The question has been raised; does Attorney General Barr consider himself as the head of the justice department for the people of the United States or as the President’s personal lawyer? That question was answered definitively this week in the Senate
Joe Biden threw his hat n the ring last Thursday morning and immediately made it crystal clear that he was going to pursue a very different game plan than all the other significant candidates. Whereas the other front-runners have opted for the
Three times this week, old friends have told me that despite all the facts presented by the Mueller Report they still favor Trump because, n their view, he has never been given a fair chance. One friend said, “The Democrats attacked
Well, the Mueller report is out and finally out of the hands of our scurrilous AG Bill Barr. According to all reports it says anything but what Barr and the administration would like us to think. It’s obvious that Mueller found
I’m watching Pete Buttigeig having a conversation about the subtle differences between socialism and capitalism and the ways they interact in our present society and I begin to wonder how that conversation would sound coming from our current president. And I couldn’t
Julian Assange was arrested, this week. British authorities made the pickup at the Ecuadorian Embassy where Assange has been hiding for seven years. It seems he was misbehaving so badly that even the Ecuadorians wanted him arrested. He will probably be
I was reading a couple of seriously right wing sites this week. Of course I read them. You have to read everything if you want to have some realistic idea of what’s going on in the world we inhabit. Bizarrely enough,
So Mueller published his report and it went right into the biased hands of Attorney General William Barr. Barr has now written a letter to congress explaining what he got out of the report. It’s a four-page letter synopsizing twenty-two months
Trump’s insane behavior keeps going from bad to worse, which drove everyone to ask the big question. Will the release of the Mueller report calm him down? Well the report has been released but so far has been read only by
The silence is deafening. The biggest mouth in the world, the nasty hole that constantly bellows, tweets and blabbers about all manner of nonsense, seems to have nothing to say about a deranged Coast Guard officer who has plotted to kill all