Today, as people across the nation morn the deaths of simple worshippers at the hand of a bigoted, demented killer, the stars and stripes and the state flag of South Carolina are flying at half -mast over the South Carolina Capital
The big noise from Texas is actually about a Bigoted Bimbo from Broadway and how she conned her dumb as dirt followers from the Lone Star State into having a cartoon contest where artists from that woebegone state, i.e. anyone who can
The TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership is a big time trade agreement that will cripple any environmental control of big business, lose jobs and lower wages in the USA and make ouir lawmakers lose control of our monetary processes. (read encourage
At least two states, Kentucky and Illinois have recently denied state employees access to the information of who is handling their pension money and where it is being invested. Does anyone out there see the idiocy of this stance?
For those who think that Charlie Hebdo had it coming, all I can say is, you missed the point. As soon as you censor any comment you have left the road open to censor them all and I don’t really think
Obama has been trying to get legislation passed on various issues.. A couple of years ago he fought hard to get an immigration bill through congress. It got through the senate but it couldn’t even get a vote in the
I know that I put in a lot of time complaining about the media in this country and how they seemingly have no ability to place the emphasis on the right story but nothing illustrates my point louder than the current
The terrorist attacks in Paris have caused much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth but not much discussion of the responsibility and the cure of what is now happening all over the world. Where does the responsibility lie for these
The nation is still aflame over the killings of two black men by police in seemingly non-threatening situations. This is as it should be but if you are reading this you will have to realize that I am guilty
The country is currently in the middle of a huge hand wringing crisis of conscience over the torture reports that have been released by Congresswoman Diane Feinstein. Accusations fly, philosophies clash but the biggest question is, will there be prosecutions?