In a sickening display of uncontrolled sucking up, the Republican Party groveled in the dirt before Donald Trump, their dictator in waiting. This nauseatingly despicable exercise in keeping the child mollified so he doesn’t have a tantrum and drop a bomb
While being being interviewed by Nichole Wallace Representative Adam Schiff casually dropped the information that after 911 the House and Senate, in an attempt to make their Intelligence Committees more functional, voted to eliminate term limits. They did this to
The House Judiciary Committee hearing into God knows what, continued yesterday and the gloves came off as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appeared before the political hacks that masquerade as congressmen. But it wasn’t a hearing, it was a lynch mob
I am writing this on December 7th 2017, the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a military blunder that has gone down in history as one of the biggest mistakes any nation ever made because it was the catalyst for
General Michael Flynn, the Trump nominee as the Director of National Security, the man who instituted the Lock her up!” chant at Trump rallies, may now be in line to get locked up himself, and he may be bringing his son with
Nick Mulvaney, a clown who wanted to get rid of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was appointed by the idiot in the White House as head of that agency this weekend. The CFPB was put together by Elizabeth Warren to protect you
It’s no secret that the Trump administration has been at a loss to fill many government jobs and that this has seriously damaged the administration’s ability to function on any serious level. The State Department has a huge hole in its
The big noise this week is the accusation against Steve Bannon’s candidate for the Senate, Alabama’s Roy Moore. The big question! Did he molest a 14 year old girl when he was 32? The big answer – no one cares, at
Steve Bannon said last week that there has never been as destructive a Presidency in this country as that of George W. Bush. He’s right but that’s because Trump has only been in office for 9 months. Just give stupid Donald
And then there is the Republican Tax Plan. It finally came out this week and that caused Trump to state at least a dozen times on national TV that it would be the largest tax cut in our history (a lie),