With mid-term elections staring them in the face, both parties are rolling up the sidewalks and huddling in passionate strategy meetings. No one expects the geniuses on either side to be backing the same concepts but when we looked into what’s important to each party we saw not only different policies but wildly different philosophies.
The Democrats have decided to make this an issue heavy election. They want to solve problems and so they are pursuing single payer health care, increased minimum wages, money for education, the need for new infrastructure, protection of the environment and functional immigration laws. They are deliberately avoiding any mention of impeachment. Knowing that they already have their troops revved up and they don’t want to give the GOP Base anything that could get their balls in an uproar. The Republicans, on the other hand are basing their whole fight on cutting down immigration and stopping Nancy Pelosi. Stopping Nancy Pelosi? Who gives a rat’s ass about Nancy Pelosi? But the GOP is dead set on stopping her from whatever she’s planning to do. Think about it; a whole strategy based on this woman who isn’t even the head of her party. Why?
Well, it’s pretty simple. It worked with Hillary and now they want to make it work with Nancy. In Hillary Clinton the Democrats had a candidate that was more qualified to do the job of president than anyone in the history of politics. She had an incredible background. She had been First Lady of a state and our country, a Senator and Secretary of State. No one had ever brought those kinds of credentials to an election. But the GOP beat her by running a liar and criminal who a lot of people wanted to be like. So it makes perfect sense to a lot of Republicans to make this election about a woman in a powerful position who is not particularly likable. The only problem with this idea is that everybody on the Right hated Hillary and practically nobody on the Right knows who the hell Nancy is.
Republicans will also mention the good economy but only when no Democrats are in the vicinity. That’s because every Democrat knows to point out that the good economy dates back to 2008 and has been on the rise for the entire Obama Presidency, so Trump can only really lay claim to keeping it from crashing in his year and a half.
The only place where both parties are on the same subject is immigration, but even there they are at odds. The GOP wants to stop it altogether, even when it means snatching kids from their parents. Many of them still want the ludicrous, useless wall, whereas the Dems want to expand the immigration laws, make them easier to live up to and more functional in order to get more labor into the country.
Of course the big thing in the back of every ones mind is, if the Dems take the House, Trump is a sure bet to be impeached, whereas if they also get the Senate, the fat liar will also be convicted.
I’m watching Trump in front of a mob of his base, telling us that Brett Kavanaugh is a great guy, a great intellect, a great gentlemen with an impeccable reputation; one of the finest men he has ever known. Sounds great right? But what the hell would Trump know about a reputation of any kind, except as a criminal?
This idiotic monster wants to know why Christine Blasey Ford didn’t come forward when all this happened 35 years ago? I don’t know Donald, maybe because she was a terrified child facing the blanket condemnation of a Christian community or maybe because she wasn’t ready to face moronic crap like the joke, vomited out by South Carolina Congressman, Ralph Norman, about Ruth Bader Ginsberg being groped by Abe Lincoln, or Orin Hatch who stated that he didn’t think any claims like Ford’s were legitimate. You think morons like these fools are bad today? They were worse when all this happened. These assholes along with Chuck Grassley and a couple of others are the kind of brain dead legislators who haven’t had a new thought in at least a thirty years but still hang onto their seats simply because they aren’t suited to do anything else for a living and their constituencies are too dumb to realize it.. That’s one of the reasons why abused young girls often don’t go after their attackers. Those are some of the reasons why abused girls don’t go after their attackers and it is a major problem with this country. Maybe those idiots who wear hats that say “Make America Great Again” should consider how much it would mean to this country if they backed these women and helped them get justice. That’s an area where America really needs to be greater; hell, it really needs to be even just a little bit better, but as long as we have people in congress like Norman, Grassley, McConnell and Hatch getting elected by stupid people, that’s not going to happen and we’ll continue to be a nation with a huge population of people who claim to follow some sort of religion but refuse to live up to the principals of any real religion.
The latest news surrounding Michael Cohen is that he is not only talking to Mueller’s people, he is also having meetings with the New York DA’s office. This is important because Trump can’t pardon those with State convictions. This whole threat to Trump and his family is a direct result of Trumps inability to be loyal to anyone but himself. Cohen loved Trump, often said he would take a bullet for him, but when it came time for Trump to show a little loyalty to Cohen he simply discarded him. If Cohen had been like Trump he would have simply shrugged his shoulders and looked around for the best deal. But Cohen had loved Trump, believed in him and when you betray someone who actually has affection for you, you create an angry enemy and that’s what Trump in his self-serving stupidity has done with Cohen. Cohen doesn’t want to just help himself and his family, he also wants to make Trump pay for his betrayal. And he will, because he has the goods, not only on Trump, but also on his beloved children. Cohen knows all about the business dealings of Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka. It’s going to be a bloodbath.
The big noise this morning is the NY Times story about Rod Rosenstein, supposedly talking about recording Trump and commenting on the possibility of invoking the 25thAmendment on the President. First I’d like to deal with the Times penchant lately of publishing a lot of anonymous stories. They have been the paper of record almost forever but they won’t stay that way long if they don’t stop with all the anonymous stories. Yes, I believe the Times reporters, mainly because I want to have some reliable source to believe but they have to justify that belief and publishing stories with no provable source isn’t the way to remain reliable.
As for the story itself; why wouldn’t it be believable, considering whom they were talking about. But that is exactly why such a story would work if created by Trump’s people simply to justify his firing of Rosenstein. Trump has wanted to fire Rosenstein for a long time but has held off because those of his retinue who still maintain some semblance of intelligence have warned him off that calamitous action. Now, with this story as an excuse, Trump is much more likely to take the leap. His henchmen may well have provided the reason for action.
On the other hand, the story may very well be true. Anyone dealing with the lying, egomaniacal Trump should, if they have any sense of self-preservation, defend him or herself on every occasion. The way to do this is obviously to have some definitive proof of what was said in any conversation with the liar-in-chief. As for the reference to the 25thAmendment; I am sure that this situation has come up in conversation with everyone within miles of the White House. It’s ludicrous to think that anyone would seriously consider it, not because the President isn’t crazy but because it would never fly with the simpering, ass kissing gaggle of sycophants that make up that coven of losers tat masquerade as a Cabinet. Anyone in government who hasn’t at least joked about the 25thAmendment hasn’t got the balls to do anything but feed hummingbirds and should be fired immediately.
So what’s actually going to happen? Who knows? Speculation was rife around the White House today that Rosenstein was going to quit or be fired, especially when he visited. But Trump was up in New York at the UN and when Rosenstein finished his visit the White House announced that nothing would be happening until Thursday when he returned to meet the President
Then we get to the other big noise of the week and that’s the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in the face of the accusation by Christine Blasey Ford that he attacked her sexually in 1982. The initial supposition about the whole mess was that it was a typical he said/she said and that no real conclusion could ever be arrived at but the emergence of Mark Judge, the third body in the room has made this conclusion far from conclusive. The added emergence of others who were in some way involved in the party that was the source if this incident has further clouded the issue and all these added characters have driven the controversy to a place where the GOP just cant dismiss it. Think of the horror of actually nominating Kavanaugh and then having the evidence come out that he actually did try to rape Ford. It would be disastrous for the GOP in general and would turn the November elections into a landslide.
The bottom line is that this is not a trial for rape. This is a hearing for a lifetime promotion. If, in fact, no conclusion can be arrived at as to Kavanaugh’s guilt or innocence, it is imperative that he not be given a promotion because he still has this unproven accusation hanging over his head and he can’t disprove it. Sure it’s unfortunate but this isn’t a trial, there is no presumption of innocence and a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court is in the offing, so he must be able to prove his innocence or pass in the job. It’s like any other job interview, as opposed to a trial. The basis of proof shifts to the job seeker and in this case the job seeker, by his own statements, can’t prove his accuser is lying.
But like moths to a flame, a whole coterie of new accusers are emerging from the clouded past. One woman, a former classmate of Kavanaugh at Yale has come out with a scenario where she was at a drunken party where Kavanaugh exposed his genitals in front of her and pushed them to her face. No sooner had this accusation hit the press when Mike Avenatti sent an email to Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations for U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, informing Mr. Davis that he has “significant evidence,” of many house parties during the early 1980s in D.C. where Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others were responsible for getting young girls drunk or drugged and gang raping them by trains of men.
No sooner had Avenatti sent off this message than it wa revealed that a woman named Elizabeth Rasor who knew Mark Judge from Catholic U. and had a relationship with him revealed to the New Yorker that Judge had told her about just such occurrences and seemed to feel that they were okay. This adds credence to Dr. Ford’s accounting of what had happened to her in the room with Kavanaugh and Judge.
And as all this is going on, Mitch McConnell, the Republican version of the blood sucking Count Dracula, assures his followers that no matter what happens, Kavanaugh will be confirmed. How can he know this and if he really does, what does that say about he honesty of the process? We all know that McConnell will do anything, no matter how scurrilous, to get his way. He is exactly what is wrong with our current politics. He is a man without morals or values, who has already sold his soul any number of times. Now he’s in the game of selling everybody else’s souls. If our country is to progress on any kind of moral/functional basis, McConnell and men like him have to be crushed. The Senate going Democrat is only the beginning of that process.