During General Mark Miley’s testimony this week, regarding the pullout from Afghanistan, the general stated that he had advised President Biden to leave some forces behind to secure Afghanistan. This is in direct contrast with Biden having said that he did not recall having heard this opinion from the military on his decision to leave entirely. Chris Christi decided on This Week to blow this whole thing up and make a big deal of the fact that Biden hadn’t told the truth. He was right to call Biden on this. We expect our Presidents to be truthful but to have Christi who spent four years with his lips glued to the ass of the biggest liar in the history of truth is really ludicrous. Christi backed up some of the biggest lies ever told for the whole Trump administration and now he wants to attack Biden for one that doesn’t really mean very much. It was Biden’s decision and whether or not he followed the general’s opinions is not what is significant. That he listened to them is. His predecessor never listened to anyone but himself.
All hail Frances Haugen, the whistleblower who has hit Facebook where it lives, in the pocketbook. This brave woman has revealed to the world that the trillion-dollar enterprise Mark Zuckerberg funded to hustle girls, has now become one of the most dangerous moneymaking operations on earth, one that allows the promotion of any lie or any deceit so long as it increases the profits of their greedy, witless shareholders.
The NY Post demonstrated once again why they are considered the cesspool of modern journalism when they published a front page picture of a bimbo blonde wearing a tee shirt that said “Boston Sucks.”
Boston may indee.d suck but we certainly don’t need the likes of the porta-potty crawling Aussie Rupert Murdoch to tell us that.
From the beginning of his pre-election campaign when he lied about Barak Obama’s heritage and citizenship through the time when Joe Biden walked into the White House, Donald Trump made one and only one significant true statement. That was when he stated that the 2020 election “was rigged.” Because he is who he Is; a crook that has lied to the American public over thirty thousand provable times, he never named the rigger. Turned out it was Donald Trump. He’s still lying about it, still trying to convince a section of American voters that he won an election where he got his ass thoroughly kicked. The fact is that Trump has never won a popular election simply because there are not enough Americans who are dumb enough to elect him. It’s a simple fact that without the Electoral College Trump would never have been President and George Bush would never have had the opportunity to start the Afghan War. It’s really time to get rid of bad rubbish.
The Republicans blinked but only with one eye when they agreed to extend the deadline of the national debt into December, but as Janet Yellin keeps pointing out, there should be no need to raise the debt ceiling because there should be no debt ceiling at all. It’s ludicrous to have a vote on whether or not to pay what we have already voted to allocate and spent when it endangers the full credit of the United States. We have been going through this farce for years and for many of them like this year, the GOP is refusing to vote for a raise in the debt ceiling so that we can pay for what they spent when they were in office. This is just another one of those annoying processes that no matter why they were created, no longer have a reason for being and should be trashed.
And then Lindsay Graham, the moron from South Carolina, feels obligated to tell us that McConnell lost this battle and surrendered to the Democrats but that the GOP will be back to fight again in December. Fight what? There’s no choice here. We already spent the money even if Graham doesn’t realize it or can’t count that high. There is no choice. We must raise the debt limit or get rid of it entirely.
There are so many stupid people in this country that it’s become impossible to ignore them, especially when they are popping up on almost every TV show that covers any kind of politics.
I watched the coverage of the Saturday Trump rally in which he told his raving followers that he never conceded the election because he won. Sure Donald and have I got as bridge for you. The rally, a peon to dumb and dumber, included a blonde bimbo babbling in a Southern accent, about wanting a civil war and sounding like she wanted it now. This is a person who is too stupid to understand the consequences of a civil war probably because she’s never had one on her block. I guess that kind of stupidity is why she and all the Maga Hats appear eager to fight for a cheap degenerate sociopathic crook that wouldn’t give them a nod if they were bleeding to death in the street. These people are the real danger. Crooked politicians like Trump can be tried, convicted and jailed. Political manipulators like McConnell, Graham and Cruz can be voted out of office but these people have committed no crime other than being too stupid to vote. But they do vote and so we have to constantly be on the lookout for their idiot movements and how they can damage our democracy.