Bits & Pieces #86
A man named Jose Antonio Vargas was on Bill Maher this weekend. He is this functional guy who owns a small business that employs 15 American citizens but is not himself a citizen or even legal. So naturally the talk went to
The Urban Curmudgeon
growls from Manhattan
A man named Jose Antonio Vargas was on Bill Maher this weekend. He is this functional guy who owns a small business that employs 15 American citizens but is not himself a citizen or even legal. So naturally the talk went to
Trump came out with his budget proposal and to the surprise of absolutely no one he blew the military part of that budget up to monstrous proportions while cutting the state department and almost every other area of the budget. In adding
Can you believe it? For seven years the Republicans talked about nothing but repealing Obamacare. That was their entire agenda. They bred and raised their spawn on that theme. And now, with all three parts of government under their control, with everything
With the travel ban, healthcare and the accusation against his predecessor all going against him, Trump went on the road to whine to struggling autoworkers that think he’s going to save their jobs. The man does love the sound of cheering crowds,
Trump advisor Mick Mulvaney, head of the Budget Office was on This Week, lying about how this new Healthcare bill that would both reduce the debt and save money. One of the first things out of his mouth was that the GOP
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House replacement liar for Kellyanne Conway was on This Week trying to lie away the outlandish Trump accusation that Obama had bugged Trump Tower. Anyone with any brains knows this is Trump’s pathetic attempt to outflank the
It seems that Trump got tired of watching Kellyanne Conway go into the toilet every time she spoke to the press so the White House sent yet another lamb to the slaughter, last Sunday when Sarah Huckabee Saunders spoke to George Stephanopoulos
All across the country Town Hall meetings have erupted with Republicans attacking their own elected officials as they suddenly realize what the repeal of Obamacare really means to their own health. These are people who voted Republican at the last election because
It would seem that Trump is determined to prove his campaign statement that “America is broken,” is true, but in order to do that he, himself, must break everything that is working. To that end he has nominated to his cabinet,
Donald Trump sent a snotty little Hitler youth named Steve Miller out on Sunday to be interviewed by all three networks The result was nothing short of catastrophic for the White House where Miller lurks as an advisor to the President.