The War Against Children

Today, all over this country and across the world, children who wish to experience a complete life called BULLSHIT on the lies of the NRA and the weapons industry in general. There will be all sorts of numbers thrown around but the numbers of marchers are so high that they cannot be denied. I’m not just speaking about Washington, D.C. or even the United States. MSNBC ran a graphic showing where marches are scheduled. There were so many dots in the US that the map was obliterated but so was Europe and more dots clustered in North Africa, the Middle East, the Far East and Asia. This is a worldwide movement, a movement of sentient thought and controlled emotion.

Over the past fifty years, the parents and grand parents of these children have failed miserably to provide an intelligent plan for the dissemination of guns in this country. They’ve been bought off, threatened off and bulldozed by the greedy run-a-way train of the weapons industry and its degenerate tool, the NRA. The kids demonstrating today have already called bullshit on everything that the weapons industry and the NRA say they stand for. This isn’t about the Second Amendment or gun rights. This is about murdering our kids. This is about the essential American right; living without fear. And that trumps the Second Amendment. Hell, it trumps everything, because if we cannot live without fear we have no freedom and no life.


Living without fear is why immigrants have flocked to this nation for two centuries. They came here to abandon fear, but the barons of the weapons industry decided that they weren’t rich enough and they began a campaign of lies that sold their concept and most importantly their products to a gullible public that isn’t interested enough to understand the difference between a single shot hunting rifle and a weapon of war.

What has happened here is, the greedy lords of war are finding an opponent that has nothing to lose but their lives. They can’t be bought out of cushy congressional seat like our legislators; they can’t be threatened with being primaried by better-financed opposition. They can’t be convinced that an AR15 is the same as a single shot .30-.30. They can’t be sold on what they have already proclaimed bullshit because they have nothing to lose but their lives and at 15 or 16 or 19 there is nothing more important.

I don’t know if they are using the young anti-war demonstrators of the ‘60s as role models. Somehow I don’t think that they are. But if today is any indication, they are on track to do something just as important as the young people who forced a president to end the Vietnam War. They’re doing it because this war is against them. This war pits corporate greed against the lives of these young people who have taken to the streets to fight. This war kills more Americans every year than we ever did in Nam or in all the wars since.

So maybe, just maybe, the men and women who make up our congress have just enough intelligence and morals to look out at this sea of potential voters and understand that if they want to keep their cushy, well-paying jobs they better get the message. Those millions of marchers across the nation as well as the multi-millions who support them, represent a hell of a lot more votes that the NRA and the gun dealers will ever be able to bring together. That has always been true but now those millions of anti-gun demonstrators are ready to act – with a vengeance. If you don’t listen to them they will destroy you just like your tools of death have left so many Americans, bloody in the streets.

Trump is demanding that teachers now be paid to carry guns to “Protect” their classes. Yeah that’s what we need, one more incompetent turkey blasting away in a classroom full of kids. If you want to get an idea how well that will work you only have to look at the recently fired Parkland deputy and his three buddies who were actually armed and supposedly trained. When the shooting broke out. What did they do? They hid! These guys were specifically hired to protect the school and the community but they did nothing while teachers were getting killed trying to protect the kids with their bare hands. But that is the standard reaction to most of these things. You can’t pay someone to be a hero. They are, or they aren’t and there are really very few who are. The answer is not to protect the kids, the answer is to remove the guns.

Paying teachers extra to carry a gun will encourage many of them to strap one to their hip because they want the extra dough, but won’t mean any of them will pull those guns and try to use them to protect the kids when the shooting breaks out.

There were all kinds of people with guns when the Las Vegas shooting broke out but none of them broke cover to fire back at the shooter. The answer to preventing guns from shooting people is to prevent people from owning the wrong kinds of guns.

I find it fascinating that the GOP argument isn’t about guns but about all the failures of the system. No one saw this madman as a danger despite numerous complaints to all kinds of law enforcement over the years. The four deputies froze outside Parkland school in an unbelievable demonstration of cowardice and let the killer go on with his carnage. Those and many more examples of what wasn’t done seem to be the GOP’s excuse not to push for gun restriction. But that’s completely illogical. They are saying the system doesn’t work so we should give guns to more people, thereby allowing the system to fail on an even wider basis.

Yes, the system doesn’t work and that’s exactly why we must restrict guns. If we can’t control the guns we have, adding more is just going to cause more carnage. We must restrict them specifically because of the failure of the system. If the system worked maybe we wouldn’t have to restrict guns, but the bureaucracy never works 100% so we absolutely have to take the guns off the market. That is the only solution.

Donald Trump talks about how he has met with Wayne LaPierre and others of the NRA command and how they are great guys, real patriots who want desperately to solve the problem. That just tells you that Trump has no morals, fewer values and less brains, but we already knew that. It also tells you that Trump has absolutely no ability to judge human beings. The only problem the ghoul La Pierre wants to solve is how to sell more guns. The only thing he is sad about is not having been at the murder site to suck the blood from the bodies of the dying children.

Dana Loesch the NRA spokeswoman was busy after Parkland proving she is nothing but a double talking snake. The point she was trying to make was that gun restrictions aren’t working. If she had the brains to understand what she is saying she would know that it is precisely because the other systems aren’t up to controlling guns; that we need a ban on certain guns. This woman looks like death. She is the epitome of the greedy vampire eating the flesh of your children. She says she wants us to be genuine about banning all semi-automatic weapons. We are. We definitely want to ban all auto and semi-automatic weapons. That goes for pistols, rifles and shotguns. That’s as genuine as it gets.

Loesch argues that the gun deaths come from breakdowns in the system but it was the NRA that fought against fixing the system. In fact the NRA is only interested in selling more guns for their sponsors. They lie, dissemble and fight the truth at every turn. They don’t care about your dead kids; they only care about bigger profits.

Bill Maher had a brilliant idea this week. He has come up with the answer to Second Amendment problems by pointing out how it should be amended to read:

The right of the people to apply for the privilege of possessing non-military style weaponry shall not be infringed as long as they are not (criminals or) bat-shit crazy!