Child Abusing Monsters

Last week, ignorant and degenerate Presidential butt boy Peter Navarro made the outrageous claim that there was a specific level of hell reserved for Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau after Trudeau made some bland comment about Trump trying to push people around. It was so far off base it was laughable, despite that when you get right down to it there is really very little that involves our current government that can be considered laughable

Yet in that vein and searching for a real candidate for that lower level of hell I give you the mini-troll; Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a seemingly benign sight gag, who until now has spent his useless life recusing himself from anything serious and ducking missals aimed at him by an angry Trump. It seems that it was too much to ask that Sessions would continue his pathetic existence avoiding Trump and other kinds of controversy because now he has found for himself a mission so vile he has immediately thrust himself into competition with the great monsters of all time.

I am speaking, of course, about Sessions latest obsession with tearing infants from the arms of their screaming mothers in the name of saving American jobs. It’s ironic that after hiding under his desk for a year and a half to avoid Trump’s ire, that Sessions would emerge leading the most heinous program ever developed in the United States of America. During his campaign, Donald Trump promised that he would kill immigration in this country and save American jobs. Saving jobs by stopping immigration was only one of the many super lies that Trump has dumped on the gullible people of this country but it may now be leading to the greatest human rights disaster since Hitler began running the Jews into the ovens at Buchenwald and Dachau.

Forget that we actually need immigrants o staff our businesses; forget that the jobless rate is at an all time low and that modern industry desperately needs an influx of new talent available from overseas. All of these real and practical facts fade to oblivion when we are faced with the disgusting and degenerate abuses being visited on the poor terrified seekers of asylum trying to gain access to our land of supposed freedom, only to have their screaming children torn from their arms by the brutes of ICE, Jeff Session’s personal immigration Gestapo.

But why is this happening? Why are we experiencing the most horrific assault on humanity in American history? This is not some plague visited upon the nation by enemies or nature. This is a wholly homegrown, governmental aberration created in the White House for the purpose of promulgating the erection of Trump’s fondest desire, a useless Wall to separate Mexico and the United States.

The Wall was ludicrous when Trump proposed it. Now it is way past that. Spending billions to keep rattlesnakes and prairie dogs from crossing the border has always been the insane fantasy of Trump’s diseased mind. Now, when border traffic to Mexico exceeds that from Mexico to the U.S., it represents only the dripping of grey matter from the petrification inside Trump’s diseased skull.

A photo on the first page of the NY Times shows a wailing two-year-old as her mother is searched preparatory to separating them What no one seems interested in telling us is, most of these families are not aliens illegally crossing the border but refugees fleeing persecution by government or gangs in their own countries. They are not illegal. They come to the border control stations and check in only to find that they are treated worse than criminals by the precise service that should be assisting them.

The problem is obvious. If one can overlook the human abuses in such a process then one is himself a depraved miscreant. But the administration, trying to come up with some excuse for its inhuman policy has decided that the answer is: “It’s the law” and they are only executing “the law.” The mini-troll threw this out first the other day, thinking that everyone was as ignorant and stupid as he is. When his ridiculous attempt to lie himself into a position of acceptance failed he grabbed at, what else? Religion. I will never understand why idiots think that intelligent non-believers will accept any bullshit just because it is supposed to come from scripture.  That is the place of the true believer and the born moron.

So Sessions gave it his best shot before he was laughed off the stage. And then the ball passed to Sara Sanders, the President’s chief communications liar. Sanders tried the same crap until some reporter asked how, being a mother herself; she could abide this horrendous treatment of families. Stuck for an answer Sara also went to religion, the last desperate refuge of the mentally deprived. It didn’t work for her either, Sessions is just a pint-sized twerp but Sara is a bawdy blustering inveterate liar but we really expect a little more substance from her lies. So where does that leave us? The government has been lying the whole time. There is no such law that allows the separation of mothers and their children. But even if there were such a law, being an outlandish violation of human rights as they are understood all over the world, it would be unenforceable.

It’s obvious that the only intent of this process is to punish women and children already laid bare to the horrors of their predicament. Trump and the fascist degenerates he has unleashed to torture these poor women and their children have shown themselves to be among the worst examples of inhuman despots. No person who calls himself human or American can condone this violation of everything we have always deemed American.

So what do we do? Joe Scarborough had the best idea, which was that we organize all those gifted law firms that do significant pro bono work into an invasion force, and run a trainload of them into the various border patrol stations that are creating this horrendous situation. They will be able to immediately represent all these poor people who are being abused because they have no significant representation and put a stop to this human rights violation as soon as possible.

That’s the legal approach. Then there’s the functional approach. In 1968 the people of this nation brought the nation to its knees over the war in Vietnam. They did it with massive demonstrations that stopped the business of the nation in its tracks. They did it despite significant backing for the war. We can do it again. And this time we should do it first and foremost with our own women and children. That is not to say that men should be absent in any number from such demonstrations but women and children fighting for women and children is a frighteningly powerful image that cannot be wasted. Sure it’s a lot to ask, especially from people who have nothing to do with the people they are being asked to save, but isn’t that the real American way? Isn’t that what has made America special throughout the world until Donald Trump and his army of racist scum took on the mantle of Americanism? This country is not about what is happening at our border and it can never be allowed to be. We have already allowed the once prestigious Republican Party to disintegrate into a howling mob of self-serving racist, misogynist degenerates.  Isn’t it time for real Americans to take our country back from the would-be dictator’s swine?