Dick Cheney was back on the tube last week, proving that some people are too stupid to know when to keep their mouths shut. Cheney is unbelievably lucky he’s not in jail right now but he has no concept of that. If it hadn’t been for Barak Obama’s beneficence there were many in the Democratic party who would have been chasing both Cheney and Bush through the courts long ago.
So not understanding what a lucky creep he is, Cheney reached out a pathetic hand to the limelight the other day. He made a point of calling Obama’s new cabinet nominations second grade. Now, truth be told, if there is anyone in this world who would recognize second grade it is definitely Dick Cheney. After all, look at what he surrounded himself with during his days in office.
But it remains incomprehensible, that a guy who along with his puppet, Dubya, was responsible for allowing 3000 American civilians to be killed on 9/11, who then led us into a war to kill a single man, who was still alive when he left office eight years later. Who then led us into another war to get oil which he failed to get, a man who managed to alienate all our allies in only eight short years and who sat on his hands while New Orleans sank, can actually go on TV and talk about anyone being second grade. Oh yeah, this is the marksman who shot his friend in the face. I don’t know, maybe that explains it.
Well, so much for the revered image of the American farmer, that hard working, family oriented, basically honest American, that icon of noble stature and honesty.
It seems that American farmers are not only abusing and torturing farm animals in search of more production and greater profits but they are buying legislators to write new laws, allowing them to do it with alacrity and to brand those who would blow the whistle on them as terrorists.
That’s right, all you worshippers at the alter of the good ole American farmer, these barbaric hypocrites not only want to be able to act like butchers, they also want to ruin the lives of those honest journalists who have uncovered their bestial acts.
Anyone who has ever spent any time on farms knows that there are those farms that are run like clean, well oiled machines and there are those that look like garbage dumps. Investigators for animal rights organizations have recently managed to video tape farmers burning the legs of horses to make them trot a certain way as well as kicking pigs and throwing their piglets into the air. In case you hadn’t figured this out in advance, none of these acts are conducive to humane animal treatment or good farming. Nor are the conditions found and filmed a one of the country’s largest egg suppliers, where hens were caged alongside the rotting bodies of dead birds and where workers, for some incomprehensible reason, were seen snapping off the beaks of young chicks.
These farmers may be degenerate beasts but they are smart enough to buy a couple of legislators who have managed to pass bills in a couple of farm states making it illegal to photograph farm workers as they pursue their abuse. Nice world, isn’t it.
We have always known that Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell was a stupid bigot but his statement after the Senate voted not to pass any new gun regulation really puts him in the context of Michele Bachman and the rest of the idiot Right.
“We kept hearing that 90% of the American people wanted us to vote a certain way. Well, at the end of the day, we decided that we weren’t going to cave in to that special-interest group.”
What the hell does this moron think he is in Washington for? His job description is to be a representative of the people who voted him into office.
Then, of course there’s Lindsay Graham, who occasionally has something of intelligence to say. but has chosen this occasion to prove that such statements are few and far between.
“If we voted the way the American people wanted us to, it would have sent the message that we’re here in Washington to be nothing more than elected representatives .”
Okay, Lindsay, then what the hell are you there for, to be representatives of the gun lobby? They may be paying you but they didn’t elect you.
If the figure 90% is, indeed correct, it means that even people who can’t pass the gun checks voted for it. There are even some thieves and mentally incompetent people who see how much it is needed. But not McConnell. Just to prove that he is nothing but an arrogant lackey of the gun industry he continues.
“If the American people think that just because they voted us into office and pay our salaries, benefits and pensions, we are somehow obligated to listen to them, they are sorely mistaken.”
Get to you did it? Well, actually these quotes are all by Andy Borowitz who writes a great satiric column in the New Yorker. But if you study them carefully, you will realize that they are actually what McConnell and Graham are saying with their vote. Pretty pathetic.
Did you know that law enforcement techs can trace the powder in explosives all the way back to the original seller and that includes all the buyers along the chain. They could do that if the manufacturers were obliged to put taggants in the gunpowder. But the manufacturers aren’t obligated to do that because the NRA has helped the powder manufacturing companies fight all the bills that have been introduced to include these taggants into the mix.
It’s interesting to note that all plastic explosives, like Semtex have these taggants. Why? Because they are manufactured outside the country, not by our own arms industry. Semtex comes from Libya and I guess they don’t have an NRA in Libya.
Why do you suppose that the arms industry and its butt boy, the NRA are fighting against something that could help law enforcement find killers? Is it possible that each company doesn’t want their product traced back to them because it’s bad press? Could it possibly be that these guys don’t care who or how many get killed as long as they don’t lose one sale? These are the guys your congressmen are taking money from to vote against your interests. Remember the guys who voted against gun control on election day.
Just finished watching an interview with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, chairman of Nestles, a man who must be considered a degenerate sociopath by every sentient human who knows of his life’s work and a potential target by everyone in the world owning a gun.
This sub-human slime, wants to privatize water, turn it into a product that can be exploited by his already degenerate company. He states quite clearly that there has never been one illness ever caused by the consumption of GMO’s. This, of course, puts him deeply into the Monsanto fantasy support group.
But back to the water. He feels that it should be industrialized by companies like his and sold to those that can afford it, and of course withheld from those who can’t. What’s next, asshole. air?
An article in Natural Society/News Report by Anthony Gucciardi reports that Nestles has already come under fire for endangering vulnerable water resources in the Serra da Mantiquiera region of Brazil, where they are draining public aquifer areas to supply their mineral water product. Their ongoing work has already resulted in depletion and long-term damage.
Not too long ago Nestles was under fire for buying cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Ghana that had been produced using child slaves. Hundreds of thousands of children in Mali, Burkina Faso and Togo were purchased from their destitute parents and sent to Ivory Coast to work the cocoa farms. This is a dangerous company run by sociopaths with the mindset of Buchenwald gas chamber guards.
Has anyone else noticed that Mitch McConnell looks disturbingly like that old Dick Tracey nemesis, Pruneface?
All of a sudden this week the President drew a red line across Syria and chemical weapons became the main subject of discussion. Of course like most reporting today, we quickly found out that chemical weapons probably had not been used in Allepo, that what had been used there was most probably tear gas. Examination of victims and delivery means revealed that there was no indication that Sarin, the current chemical weapon of choice, had been used in any of the cases. It’s beginning to look like the news reports were doctored to set up a phony WMD situation like the one that led us, erroneously into Iraq.
But what if it had been Sarin? What exactly is it that makes chemical weapons so much more unacceptable than other weapons? They were used extensively in WWI and again in WWII and probably in other armed conflicts but you mention them now and everybody gets all bent out of shape. Why? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending gas as a weapon but I just don’t see how it’s so much worse than other weapons. They will all kill you just as dead. We have a weapon that we developed in Iraq that uses uranium in its base charge. It sucks the air out of the building it hits, collapsing everyone’s lungs, then it causes an enormous fireball that burns everyone to death and then, because of the uranium, it poisons everyone who passes by the spot for who knows how many years.
The surviving citizens of Iraq are just now finding out about the after affects of this widely used US weapon. Why is gas worse? In WWII we used flamethrowers extensively. Is anything worse than getting burned to death? We dropped an atom bomb on two Japanese cities, annihilating them. Is gas worse than that? If it is, I would like to have someone explain how. Or what about the Agent orange we used in Nam?
So why this red line? Why are we getting our panties in bunch over someone using gas? Or is this just an excuse to get us in to another shooting war? It sure looks that way.