elected God, he is the omnipotent power and any opposition to his twisted ideas are treason. He’s not stupid. He’s just insane.
The Democrats sent their answer to the Nunes memo to the White House before they released it. Those who have read both memos characterize them as a doctorate thesis sitting next to a fourth grade book report. So what’s new about that?
I know that the Dems think they have to support the FBI in this mess but the Nunes Memo was so poor a document and proved absolutely nothing so maybe the world will be better off if it were forgotten and all these congressmen got back to their jobs instead of all this committee crap they are indulging in now.
Trump loves to talk about how well the stock market is doing. That’s great but who has been in charge of the Federal Reserve Bank while the market achieved all this fabulous growth? Janet Yellin! And who did Trump dump as a reward for her leadership of the markets for the last eight years? Janet Yellin. And what happened on the day Trump dumped Janet Yellin? The market tanked by 1172 points. Really says a lot about Trump’s knowledge of the national financial situation and what he is bragging about.
John Kelly spent 40 odd years in the military and managed to emerge with an exemplary record. He was known to have possessed a serious sense of integrity as well as being a man of honor and valor. He has now been in the Trump White House for less than a year and has exposed himself as a bigot in his opinions of the Dreamers and a man willing to accept abominable behavior from his aide Rob Porter who has been accused of abusing two ex-wives. So the question is; what’s wrong with Kelly? Why has he suddenly shown these ugly sides of his personality and this lack of moral integrity?
John Heilman thinks it’s because he is only now, for the first time, exposed to the ugly business of politics. But that would indicate a naiveté that is hard to believe. The other theory, much more believable is, he has been exposed to Trumpitis, a disease that infects and attacks the moral values of anyone who comes in contact with the great disease that is currently the Liar-In-Chief.
In the useless shit that Trump loves to have, category; Little Donnie Trump came up with a new desire for a piece of useless shit last week when he decided that he wanted a Biiiiiig parade so he could stand along the route and play with his balloons while the mighty tanks rolled by and tore up the streets of whatever city is dumb enough to host the parade. The parade goes in the same bag as the Wall. The question arises, how come a coward who tried so hard to stay out of military service loves the military so much? How come a guy who went to a military school, spent so much of his old mans money to stay out of the draft? Maybe the answer to both questions is that the uniforms and the music are a far cry from the guns, the dirt and the blood. Now those are things that little Donnie wants nothing to do with.
Top White House aide Rob Porter has resigned after accusations by two ex-wives of physical and other abuses. These accusations are directly from the files of the FBI and are accompanied by photos. But even if you are a ME TOO backer this is not the big problem. The big problem, if you care anything about your country or its security is, Porter who sat right next to the President and saw everything that went to his desk had no security clearance. How is this possible?
Trump screamed about Hillary’s emails and the lack of security around her private server and yet he has a man in a vital role with no security clearances. Trump blabs to the Russians about internal business with the FBI and has a son-in-law running our foreign policy, also without a security clearance; all security violations of the highest degree. It’s obvious that this clown has no interest in security when it becomes inconvenient for him. This is the jerk that 30% of the country still thinks is a good president who is defending our shores. I guess you can come to that conclusion if all you fear are Mexican housewives wading the Rio Grande with infants on their hips.
The Rob Porter mess has John Kelly about to resign after he accepted Porter knowing that because of his marital abuse history he had no security clearance. So now Trump has his daughter looking for a replacement. Those already mentioned are Mick Mulvaney, Mark Meadows, Gary Cohen and even Kellyanne Conway. This rogues gallery of bad monkeys shows why the White House has gone through staff like shit through a goose. None of these clowns should even be considered as a choice for dogcatcher. This accumulation of liars, cheats and incompetents demonstrates why this administration is failing horribly. The problem is, Trump is more interested in whether his choice will say yes to him than he is in knowing whether his choice understood the question..
Trump states and would like us to believe that he only just found out about Porter’s history of abuse. That means a year ago, he didn’t bother to ask why the FBI wouldn’t give this bum clearance? Wasn’t Trump interested? Did he care more about Porter’s allegiance to him than he did about his allegiance to America? If he did, doesn’t that make him a traitor to this country? The reality is that Trump doesn’t care and in not caring he is a clear and present danger to the nation.
Matthew Dowd hit the nail on the head on Sunday when he stated quite clearly that the problem with allowing Rob Porter to continue in his job in the White House ws not a problem with the staff, not with Kelly or Kellyanne or anyone else. The problem, like all problems, is that the fish stinks from the head. Donald Trump could not possibly pass an investigation that would give him clearance to use a Port-o-San outside the White House. We are talking about a serial abuser of women, a criminal con man who stole from people who got involved with Trump University, a cheat who stole from contractors who worked for him in construction and stiffed those to whom he owed money. This guy is a cheap crook and con man who couldn’t get clearance to walk past the White House. So why would we expect anyone who worked for him to have any values or morals. Trump poisons the well. That’s why the White House doesn’t work. The one who needs to go is Trump and the faster, the better.
Immigration myths Propagated by the Big Liar:
Under the current system, a single immigrant can create unlimited numbers of family connected immigrants.
Lie: Actually there are real limits on just who immigrant families can sponsor. Under current law green card holders can only sponsor their spouses and unmarried children. US citizens can also sponsor their parents, siblings and married children. Grandparents are still out of luck as are cousins and everyone else. But on top of this, that category of immigration is capped at 500,000 per year total. The number of siblings is capped a 6,000 and the number of married children at 23,400. There are also national guidelines. There is a waiting period of up to 15 years to process an application for families from India, 19 years from Mexico, 23 years from the Philippines. There are currently over 4 million applicants waiting their turn to see their applications processed. If this smells like open borders to you, you better get your nose out of Trump’s ass and start paying attention.
You amaze me. No matter what you have done and continue to do, there are no stones unturned. The ones before with creative production. The ones now with vermin crawling out from under.
Proud to have known and worked for/with you — even more proud of what you continue to be.