Guns and More Guns



The gun battle goes on. It looks at this minute, like nothing will actually get done, despite yeoman-like efforts by the President and many pro-regulation backers to get something on the books.  But why isn’t it getting done? Mainly because a minority of fanatics, bought and paid for by the gun manufacturing industry have launched an insidious campaign, based on compartmentalized facts that they have deliberately twisted to create a great lie.


The three main thrusts of the NRA campaign are that neither banning automatic weapons nor large magazines will stop needless killing and that a comprehensive registration law will make no difference, as shown by the fact that we already have limited gun registration. These would be good arguments and each has a grain of truth but like many deceptive arguments, their grains of truth are buried under false assumptions and misrepresented facts.


Neither banning assault weapons not shrinking magazines will end gun violence. Even to the slowest among us this should be an obvious fact. What should be just as obvious is that banning each would have some numerical effect on gun deaths. Had the automatic weapon carried and used in a Connecticut school been a single shot hunting rifle, many of those little lives would have been saved. The same is true of magazine size and the same is true of each mass murder that has taken place in this country.


Yesterday on a Texas campus a student went wild with a knife and stabbed 14 students. None died. If his knife had been an AR15 with 30 round mags piggybacked onto each oher, that total could have been a hundred with most dead. This is not the conclusion of genius. Any moron should be able to figure this out.


It is a documented fact that these same weapons and magazines have been used in gang violence, first in LA in the 80’s, later in Chicago and New York and currently along the Texas border. You’re not going to stop all the killings by making these weapons illegal, and yes gangsters will still, to some extent, be able to get them, but citizens with heavy artillery is not the answer to gangsters with heavy artillery, and you will definitely be able to reduce the killing by some percentage of what now exists.


We’re not working on a cure–all here, there will never be a cure as long as Americans worship their guns more than they worship their children. We’re working on an incremental solution to a huge and complicated problem.


Then there’s gun registration. The NRA was actually for it before their money sources in the gun industry clamped down on them and the despicable Wayne LaPierre changed his mind.


Sure we have background checks now but they are minimally effective, mainly because they don’t go into a universal database and also because there are many situations to which they do not apply. To be effective background checks must be universal and must go into a universal database. Universal means every single sale or transfer of a weapon that takes place on US soil. Sure that’s going to be inconvenient but it will get less so every time you think about those dead babies in Newtown. It will get even less inconvenient if you think of one of those babies as one of your own.


The big right wing argument on registration is that such a database can be used to identify each and every gun owner in the country. So what? If the guns are owned legally gun owners will still be protected by that deliberately misquoted amendment that all gun lovers, love to misinterpret.


So that gives us a logical look at the problem and its solutions. Now let’s take a skill based look at it. There is no way in the world that anyone who has not had training should be allowed to handle an auto or semi automatic weapon in a confrontational situation. The idea that such a weapon is suited for home protection is ludicrous and anyone who has handled such a weapon cannot in all good conscience tell you that such is the case.  The picture of a terrified housewife unlimbering such a weapon and firing it at what might or might not be an armed intruder is horrifying and statistics prove that in the majority of the cases in which they have been used, an innocent person, sometimes even the user has been the injured party. Giving even a semi-automatic weapon to an untrained person for home defense is like giving a chimp an unpinned grenade and expecting any result other than disaster.


A handgun, if the user knows hot to handle one, or even better, a shotgun are the proper weapons for home security and anyone who tells you differently is a liar or a fool.


Then there’s the argument that if all guns are registered the government will be able to find and take them in the case of an armed insurrection. Well, maybe we shouldn’t have armed insurrections. Maybe we have come up with a better way. Armed insurrections are the wet dream of neo-Nazi gangs, cults, drug lord’s soldiers, and a few urban gang bangers, but most of the rest of us don’t really worry about taking up arms against the government, at least not in our sober moments. It’s kind of why we have elections. They’re not always completely satisfying but they come around every four years, right on schedule.


Ninety percent of the American people have poled out as backing universal gun registration. It’s an outlandish number. Normally you can’t get ninety percent of the people to agree that it’s snowing when they’re a foot deep in white powder. For our congress, a pathetic group that has a acceptance rating somewhat lower than dog shit, to ignore such an ultimatum is a slap in the face for everything that this country is supposed to stand for. Anyone who votes against universal gun registration is a traitor. But why would anyone even think of such a thing let alone fight to keep a Senate vote from happening. The answer is very simple; they are greedy pigs slopping at the troth of the gun industry.


Right now 14 of them, supposedly honorable US Senators, are fighting tooth and nail to keep a vote from even reaching the Senate floor. They are threatening a filibuster to stop the bill before it can be voted on.  This is no Jimmy Stewart moment, people. This is just the opposite. These are 14 greedy, insensitive, stupid men, men who can look into the eyes of an anguished parent who has just lost a six-year old child to gun violence and say FUCK YOU. And if you think that sentence was obscene, that’s too bad because it is just reflective of the 14 degenerate slobs who are its subject.


Just in case any of you are wondering who these skell are, I am publishing, here, the names and affiliations of those 14 sub-human tools of the gun industry who want to subvert the will of the American people. Don’t call them, email them or stand outside their offices with signs. They’re not interested or affected by human problems. Just vote them out of office at the next election because they don’t care what 90% of you think. They only care about what the gun industry is paying them.


Rand Paul-Kentucky                           Mark Rubio- Florida

Mike Lee-Utah                                    James Inhofe- Oklahoma

Richard Burr-North Carolina         Ron Johnson-Wisconsin

Ted Cruz- Texas                                    Mike Enzi-New York

James Risch -Idaho                           Mike Crapo-Idaho

Dan Coats-Indiana                           Pat Roberts-Kansas

Jerry Moran-Kansas                           Mitch McCullough- Kentucky


So here are the 14 degenerates who think they are Jimmy Stewart. Unlike Stewart’s character they have no concept of honor, no idea how to serve the American people, no sense of what is right or wrong. All they do know is how to go for the big bucks, how to lick the hand that pays them off. They are a disgrace to themselves and to the institution in which they are supposed to serve.


The American public has spoken by a 90 to 10 ratio. These men are not too stupid to understand that. What they are is dishonest, deceitful, slobs who are where they want to be and don’t care what you think until they need your vote. Learn the lesson. Remember the facts. They must all be voted out of office. Some are up in 2014. Don’t forget what you have to do in 18 months.