John Hayward, who bills himself as “Powerful Conservative Voice” on his rightwing blog Human Events has taken off on the ACA with a blistering attack, filled with Conservative fact and numbers. Mr. Hayward, who is the print version of Rush
In a world with everything going crazy, with the Russians invading Ukraine, the Iranians making believe that they can actually build an atomic bomb, the Israeli’s pretending that they want to treat the Palestinians as equals and the President of Afghanistan
Last week, in an interview with The Daily Beast’s Eli Lake, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, the same James Clapper who lied to congress under oath, when he told them that NSA was not collecting large quantities of American’s phone records,
It looks more and more that all us suckers who voted for Barak Obama because we thought, among other things, that he was truly dedicated to an environmental policy that would help reverse the disastrous climate policies of previous administrations. It
Rep Mike McCall,( R )Texas stated recently. on national TV, that Ed Snowden is a traitor working for a foreign power. Of course he couldn’t name the foreign power or show any proof that Snowden was doing anything except what he
The GOP has all the Evangelicals out praying their butts off that the ACA fails or at least looks bad long enough for them to make it the primary item in the 2014 election but that’s not really what’s important at
Kristen Gillibrand is now hearing noise about running for President. Ms Gillibrand is presidentially attractive, intelligent and a clever speaker but she just doesn’t have the gravitas to make this run now. I’ve seen her in two instances get her
A really important question was being debated on TV last Sunday. Has the president lost the American people and will he recover from this very bad year. Of course Bill Kristol and the Right were loaded for bear, championing the
Michael Hayden is one very smart cookie. He makes the best defense of the security establishments egregious invasions of American privacy imaginable but even Hayden can’t make me believe that NSA isn’t more interested in power than they are in security.
There was big news last week about a bunch of archeologists digging up some old bones in Europe that seem to have changed the known history of how man has developed. Actually this shouldn’t be big news at all because it