Donald Trump’s obsession with proving that a raging pandemic does not exist even though we are now up to 80,000 deaths, has really reached the absurd.
Last week he visited a mask factory for a photo-op and demanded that neither he nor anyone else wear a mask for the cameras. Someone with a sense of black humor had “Live & Let Die” playing on the soundtrack. Of course having no concept of irony or humor Trump didn’t get it, so he never objected.
But for Trump, enough is never enough, so then he invited a group of nurses to the White House to honor their heroic battle against the disease. He forced them to violate his own edict about keeping a 6-foot spacing and pressured them to appear for their photo op without masks, thereby endangering each of these women.
Even S.E. Cupp, conservative columnist for the Daily News, couldn’t hold back any longer, writing that Trump is mentally unstable and no longer in control of his actions. She went on to list each example of where and how, in the last year, he acted in ways to illustrate her point.
Then as if to prove Cupp’s point, Trump came out this weekend and bragged about how he personally had solved the problem of shortages in tests, PPE’s, ventilators, and just about everything but bullshit. Of course, everyone with any level of intelligence knows that the shortages that have been solved, have been solved by individual states, because Trump and his pathetic administration have absolved themselves of any responsibility for anything; announcing over and over that it’s up to the states to solve their own problems, even though those problems were mainly brought about by his stupidity and self serving avoidance of them in service to his fantasy goal of refusing to admit to himself that there was any problem at all, even as people across the globe were dying in horrifying numbers.
I did a piece a couple of blogs back about the importance of wearing a mask and observing the protocols set out for us by the medical establishment. I stated that only selfish, inconsiderate swine don’t wear masks and take safety precautions when others are present. Just to prove me right, Trump and other members of his administration have assiduously avoided the wearing of masks and now two members of the inner circle, Trump’s personal valet, yes, who would have imagined someone actually helps him dress, and Mike Pence’s press secretary who is, ironically, married to Steven Miller, of the, “there is no pandemic” fantasy, have both tested positive.
The result of these positive tests has been that three of our top medical officials have been forced to self-quarantine. In addition, other White House staff members are now getting scared, especially since orders from above frown on them taking normal precautions against getting the virus.
And just to prove he really is the dumbest person ever to occupy any building in D.C. Donald Trump came out with the following reaction to Pence’s secretary’s positive test. When asked for comment he told a reporter that he felt tests were useless because someone could be negative one day and positive the next, thereby ignoring the concept of catching a disease after not having it and the fact that because she tested positive she was sent home, possibly preventing further infection. This is the guy with his finger on the button.
So a s if their handling of the whole Coronavirus thing wasn’t incompetent enough and just to prove to the nation that Trump and his sycophants had no concept of priorities, this week Bill Barr intervened in the Mike Flynn conviction for lying to the FBI. Why the hell is this clown getting into this now? What relevance does it have, other then to distract a president with zero attention span from the duties that are already light years from his ability to carry them out?
Between watching Morning Joe and Fox News until 11:00 each morning, managing to ignore his intelligence briefings, which he cannot understand anyhow, until about 1:00 PM, lunching and golf until about five, his nap until seven and more TV until bedtime there really isn’t any time for Trump to deal with the country’s problems or attacks; not if he’s going to get his Twitter time in.
I’m not a lawyer but from where I’m sitting it looks very much like Barr is begging to get himself indicted the moment Trump gets kicked out of office. During an interview about this crooked deal this week he sat on camera with a shit-eating grin pulling his fat features out of line and made a dumb comment about history being written by the winners. This may be true but even this fat slob should know that history isn’t written when it’s happening. History is written in the future and frankly this country’s future really doesn’t look like it’s going to include Bill Barr except as an inmate.
It’s obvious that Barr is choosing to ignore the conclusion that Trump is busy driving himself and all attached to his coat tails, over a cliff. They will all be out f work by January 21, 2021the date when Democratic prosecutors all over the country can stop frothing at the mouth and file their already prepared indictments.
Traditionally a bad economy works against the incumbent President. But our current economic event is the result of a pandemic not any economic failure so the President can appeal to the voters much the same as any wartime president would, not to change horses in mid-stream. But why would any voter believe him. We’re speaking about a serial liar whose self-serving tactics have created a foothold in this country for a virus that has now killed over 80,000 Americans. It is a foothold that was avoided by other countries that paid attention to business and dealt with it when it was discovered, not three months later when it was out of control.
Trump has said that because we have more testing we have more cases. He makes it sound like he actually thinks the testing is causing the virus to spread. We are dealing here with a functional moron, a man so stupid and self-serving as to be incapable of running a game of Tiddle-de- Winks, let alone a government.
He doesn’t understand that this is a national problem, let alone a worldwide problem. He thinks it’s a state-to-state problem and wants governors to solve something they just don’t have the power to solve. In the Northeast former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg is organizing several states into a consortium to deal with testing and chasing down the results of those tests. Unfortunately it’s going to take time to accomplish this and all while the economy is getting worse and worse.
On Monday afternoon Trump infected the airwaves by announcing all the progress that “we’ve” made in the testing process. He went on for minutes congratulating him-self for instituting the greatest testing program in the world. This is a program, by he way, that he has refused to actually take part in, a program that he has pushed off to state governments, claiming any number of times, that the federal government has no responsibility for it. Yet here he is, bending his fat ass in a congratulatory bow.
So, yes, we know he loves to praise himself
He blabbers about how “governors have learned how to manage these tests”, when it’s the governors, not him, that are responsible for the existence of the tests. He actually lies that it is his actions that put these tests in motion when everyone knows it wasn’t, hasn’t been, and considering his inability to function on any level, never will be.
As soon as he stopped patting himself on the back and because he couldn’t stand to leave the spotlight, Trump asked for questions. When he wasn’t bright enough to answer the second question presented, he started assaulting the reporter who had asked it. This is the expected response of any idiot in the world who isn’t intelligent enough to give a lucid answer to a logical question. But this time this reporter wasn’t about to by pushed aside and she kept after him. He quickly realized that he couldn’t deal with her; that she wasn’t going to go away. So like all bullies when they get their comeuppance, he fled the stage.
This is typical Trumpian behavior. Once more the fat liar in the Oval Office is being shown up for the ignorant punk he really is.
N.B. People have ben correcting my math on this series of blogs but you must remember that Trump can’t be indicted until after inauguration day when he has left office.