Is anyone surprised about Trump appointing an obvious ass kisser to the job of Communications Director? I have never seen anyone so comfortable having his nose wedged securely between the cheeks of a fat criminal as Anthony Scaramucci appeared at his opening
We all knew that Rick Perry our Secretary of Energy was dumb as a post, but this week he proved it. This moron decided that he was smart enough to explain supply and demand to those in the nation that didn’t
This blog has pretty much stayed away from the Russian hacking and the Trump group collusion story because it still has so very far to go before any conclusion becomes reality. There will be thousands of pundit opinions and more thousands of
The new healthcare bill really has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s a tax bill aimed at saving money for the already rich. The Republicans can lie about it until their teeth fall out and the Democrats can blunder around lost in
So it turns out that Obama knew about the Russian involvement in our elections during the summer of 2016. He considered it, looked at various plans to punish the Russians and finally did nothing. I might have been because he didn’t want
The Senate healthcare bill, which Mitch McConnell has been guarding with his life, the one that has been constructed by 13 fat white Republican men, all of whom pledge allegiance to their rich benefactors before their constituents, was released to lobbyists before
The Florida Batistero community, who fled Cuba when Castro took power and were looking for revenge pushed the duller minds in our government for fifty years. They instituted Cuban policies that hurt Cuba and eliminated U.S. trade with that island nation.
The Emperor without clothes, Donald Trump called his cabinet together the other day to praise him in the manner to which he thinks he is entitled. A couple of dozen people, all appointed or hired for important positions in our government prostrated
The shootings down in Washington, mainly because they involved a bunch of congressmen, have become a center of controversy. A similar workplace shooting in California barely made the news. Why? Well, we seem to have gotten used to people in this country
Remember when Trump was bragging to the skies that he had saved all those jobs at Carrier’s Indiana plant? Well Carrier is planning to lay off 300 of those workers just before Christmas. Carrier is owned by United Technologies one of