Dumb on Climate
The big deal this news cycle (down to 4 hours in a Trump administration) is Trump’s trashing of the Paris Climate Control Agreement. But there is a second big deal going on that most have missed in all the noise about Trumps
The Urban Curmudgeon
growls from Manhattan
The big deal this news cycle (down to 4 hours in a Trump administration) is Trump’s trashing of the Paris Climate Control Agreement. But there is a second big deal going on that most have missed in all the noise about Trumps
When Donald Trump was running for the Presidency he promised that he would appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate all the things Hillary Clinton was supposed to be doing illegally. That Prosecutor has now been appointed. This is literally the only thing
Ben Sasse ® Nebraska is Jimmy Stewart. He is the best future for the Republican Party mainly because he gets it. He has a sense of what this country should be and where he would like it to go which is more
The Comey firing has certainly become the bullet that may bring the Trump Presidency down. The stupidity of doing it while Comey’s FBI was investigating the Trump administration for involvement with the Russian hack of our elections was bad enough but the
Watched Ed Haislmaier, scabrous slime from the Heritage Foundation lying about healthcare on MSNBC. No matter how they cut it, the GOP degenerates who are defending different aspects of the new Trumpcare that they passed through the House, can’t get away from
With all the noise that’s been made about Trump being a liar, one would think he’d have some tiny bit of sensitivity about being caught in obvious lies on TV but the Liar-in-Chief was tweeting this weekend that the Obama administration had
I know it’s getting to be old hat by now but my attack on the stupidity of Trump voters just won’t die. This weekend I was approached by a long time casual friend who was more than a bit upset by my
Trump won this election because the suckers believed that he would rescue them from the fate bestowed on them by the current Republican Party. None of those voters seemed to realize that Trump was running as a Republican or maybe, in their
Okay, It’s been almost seven months since the election that changed the United States from the world’s leader to the world’s joke. Donald (The Punch Line) Trump has reached his 100th day in office and the Democratic Party continues beating itself up
Spent a couple of weeks in Italy and Spain and found the political atmosphere surrounding our President quite the topic of discussion. Everyone who finds out that you are an American has one of two questions to ask. Is he crazy