The latest news out of our justice community. The filing of a Freedom of information Act brief by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has revealed that the FBI was in possession of information indicating that certain leaders of the
Remember this acronym. SDI. It stands for systemically dangerous institutions. Translation: banks that are too big to fail. Somehow, those in charge of our staggering, inherently fallible, economic system have decided that such institutions actually exist. The only criteria
Just when you think the gun nuts have reached the apogee of idiocy a new challenger steps into the ring. Who would have thought, after the catastrophe of 2010 that there would be an electorate dumb enough to vote another Tea
Well the Governor of New York has already jumped in and the President is now deeply embroiled in the gun issue so it’s time for all of us to pick a side and start shooting. First let’s look at
In part 1 of this discourse, we indicated a few areas where the government could acquire additional funds that would help with the country’s expenses and also help lower the deficit. But funding alone won’t do the trick. As the Republican’s
I am as much against many of the new and proposed laws controlling our freedom of speech and movement as any one else on the planet but I am also against what has become the newest defense of various
A few weeks ago, I received a letter from the president of the University of Notre Dame, from which I graduated over fifty years ago. I get the impression that the letter had been sent to all contributing alumni. I
This Friday the nation was shocked by a horrifying crime. Those of you who have read this column for any length of time know that I am an adamant advocate of serious gun control. This despite the fact that for
The latest massacre in Colorado has not and will not make any impression on what remains of the gun debate. We are a warlike nation of killers and we will remain that way regardless of how many psychos mow down our
I have always been one of the most ardent backers of nuclear energy. I was one of the many to point out that the entire human damage done throughout the world by Chernobyl from the time of that accident, until