The Crazy Party



Mitch McConnell spreads the fertilizer in his latest speech on  the immigration bill and why he won’t support it. It seems that it doesn’t meet the “threshold” test for success. What does this mean- nothing. It appears from his jumbled, garbled double talk that he needs any bill that he supports to be bullet proof for all time, that is, it must be something that will be impossible to change at any later date; in other words, unconstitutional. The whole point of keeping the useless do-nothings of congress in place is so that over the years they can re-examine legislation that former congresses have passed in the light of a later time. They sure as hell don’t pass any new or significant legislation, or this congress certainly doesn’t,


Of course McConnell’s whole speech was pure bullshit. He never had any intention of giving any immigration bill a fair hearing. The Republicans really don’t want an immigration bill, they simply want the status quo, a country with a huge illegal population that can be pointed at as an example of brown people not succeeding. Maybe it’s time those brown people voted all of them out of office.


But why should McConnell’s actions be a surprise to anyone?  He is merely a front-runner in a political party that is quite possibly the most dysfunctional in history.


Political peacekeepers constantly attempt to bring both sides together by refusing to assign blame but the far Right makes it all but impossible for that to happen. How can you overlook terminal morons like Rep. Michael Burgess, ® Texas who, in trying to support a further ban on abortion, has come out with the idiotic statement that fetuses masturbate in the womb. Then because he is an OB/GYN he claims to have observed this behavior many times in 15 weeks of watching these 4” fetuses. Even for a nutcake Republican, that is one weird fetish.


In a party that boasts an ex-president who doesn’t read and a female vice presidential candidate who couldn’t name anything that she did read, senators and governors who have kept TV and the papers filled with dumb quotes and dumber ideas, who have supported bigotry, greed, concepts of scientific idiocy and downright, down home hatred for anyone who isn’t them, it is impossible to even attempt to accept the Right as anything but a  mindless, selfish, grasping group of clowns and fools who want everything that everyone else has and want it in their color and religion, and oh yeah, they don’t want to give anything of themselves in order to get it.


They back causes outlined for them by the billionaire industrialists who have bought and paid for their legislators; causes that are in direct opposition of their own needs, mindlessly thrashing about, disseminating hatred, and the grossest kinds of stupidity, spewing religious based venom at anyone who disagrees with their small-minded prejudices.


An example fresh out of the headlines can be seen on CNN, which has once again turned to a recognized hate group leader to speak on behalf of America’s Christians about the Supreme Court decision to reject DOMA.   This man, Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Counsel, a group designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, largely because of their position that gay men were child molesters, spent his time on Wolf Blitzer’s show claiming that this decision would lead to “religious organizations losing their tax exemption.” Why should they have one anyway? It’s people like Perkins and Blitzer who make functional Republicans want to leave the party..


But it isn’t just the nuts that are driving the Right crazy. House Speaker John Boehner crashed and burned over what should have been a walk in the park when the admittedly flawed Farm Bill  failed to pass the Republican House, exhibiting  the GOP ‘s cruel attitude toward the poor.


Boehner thought he could pander to the degenerate elements of the Republicans by throwing millions of the poor off the food stamp program and still get enough Democratic votes for the bill to pass. That didn’t happen when the Democrats saw the bill, which would have cut $20.5 billion from the food stamp budget, for the immoral, despicable piece of junk legislation that it is.


Interestingly enough the food stamp program was a product of real bi-partisan legislating when Bob Dole and George McGovern got together to solve the problem of Americans who were not getting enough to eat.. The food stamp program has been an enormous success despite the protests of greedy slime who would stand by and watch their neighbors starve. What can I say, it’s a Republican thing.