Watched an interview with Hillary Clinton recently and the question of Obama’s ability to hook up with the Republicans for the good of the country came up. Her answer was clear and very concise, and it made a lot of sense.
Despite what the party establishment says, the Republican race seems to be all but over. Trump stands with a firm 35-40%, seemingly no matter where he goes or what happens, and the rest divide up the remaining two thirds of the
The Republican primaries came apart at the seams the other night with supposedly mature men who are running for the Presidency of the greatest nation in the world, squabbling like children in a schoolyard or punks on a street corner. But there
The President has submitted a budget that will get no votes from a Republican congress. They accuse him of playing to the progressive agenda and they are right. Of course the progressive agenda is the best one for the country and if
The big news of the weekend is the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. All the Republicans can talk about is the idea that he was a lion and a great justice. The Democrats, out of respect, have held their
So we had the primaries in New Hampshire the other night and there were very few surprises. Bernie beat Hillary, maybe by more than most people thought, and Trump led the GOP candidates by a good margin. Just about the only
The Democrats and Republicans had what we have been calling debates this week. The Democratic debate on Thursday night was possibly the most substantive, intelligently carried out debate ever heard in these parts. This and the last Democratic debate have been
So the Republicans have created a new crime with which to attack Hillary. It isn’t mass murder or genocide because if it were, they’d have to also accuse their war-mongering candidates, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It isn’t destroying the environment,
Americans are suckers! Anyone with even the least credibility can say almost anything they like and a certain percentage of American readers or viewers will take it as gospel. It’s a disease, and more than anything else, it is ruining our
Donald Trump proved today, that like all other bullies, he is at heart, a coward. Fox News has announced that Megyn Kelly is going to be one of the moderators on tonight’s GOP debate. Last time out she asked Trump some