I hate to go back and beat dead horses but when even senile idiots like Pat Robertson can see that one of our most costly and nationally debilitating processes is a disaster it’s time for those in more functional positions to get
The Newtish one really screwed the pooch on Meet the Press, when he accused President Obama of being at war with the Catholic Church. It seems that the Newted thing, joined later by the other GOP candidates, took a quote from Cardinal
Well, the Newtish one really screwed the pooch on Meet the Press, when he accused President Obama of being at war with the Catholic Church. It seems that the Newted thing, joined later by the other GOP candidates, took a quote from
I was checking out MoveOn.com’s The Daily Share and came across three of the most moving pieces that I have seen in years. What made them interesting is that the were each moving for a different reason and in a different way.
Why Are we so Angry With banks? A good question. We need banks; they have always been an integral part of our economic blueprint and when they are functioning correctly they provide needed services. So what’s the problem? Well the problem is
What is wrong with the NYC police? Overnight they have gone from a respected, model organization to a bunch of stupid thugs. The arrest of Naomi Wolf the other night is just outrageous and must reflect badly on the department. Ray Kelly
A little noticed story appeared on page 20 of the 11/25 New York Times. Popular NPR, All Things Considered, co-host Michelle Norris will be leaving her post on the show until after the 2012 presidential elections because he husband Broderick Johnson will
I know the anti-abortion forces think they’re on a mission from God and that’s what’s so depressing. I mean if they want to replace logic with faith in their own lives that’s their business, it’s when they decide that they know what’s
A study by University of Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith has turned up evidence that 18 to 23 year-olds have almost no grasp of what constitutes a moral decision or indeed what place morality has in our lives or our society. Is
I keep wanting to write about global warming but I also abhor the concept of trying to make the great intellectually unwashed understand that it’s real. I mean how do you write stuff to people who don’t read? So I decided to