This has been a terrible week for Donald Trump and as I write this it’s only Tuesday. It’s no wonder that Trump is reported to be prowling the hallways of the White House, snarling at anyone who approaches him. He is facing the results of a lifetime of lying, cheating, stealing and in general bad living. Now his diseased chicks are coming home to foul the nest.
1-James Comey’s testimony before congress attacked Trump and all his lies. It was obvious from the committee’s reactions to Comey’s testimony that they were more inclined to believe Comey than they were to listen to Trump’s ravings about it.
2- The NYS DA has ordered Trump to shut down The Trump Foundation because the money donated to it has been used to pay Trumps personal bills and cover expenses that Trump couldn’t cover by stealing from his election funds.
This is a particularly egregious action by Trump and his three older children because this scum were taking money donated by others for the benefit of children, vets, the sick and aged and using it for their own benefit. Among its illegal moves, the foundation used money earmarked for charity to buy two paintings of Trump for around $20,000 apiece to hang in his golf clubs. This is as low as it gets. It’s low even by Trumpian standards. What makes it especially egregious is that Trump is infamous for promising money to a wide spectrum of charities and then never paying up. That’s bad, but to use other people’s money donated to his charity, for his own personal needs is really scraping the bottom. I wonder how the 30% that think he can do no wrong feel about this?
The suit by the DA has resulted in the charity being; ordered to shut down, be run by by a judicial appointee, be fined an as yet to be determined amount, and for Donald and his three oldest children to be banned from participating in any charity for a number of years, yet to be determined. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
3-Trump’s DOJ gets caught trying to lie about emoluments and how deep Trump is into them. A section of the Department of Justice wants us to think that the money Trump is making on his hotels and golf courses as a result of being President isn’t covered under the emoluments clause but it is. It is clearly illegal for the crook in the White House to benefit from having people from other governments take rooms in Trump hotels, at inflated prices, just to curry favor with Trump. This happened on a massive scale during the inauguration and it has continued to happen ever since. This is a clear example of why the emoluments clause exists. The Trump sycophants in the White House may not like the law but it’s pretty clear and those who are pushing it, namely the new NY Attorney general, have Trump firmly by the short hairs.
4-GOP squashed a bill to pay for Vietnam Vets healthcare even as the congressmen themselves enjoy the best healthcare program in the country. “Thank you for your service, now go to hell.” That’s what the GOP politicians are telling our Vets. What, you’re surprised? Why? It’s right in line with everything else that is coming out of the White House. Trump babbles endlessly about the Vets but every time he has a chance to help them, or even our current military, he drops the ball.
5- Russians are revealed to have attacked Mueller for investigating their collusion and conspiracy with
Trump. That’s right. The Russians are using the same programing they used during the 2016 election to sway voters into the Trump camp and they are using a lot of he same lies. This is no big surprise! Our intelligence agencies have been telling us this ever since 2016. As always the President denies the possibility of any such occurrence. The reason? If he admits that the intelligence community is correct he will also be admitting that he won a rigged election and that he doesn’t belong in the White House. For someone with Trump’s inflated ego this is an impossibility. It’s like saying he doesn’t exist.
6-Trump wishes Michael Flynn “good luck” as the confessed criminal goes for sentencing. Thus is the President of the United States wishing a convicted and admitted felon good luck as he goes before a judge to be sentenced for harming the nation he had sworn to defend.
Then the plans all go awry as the judge speaks to treason and delays sentencing to consider the damage Flynn has done at the behest of The President. The question remains; why is Trump so enamored with Flynn? He views Cohen as a cancer, but he remains loyal to Flynn who after a lifetime of service seems to have had a personality catharsis and became a criminal looking for any deal that would enrich him instead of doing his job and helping the country. The judge has put off sentencing until Mueller has completely finished with Flynn and he has warned that Flynn could stilldo time. There is obviously some information that was redacted for the public that was shown to the judge and he has reacted very strongly to it. This could be very bad for Flynn.
7-A scientific study conducted by Trump’s own administration confirms that climate change is caused by human activity, this despite Trump’s denial of the existence of climate change. This is his own scientific study naming him as a liar and still he continues to lead the cheers for coal and oil. It’s just another example of Trump putting his own investments and his friends ahead of the country he was elected to lead while he is stepping on the necks of those idiots who don’t own oil companies or coal mines but still voted for him.
I have written at great length about the coming decline of fossil fuel use, due mainly to the economic forces that will soon become overwhelming. But in the case of climate change every minute counts, so it behooves the new House to quickly pass legislation that will end all subsidies for fossil fuels. This will push the ball over the goal and completely take the profit out of the use of deadly materials.
8-Ruth Bader Ginsburg welcomes immigrants in face of Trump’s attempts to keep our borders closed to the same kind of people who built this country. Back on the job after breaking a couple of ribs, Bader-Ginsburg is thumbing her nose at Trump, telling him that he will never get her seat on the Supreme Court.
Forget skin color or ethnicity; it’s poor people fleeing oppression that have always made up the bulk of immigrant populations. That’s who is coming here now. People don’t flee their homes because life is great. They do it because it’s a last resort, but despite this, they often bring with them skills necessary to the economic welfare of their adopted land. Even more important they bring a strength of spirit and an adventurous persona that helps whatever country they land in. We need that now, more than ever, and it’s only because of his ingrained racism that Trump doesn’t see it.
9-The White House indicates it will back down on Trump’s plan to shut down the government unless he is given money for “The Wall”. Mexico suggests he ask Putin for it. No, they haven’t, but they should. It’s obvious that the Democrats are never going to give him money for Trump’s Folly so the last few Republicans in congress who can still think for themselves seem to have come to the conclusion that allowing the orange freak to shut down the government just before Christmas, only because he is peeved about not getting his way, was a really bad idea. But just when they thought that Trump had backed off, he restated his position saying that he will, in fact, shut down government unless he gets his wall. Now even most Republicans hate him because hey are going to take the heat for him.
Right now there are 17 different investigations underway by 7 prosecutorial groups aimed at Trump, his family and his associates. This is truly a serious crime family, one that makes the Mafia look like small change. And it isn’t like it’s all political bullshit. There are any number of serious convictions already, with a lot more to come. There may be a lot of conjecture that you can’t indict a sitting President, but the possibility that he has already been secretly indicted definitely exists. This may have happened because some of the things he is accused of will outlive the statute of limitations, so they have to be acted on now. If that has happened it will mean that Trump will walk into an arrest the moment he leaves the White House at the end of his term as President.
This is not about impeachment. We’re talking here about criminal indictments. They’re not about being President any more. They’re about going to jail.
nd just when we thought it couldn’t get much worse,
Dimwit Donald Trump has decided to pull US troops out of Syria and two people in congress actually support him. The intellectually challenged Mike Lee and Rand Paul think it’s a good idea to pull out our troops and leave the Russians, Assad, ISIS and Iran to control that already decimated land. Oh yeah, there’s also the little added attraction of leaving our Kurdish allies, just about the only ones in the Middle East who have had our backs from the beginning of the invasion of Iraq all the way through the rise and fall of ISIS, to fend for themselves against all those who are in favor of us leaving.
So will the Kurds, like the hill tribes of Vietnam and any number of other replaceable peoples, who made the mistake of backing Americans in foreign wars, be the latest victims of American foreign policy that thinks nothing of stabbing our staunchest allies in the back? The Kurds had our back when ISIS was sweeping through Iraq, when everyone, including the Turks walked away. Of course the Turks hate the Kurds and if we don’t stay the course and support our allies the Turks will be leading the Russians, Iran and Syria in an assault on those brave people.
But this isn’t even the worst result of Trump’s idiotic decision. Late on Thursday Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis announced that he was resigning his position in the government, due mainly to policy differences with the President, the last straw of which was the decision to pull those troops out of Syria. Mattis was quite possibly the only functioning member of Trump’s disastrous cabinet. He is the only one associated with the Trump administration that doesn’t look like an out bet to do jail time. He understood how the world worked and how we should be functioning in it.
It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that Trump will use loyalty to his ridiculous ideas of foreign policy as his criterion for choosing Mattis replacement. Needless to say that will be a disastrous as everything else this ego driven moron has done since he stole the Presidency. It is becoming ever more obvious that we can’t wait until 2020. We have to get rid of this stain on the concept of humanity as soon as possible.