More Than We Want to Know About Iraq
The damn Sunday morning talking heads just can’t get off the warmonger drug. It seems that none of them want to realize or admit that the men who get us into a war with Iraq are not the experts they
The Urban Curmudgeon
growls from Manhattan
The damn Sunday morning talking heads just can’t get off the warmonger drug. It seems that none of them want to realize or admit that the men who get us into a war with Iraq are not the experts they
Iraq has final exploded and all over the world people are surprised. Why? Haven’t they been paying attention? Suddenly every nut case who needs some tube time is howling for the President to do something. A typical example is Congressman Mike McCaul
Watching the news for the last week or so, one would deduct that those on the tube and in the papers had all been born in the last four weeks. For those of us who actually existed before 911, the
The standoff between Russia and the rest of the world over Crimea and the Ukraine isn’t gung anywhere. The Republicans in this country who are using it to attack Obama are no better than Putin. The reality is that there are
A very important and probably for the first time, significant discussion broke out on This Week… It was truly stimulating because for the first time in memory some real strategic, as opposed to political, questions were asked and although few were answered,
Yeah, they’ve all gone nuts again. SAC has the world’s skies filled with its aircraft, bomb bay doors open, nuclear warheads primed. Our nuclear subs are all pointed at Moscow, torpedo tubes open and waiting. Russian missal commands have their gunners standing