Not surprisingly I have received negative feedback on many of the things I have said about the Republican Party over the last few months. Some of it has to do with the perceived need for more bi-partisan cooperation but much of it has to do with the simple defense of the GOP and their followers.
I very much believe in a bi-partisan approach to the problems of our country but at the same time, I fully understand that such bi-partisan cooperation is not any part of the GOP plan for governance. The Republican version of bi-partisan anything is; I do what I want and the hell with you.
All we have to do is look at a couple of states currently in the process of changing Party rule. In Wisconsin and Michigan, outgoing Republican managements are busy changing the rules of government specifically to limit the abilities of the incoming Democratic governments to do the will of those voters who just elected them. Yeah, that’s the perfect example of what Republicans think of as the bi-partisan democratic process.
In North Carolina the Republican government in office has been pulling votes and destroying them in order to win the Senatorial election in that state. We’re not talking about keeping people away from the polls; we’re talking about the actual destruction of real ballots. That’s not just non-partisan, that’s a felony and if all those involved don’t go jail, it will be a clear-cut example of the commission of even more felonies.
But the GOP doesn’t care about niceties like that. They are, after all, a party that condoned, even enthused about Mitch McConnell’s disgusting breach of ethics over Barak Obama’s attempted nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, a dastardly act that eventually resulted in Republican Neil Gorsuch taking that seat. This is what Republican ethics look like.
The fact that the GOP has backed a criminal in the White House, while he disgraced our country over and over and continued to attempt to get away with an ongoing series of attacks on the Constitution, only proves that the Republican Party cares nothing for the structure of American justice or democracy but only for what they can squeeze out of the system to line their own pockets.
If the democratic republic is to survive, the Republican Party, that group of thieves and miscreants, must be torn apart and rebuilt in the form of a legitimate political party, led by honest men who understand that all political parties must have, as their goal, the betterment of the people of the United States. Unfortunately, the GOP as it is currently constituted, is interested only in the laundering of corporate riches and its member’s goals, have only to do with the advancement of white supremacy, the enhancement of bigotry and racism and the promotion of the use of fossil fuels that endanger the entire planet.
Neither the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, human dignity, honesty nor any pretense of moral values, have any place in the GOP’s agenda. The dawning of the Trump administration, while marking the thus far low point of Republicanism is not the limit of its duplicity and criminal behavior.
Non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Watergate, Iran/Contra, the Supreme Court fiascos surrounding Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh all seem almost insignificant next to the unwarranted and idiotically carried out wars in Afghanistan and Iraq which almost slipped into insignificance next to the economic crash deliberately orchestrated in order to free the corporate world of regulation and assist it in the pursuit of egregious profits.
This goal failed to materialize, due mainly to the gross incompetence of those engineering it. The plan backfired and dumped our nation into the second biggest depression in history. Trillions were lost to the American people, all due to the greed and incompetence of the GOP.
So what to do? Trash the party, I say, trash the party! Break it up! Lose most of it and start a new party based on fiscal conservatism and social justice.
That’s the Republican Party in which I grew up. That’s a political party that can look to the needs of the American people. That’s a party that started to dissolve with the emergence of Joe McCarthy who was mentored by Roy Cohen, the same sleaze who mentored Donald Trump.
Watched Trump’s asshole excuser, Stephen Miller carrying on about the border security and more specifically “the wall” on Face The Nation, this weekend. The biggest problem with Miller, as with most Trumpians is that there is no recognition of the need for truth in anything they say. Miller, who is Trump’s primary speechwriter, will say anything as long as it furthers some point he is trying to make. Lack of veracity has no consideration in anything he or the President or anyone else in the administration has to say.
This was further emphasized on This Weekwhen Rudy Giuliani, appearing more in control then we have seen him in quite some time, spent a lot of airtime, hilariously trying to make a point about Michael Cohen’s lack of honesty compared to that of Pinocchio Trump.
This commentator almost fell off his chair when Rudy spoke of Cohen lying about everything he had said and then when Stephanopoulos said: “So has the President.” Giuliani replied: “But the president wasn’t under oath.”
Obviously Giuliani believes it’s okay to lie as long as you aren’t under oath. Statements like that are why people hate lawyers, at least lawyers like Giuliani and why they think Giuliani specifically, is a babbling moron. This is a sleaze that recognizes no such thing as morality. His moral world revolves around the law, a set of rules that were established to defend against chaos but which by necessity avoid parallels with the moral universe.
No one with or around Trump can allow him or herself to recognize or accept the fact of truth. That’s because Trump, the center of their universe, doesn’t even understand what truth is. There is no truth in Donald Trump’s world, only what comes to mind that might, in his confused thought process, serve him in some possible manner.
It has finally come to pass. Everything Trump has touched in his entire life is now about to be investigated; his Campaign, his transition team, the inauguration committee, his family, the Trump Organization and Trump himself. All of them are tainted fair game and Trump World is about to implode.
This has led GOP pundits to complain that the prolific investigations are simply political in nature. They say this because most of the junk thrown at Bill and Hillary Clinton has turned out to be simply political and motivated by the same GOP sludgemeisters that are now whining about the Democrats doing the same thing to Trump. It seems that they should know, being such experts on everything involving phony allegations, but in reality they don’t.
Trump has spent a life as a thief, a con man and generally all around bad guy. His reputation in the construction business of stealing from his own contractors, bribing anyone who would hold his hand out, bankrupting his way out of serial debt and almost getting knocked off by the mob for his foibles in Atlantic City are legend. So are his various con man exploits with Trump University, Trump Food, Trump Airlines and Trump named buildings he didn’t own. He has slapped his bilious name on everything but Porto-Potties. But it’s changing! Recently residents of Trump inspired buildings lining Riverside Blvd. insisted on the name Trump being removed from all buildings. The Brand is now an icon of disgrace.
Trump has wasted a parent-financed life as a small time crook, a womanizer and a bully. He didn’t want to be President. He just wanted to make money out of the supposed search for the Presidency. When he stumbled into it he was ill prepared to take it on. He has assiduously avoided figuring out how to do the job he was elected to by the American people and he has done everything to force his own lack of morality onto the country. It is now coming back to bite him in the ass and despite a very well thought out national policy not to go after Presidents once they have served their time in office, I think that we have to make an exception in Trump’s case not only to balance the damage he has done in his short term in office, but also to create an example for future office seekers who approach their task with Trumpian mentality.
This commentator is as much against Trump’s immigration policies as anyone can get but the noise being made about the seven-year-old girl who died in ICE possession after being there for only a few hours is nonsense. This child was, according to coroner’s reports, deadly ill for quite a while before she even got into ICE’s hands. She had been delivered to New Mexico, along with her family and a large group of others, by a coyote who dropped them in the desert. The child according to the coroner’s report was suffering from sepsis. This didn’t happen in the few hours she was in ICE custody. By the time they got her, it was probably already too late, especially since her father, in an attempt to cross the border, denied that she or any of the family was sick.
It’s tragic that any child should die, but much as this writer despises Trump and his anti-immigration policies, they weren’t the cause of this poor child’s death and any attempt to make it seem so is purely low blow politics, the kind usually associated with the GOP. The Democrats shouldn’t adopt them. They can win and still play clean. Yes, the Trump administration and their degenerate immigration policies are wrong but in this one highly publicized case, we should just drop it. There’s plenty of real ways in which Trump and his policies are inhuman and just wrong without dummying up a baseless case.