Mike Pence was out polluting the airwaves this weekend, selling his faux Christian nonsense even as he was ignoring the plight of children, being abused under our government’s “care”. Of all the awful things Trump has done since he stole office, condoning
The noise from the Persian Gulf over the attacks on Norwegian and Japanese tankers is just the latest indication that our administration knows nothing about international politics or how the world really works; the point being neither of the tankers are
I’m watching Trump’s interview with George Stephanopoulos and the Fat Liar keeps talking about the truth. What the hell does Trump know about truth? This is a jackass that has lied over 10,000 times in his first two years in office.
Trump’s return from Europe reminds us that his blundering policies are currently threatening alliances that have held the modern world together for the last three quarters of a century. The fat moron in the White House has attacked NATO, the European
Lately there’s been a great deal of controversy lately over whether or not Trump actually wants to be impeached. The “yes” crowd figured, based on what happened during the Clinton impeachment, Trump might have decided it would make him a martyr
Donald Trump spent the last couple of days having temper tantrums and raging against those he is accusing of “Treason”. That’s interesting considering that Trump himself has come the closest to treason of any government official in even distant memory. The big
At a rally the other night in Pennsylvania, Trump accused Biden of abandoning that state and running away. That’s right Donald. That cowardly 10 year-old Joe Biden just didn’t have the guts to stay behind and make his way alone when
The question Republican’s are asking; doesn’t the President have the right to fire Comey, Rosenstein or Mueller? The simple answer is, “yes.” But nothing is ever simple in government, politics or the law because if he fired any of them to
Egged on by warmonger and National Security advisor John Bolton, the American military are rattling sabers all over the planet. The main attractions right now are Venezuela and Iran but we can also look to North Korea, Ukraine, Yemen and various
So now we know why Donald Trump is the only President in the last half century that hasn’t made his tax returns public. Why wouldn’t he try to mask the fact that over a ten-year period, 1985-1994, he lost $1.7 billion? That’s