Sara Huckabee Sanders went on the tube to announce to Chuck Schumer that she and her fellow bottom feeders at the White House were going to give him instructions in negotiating. This would be hilarious if it weren’t so ridiculous. That this
95% of Americans support stricter background checks for guns. 79% of Americans support the banning of assault rifles. Guns will kill more Americans in the next two years than were killed in the entire 10 year Vietnam War. And the difference
Donald Trump keeps telling us about what a great businessman he is and how he gets things done cheap and efficiently. Well the news has come out that Air Force One, the President’s plane is getting two refrigerators replaced. Cost- $24 million!
Mitch McConnell appeared before the cameras recently and stated that the Republicans wouldn’t come up with a bill on keeping the government open until he knew what the President wanted to sign. Did he mean that the GOP, which is in charge
Once again Donald Trump has been successful in clouding any issues that are not in his favor by creating a Trojan Horse of misinformation. This time it’s a Devin Nunes written, GOP inspired memo, that supposedly has to do with misdeeds by
The President with the worst first year approval rating in history came before the American people last night and in every place where he could have been a source of bringing the nation together, he was divisive. He set himself up
Read the NY Times Op Ed with letters from Trump supporters who, for the most part, get their information from Fox News and the NY Post. They may read the Times but it’s obvious that they don’t believe anything they read in
The problem of sanctuary cities has come to the fore and it is really an interesting argument. From a human and a liberal point of view it is a no brainer. Cities like San Francisco and New York have established themselves on
Really big noise over Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” continued on This Week. Even Matt Schlaff, Trump’s only defender on the panel was forced into the corner of having to deny that he feels Trump is incompetent. The book has been attacked
In the wake of the publication of Michael Wolff’s “Fire & Fury,” I decided to go to Fox news and see what the White House news Station had to say about this new phenomenon that is undermining our national agenda. Of