Watching the evolution of the Coronavirus is like staring into a petri dish as the germs react to stimuli. Every dish is different because the stimuli are different and each produces a different result. Some healthcare workers bravely dive into solving the
I happened to catch a small piece of an interview this week in which Donald Trump Jr. was berating the interviewer and demanding that this guy moderate a debate between him and Hunter Biden. Really? I have no idea how Biden
Bernie keeps harping about fighting the “establishment.” What establishment? Biden won big in states with a mostly minority vote. Those states are hardly the “establishment.” Sure Joe will take money from big donors but the Democrats have to look at
It erupted like a tsunami powered by an unseen ocean floor volcano devastating a seemingly settled political landscape, overturning everything in its path and completely changing everything we thought we knew. One week ago Joe Biden was the walking dead. All
So, I’m watching Joe Biden on Nicole Wallace’s show and I start to think about the Democratic Primary and all it’s ramifications. The first thing that strikes me is that I really like all the candidates. I think all of them
Morning Joe Scarborough may have left The Republican Party over a personal rift with Donald Trump but that doesn’t mean he has abandoned his conservative principles. He demonstrated that point his week when he attacked Bernie Sanders. That attack came from a
With two miniscule states out of the way in the Democratic election process, and a third around the corner, the pundits and media prognosticators are so busy projecting the final winner that they are barely covering what is actually going on in
Pundits keep telling us that Donald Trump is a genius at manipulating media and the public but that’s pure unadulterated bullshit. Trump manipulates and motivates his base and nothing else, and he does it by lying and intimidating those who are
It’s been a busy week. We’ve had an unsuccessful impeachment, a nasty State of the Union address and a flubbed Iowa Democratic primary, the results of all this being somewhere between depressing and disastrous. The Trump acquittal had all the recognition
John Bolton’s book, submitted to the White House back in December, but which they claim no one there has read, hit the Times this weekend and it got everybody’s balls in an uproar. The problem for the Republicans is that Bolton was