Biden promises to go after attack weapons in the new year, while the GOP announces that it will go after Hunter Biden. Let’s see, which is highest on your agenda? Do you really believe that Joe’s useless son has more of an
Last week, Merrick Garland announced the appointment of a special counsel to take over the investigations of Donald Trump. He claimed that it was “The right thing to do.” No Merrick, it was the cowardly thing to do, and you were late
Memet Oz, another of Trump’s losers, kept telling us that he was not a politician, that he was a surgeon. Okay, so now he can go back to an operating room, where he can wait for some fool to be dumb enough
A couple of very interesting guests were on Bill Maher last week. Gillian Tett, author of Anthro-Vision, and Yuval Noah Harari, Author of Unstoppable Us, led a discussion on how expanding technology affects the human race. The discussion covered the area of
There have been a lot of dumb politicians in the history of our Senate, but this year we really have a shot at electing the new champ. That’s right! In Georgia, even as I scribble this blog, Hershel Walker is about to
As the mid-Terms hover on the periphery of our daily consciousness, the Republicans have realized that their only sword in this battle is the possibility that they can continue to convince the public that the inflation which exists in the nation today,
I don’t know if anyone has had time to notice, what with the degenerate asshole and radio host Alex Jones taking up a big chunk of the headlines by losing over a billion bucks to parents of Sandy Hook victims, but before
Donald Trump is a sociopath and a clown but there are still voters who would choose him in the next election. I know it’s hard to believe. After all, this is the same clown that rejected NATO and sided with Vladimir Putin.
The Queen is dead. Long live the King! The question remains; what kind of King will Bonnie Prince Charley be? I, for one hope he will be more involved in international politics. We all know he has been a climate advocate and
The Biden speech just before Labor Day had everybody’s pants on fire. Has he given up on unity? His attack on Trump, and specifically his MAGA followers, looked like he might have, but that doesn’t consider the way Biden managed to get