The most important thing that Bill Clinton did in his speech at the convention was to remind voters, why they had elected Barak Obama. That is the key to any success that Obama will have in this election and just as important it is the key to any success that Democrats running for congress will have.
Obama was elected because of the stubborn stupidity that the Bush team had in running this country from 2000 to 2008. That holds for everyone from Bush, through Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfson and especially Carl Rove.
John McCain was a sacrificial lamb in 2008. No one, least of all the Republican hierarchy, thought that he had any chance of winning, not after the way his predecessors had started two illegal wars, burned a surplus into of a four trillion deficit, turned the rest of the world against us and smirked their way through the whole thing. No, Sarah Palin wasn’t the problem for the Republicans. She could have been Joan of Arc and she couldn’t have saved the GOP from the ravages of the Bush administration, but the fact remains, if they thought they had any chance of winning they never would have selected an uninformed clown like Palin.
Not only did they screw up their own administration but they left behind a cesspool of debt, unemployment, housing collapse, Wall Street thievery, lack of regulation and thousands of American kids dead in places that meant nothing to anyone who wasn’t looking for oil profits.
And now, Carl Rove, the degenerate liar, who was responsible for betraying undercover operator Valerie Plame, is heading up Mitt Romney’s fundraising; a man who should have been shot as a traitor, is positioning himself as one of the strongest members of what could be a Romney administration and showing the world that a Romney presidency would unquestionably be a replay of the horrors and destruction of the Bush disaster.
Four years of that and we’ll be a third world country with armed militias roaming the country side and conducting fire fights in our cities streets.
I have never been a huge fan of Barak Obama but the alternative has always been so enormously unacceptable that I can’t see any way forward but to support him. He is currently engaged in a battle with a proposed oligarchy that will defeat any concept of one man one vote, shatter the American dream and change us from the greatest nation in the world to a third world pit, in which the citizens count for nothing and the filthy rich run things like a medieval city state.
I listen to the far Right expounding on different elements of society and how to change them and none of their arguments are completely wrong. That’s the dangerous part. Everything they propose has a hint of truth or function in it, but just a hint. Well, maybe not always a hint. Stuff like trickle down economics is just pure unadulterated bullshit. It’s been proved wrong so many times they’re looking for a new word for it. And yet they double and triple down on it, believing that if they keep repeating it again and again it will somehow, miraculously work. Does the definition of insanity seem to fit here?
Another of their most oft repeated positions has to do with everyone doing their job and not depending on anyone else to get where they are going. That’s a great idea, if everyone had the same starting place and everyone was playing on a level field, but that’s just not how life works. The guy who lost his job when his company folded due to the criminal acts of the Wall Street thieves who manipulated the company’s stock, is not out of work because he wants to be, or through any fault of his own. He is not collecting unemployment or food stamps because he’s too lazy to work. He has kept his part of the bargain. He worked hard, did his job and now he needs help because those to whom he gave his labor have betrayed him. Now it’s time for the rest of us, the ones who have the means, to step up and do our job. That’s the real American way.
I understand why Romney doesn’t get this. He has never in his favored life faced real adversity. Oh, maybe when the ironing board fell over and he had to buy a new coffee cup, but his comment on paying for college tells it all. “Get the tuition money from your father.” Duuuh! I know it never occurred to Mitt but the vast majority of parents just don’t have a hundred and twenty grand lying around looking for a college to spend it on. And what about the families who are overpopulating the planet like the Romneys? Over six hundred grand! God thing daddy started you out right Mitt. That’s the way to struggle up from the top.
What the Right doesn’t understand is that people who need help aren’t dead beats and freeloaders but even if they were, even if every single one of them was, they still wouldn’t take anywhere near as much from the system as do the rich guys who bilk the system of more money that the freeloaders could even think of.
I really admire David Brooks one of or most astute conservative columnists but today’s (Friday 10/5) column in the Times was an example of ether staggering naïveté or a head in the sand, drink the cool aide, refusal to face the facts.
Yes, Romney came out in the first debate and did a one eighty turnaround on most of what he has been saying up until now. All of a sudden he hates banks, wants to tax the rich and loves every aspect of Obamacare that he previously hated. Sure he does, and do I have a bridge that you’re going to love.
I don’t know where David’s been living but this is not how life works on earth. This is how life works when you are a double-dealing, flip flopping, liar who will say or do anything to get elected. This is how life works when you are a spoiled rich kid who thinks he is going to be refused his latest sweet.
Romney, who may have been a moderate in the beginning, eagerly embraced the neo-cons, the bigots, the Wall Street thieves and the hate mongers of the far right when he thought they were his only path to the presidency. Now he looks around and sees his goal moving further and further away as Obama’s margins in the swing states expand, in some cases to 14%. So what does he do? It’s called changing horses in mid-stream. He dumps the super conservative far right like the steaming turd that it is, and jumps to embrace his last hope, the befuddled middle.
In what may have been the most hypocritical about face in political history, Romney came onto the debate stage and reversed most of the policies that he had been running on for the past several years. If one were naïve enough to believe him, he could be accused of stabbing in the back everyone who has so far supported him. I get this image of the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson choking on their caviar. But no one is actually naïve enough to believe that what Romney did the other night on TV, is in any way honest or believable.
This was not a man turning on his friends and abandoning his supporters in a craven attempt to curry favor from those voters who would be stupid enough to believe him. This was a far more evil human being, who is willing to lie to those voters who want to believe this turnaround, who will then betray them if he is successful, and who will have absolutely no remorse about any of his immoral double dealing. This is a man who by exhibiting the duplicitous turnaround that he displayed on the debate has proven that he has no moral structure; that he stands for nothing.
Whether he was actually betraying his friends and supporters or whether he was pretending to, in order to dupe the American voters, Mitt Romney showed that he is a man without honor, a man with no sense of right and wrong, a man with no moral backbone and certainly a man who should never be president of the United States.