Bits & Pieces #164


Biden made the necessary trip to Saudi Arabia last week, even as on the home-front Joe Manchin stabbed him and all Americans in the back by announcing he would not support the worlds ecology but would back the rich getting richer. Of course Bernie Sanders had to state that the President shouldn’t reward nations like the Saudis for what they did to a journalist.  He’s right of course, but there are, I think, more important elements to be considered; elements that reach across the globe and affect a war that must be won in Ukraine.

Bernie had a lot to say about the whole situation and much of it was true but he made one very false statement. He thinks we need more progressive Democrats in office when what we really need is more moderate democrats. There is no question that Progressives often drive the train, but unfortunately too many of them have diarrhea of the mouth.


The inflationary jump in the cost of various goods and services, have revealed some surprising facts.

Food has risen 10.4% and Housing has risen 5.6% while gas has jumped an enormous 59.9%.  Why this imbalance?

Well, how about the fact that food comes from businesses that are competitive while housing costs only rise over a long time-frame, dictated by leases that can run for years, but gas prices are both unregulated and easily raised at a moment’s notice. What’s really fascinating is that food and housing are essential no matter where you live, but in many parts of the country, cars are a luxury. So how the hell do the oil companies get away with it?

Why don’t people who don’t have to drive, and there are many of them, just stop driving?

If you live in the country where there is little public transportation you need a car to get anywhere but you may not need a truck, which gets only 10 miles a gallon. I understand trucks are trendy, especially with a long gun hung behind the driver, but if you are more worried about being “in style” than about buying your kids food, stop bitching and get a second job.

I live in a city where having a car is a definite inconvenience, even when gas prices are low. Yet my block is lined with traffic slowing parked cars all day and night. Most of these cars never leave the block except for an occasional weekend trip in the summer when they could rent a car far more cheaply than it costs to keep a car in the city all year long. And why is it that all these people who are whining about gas prices are still driving gas-guzzlers that they know are poisoning the atmosphere? Electric cars have been around for a while now, small cars, which get up to 50 miles a gallon, forever. I drove a VW Bug all the way back in the 60s. If people bothered to pay attention to what’s important, there would be half the demand for gas, the planet would be better off, and the oil companies would be glad to take what they could get instead of trying to make unconscionable profits out of a situation that is hurting everyone.


With all the noise about the killing of Roe v Wade, it doesn’t really appear that it will be the huge vote motivator this fall that the Dems had hoped it would be. The reality is that many more issues have an impact on a larger spectrum of individuals than abortion. Granted the impact on any individual involved might be much more traumatic, but in general, the total numbers involved just aren’t there.

Sure, abortion will be an important part of the program for the Democratic campaigners but stuff like gun control, drug costs, medical coverage, pre-school, education and immigration will have to take precedence simply because of the numbers of voters directly affected.

The big question remains: can the Democrats fashion a clear, understandable platform based on these and a few similar needs that will turn out enough of the vote to hold the House and Senate and give them a couple of more Governors?


And while we’re on turnout, how about the state of NY wasting millions on a futile attempt at getting the vote for non-citizens. It may be the dumbest idea to come out of Woke World, ever. I know it appeals to all those latent do-gooder instincts, but it is against the State Constitution and frankly I see no reason to give the vote to people who are not vested in this country. Yes, I know getting citizenship papers takes a long time and yes, it is certainly a laborious process, but one accepts the sacrifice because one is committed to being a dedicated American citizen.

But just as important is the question: “Do we want foreigners to have a say in our government?” We cannot elect a president who is not a citizen, so why should we allow non-citizens to elect our government?

The Progressives, not satisfied to take the defeat and move on, are planning, in truly Trumpian style, to spend millions to try to change the State Constitution or otherwise get their way. All for a goal that somehow escapes this writer and many more like me.

With all the needs that NY State has; to spend even a penny more on this ludicrous cause is criminal.



There is $1.7 trillion of currently outstanding student debt in this country. What should Biden do about it?  The liberals want to forgive it. The Right doesn’t. Is there some common ground on which we can come together? No! We have long ago disposed of our abilities of to coalesce in any reasonable manner. So what do we do? No matter what is right or wrong the first thing that will be examined by those in charge is, how it will sell at the mid-term election. There are far more important matters that will be hanging on that election than student debt, and that means no politician will be able to make a really significant judgment on this issue.

But what should be done if we were able to do the right thing? Working stiffs who didn’t go to college and didn’t get the advantages of higher education say; “Make them pay. They got the advantages; they got the better jobs, now it’s time for them to pay back. It’s a debt like any other debt.” I have always felt that somehow the offering of these loans was in some way less than honest, but many people took them, not so much because they would never otherwise get into college but because they didn’t want to work and earn the money while they were students. On the other hand those who went to school on these loans often came out in a better position to help the nation.

So how do you figure out who actually needed the money and who just wanted an easy run through the coeds? You don’t. Those records are just not available.

It just doesn’t seem fair that those who availed themselves of the student loans should get away free. They got something for our money, something very valuable. Whether or not they used that education properly is not relevant. They should have to payback something, at least a major part of their loans, in order to make this right.






One thought on “Bits & Pieces #164

  1. Kansas just proved that the Killing of Roe versus Wade does have some value. Shocked the hell out of me. Only Iowa and Missouri would have been more shocking.
    In part, I agree about the student debt. Only the loaners raise my hackles. The Banker pricks were using them as a tool to steal (and charge interest on) good old taxpayer funds.
    Take care and keep at it,

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