The Battle for Obamacare goes on. John Dean points out that no huge program, private or public ever gets off the board without glitches and that stands twice as strong for government programs. He also points out that the program is
Royal Dutch Shell, one of the foreign oil companies that keep running ads on American television informing us what a great bunch of guys they are and how much they’re doing to help America has just been fined $1.1 million for
The gun debate goes on and on and on , with little resolution between those who think guns are dangerous, no matter who is handling them and those who blather about their rights but are really only referring to
Let’s forget, for a second that Social Security isn’t an entitlement and try to think the inaccurate way that many politicians talk. Social Security is currently running a $2 trillion surplus. That’s massive and it comes from the
All the arguments about money in this country come down to the struggle between higher taxes and lower entitlements. If we want to solve this argument and come to some kind of agreement on a middle ground, the first thing
The gun debate goes on and on and on , with little resolution between those who think guns are dangerous, no matter who is handling them and those who blather about their rights but are really only referring to
So the losers in Washington have kept the country from defaulting, as least for a while. What they should have done four months ago is to have passed the debt limit and everything else and then immediately gotten down to fixing
Let’s hear it for the party that wants to f__k kids with cancer. That’s right, you heard me. That’s what the Greedy Old Pigs are doing right now, because among the services that the government they shut down, used to
Five years ago seven western governors backed a study that revealed that it would be cheaper and much more workable if they just insured everybody in one big package. The problem, it seemed was not the premium cost but the current
President Obama, has spent the last couple of weeks blowing smoke about how President Assad of Syria, a country that most, geographically challenged, Americans couldn’t even find on the map, has been gassing his citizens. According to the President