After the mess in Charlottesville recently all the pundits seem to agree that Trump is loath to attack the bigots and white supremacists because they are a significant part of his base. Maybe they are, but that’s not the real reason. The
Everyone knows the saying It takes a village, and it does, but what they don’t realize is that sometimes it takes a catastrophe to get that village up off its ass and functioning. As they always do in this country disasters bring
Donald Trump went out in front of the American public the other night and made the speech he had to eventually make. This was something of a revelation. He spent an awful lot of time justifiably praising our armed forces, and while
Trump the bigot stated, it is “so foolish” to be taking down monuments of confederates in this country. He’s wrong about that as well as about his equivocation of Lee and Washington but it goes further than that. Article 3 of the
A recent study of fossil fuel subsidies, published in the journal, World Development, has shown that industries in that sphere now benefit by over $5 trillion per year in subsidies. That doesn’t even take into account the cost of damages to the
Amidst all the noise surrounding the mishandling of North Korea, Donald Trump has managed to get another swipe in at Iran and the treaty Obama negotiated with them. This writer really can’t understand why our presidents love to attack Iran. Sure their
It’s pretty much impossible to do everything wrong. Even the greatest f***ups in history got something right once in a while but right now Donald Trump is trying to put the lie to that statement, big time! Now there’s a good
The Dow hit 22,000 yesterday. So what? Sure it means that people with some savings or a significant amount of money are doing very well but what about the rest of the country? What about all those people who don’t have savings
Donald Trump’s litany of failure, achieved in only six months, bodes ill for the rest of his term in office. But forget six months. Just look at Trump’s failures in the last 36 hours! He started out by blaming the three Republican
There is a twenty something year-old girl in this country who is about to go to jail for leaking the fact that the Russians hacked into county clerks computers in an attempt to alter the vote count in the last election. We