Everyone keeps talking about how we have to be able to sit down and talk intelligently with each other if we’re ever going to get this country back on track and that sure sounds like a great idea but what if the other guys, the guys we have to negotiate with, just aren’t up to it? I’m not just talking about lack of intelligence, here, I’m really talking about a junk yard dog tenacity, whereby, they have their teeth sunk into something that they rarely understand but almost always wish to be true, and no matter how much evidence there is on the other side, they just aren’t going to believe any thing else, no matter how logically the other side presents its case, they just won’t accept it, no matter how destructive to the country their position is, they just don’t care.
I present this scenario because no matter how much the left desires a dialog with the right, this is the real scenario that it faces.
It was just a few days after Barak Obama was elected to his first term, when pruneface, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell stood up on his hind legs and stated that no matter what other serious, even deadly, problems the country was facing, his number one priority was to keep Obama from having a second term. Now that’s real patriotism. That’s a guy that’s got his head on straight – even if it’s facing backwards.
So why should we be surprised when there is a whole segment of Republicans out there that thinks just like this moron? A significant group of imbeciles had to elect him to be their buffoon in congress. Why are we surprised that people like Todd Akin, Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Ted Cruz, Sam Browmback and the like are all in office, making insane statements and trying to promote idiotic legislation. There are a lot of voters out there who approve of their idiocy, who think the same way they do.
The latest hobby of the manic right is the promotion of the concept that we are not a nation but an accumulation of independent states, each free to do as they wish. Yeah, that’s right, they think we’re living in 12th century Italy. They probably got that idea because for eight years we had Dick Cheney trying to be the Borgia Pope.
How does one deal reasonably and intelligently with people who rant and scream about their rights under the Constitution when it is blatantly clear that they haven’t read the constitution; possibly can’t read it.
I’m not going to get into the gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment when they don’t even include the first phrase of the single sentence that makes up the amendment. If you can’t understand the meaning of one sentence then you really belong out back, slopping the pigs.
What I am getting at; is the new project the insane right has launched about states rights. A bunch of inmates have escaped the asylum, settled in the North Carolina legislature and are attempting to pass a bill that says that the state and all its subsidiary groups can pass any law they want regardless of Federal law. In the words of Tar Heel legislator Barry W. Lynn, “Welcome to North Carolina; A Christian State.” Just what we need, legislation that says local governments can ignore any parts of federal law that they don’t agree like the First Amendment.
In case you’ve forgotten this is the same idea that launched the Civil War. In case you, “Save your Confederate Money,” fans don’t remember that war, it settled the question of whether States Rights trumped Federal law. The answer was and still is a resounding no.
And now Sam Brownback, Governor of Kansas has decided that the state won’t honor any of the federal gun laws and will arrest any federal officers who try to carry out those orders. Is he crazy? Kansas is not a country. Not that many of us want it to be part of ours, we’re just stuck with it. I know this is hard for Brownback to understand but if he pulls his head out of his butt and reads the constitution he will discover that the states cannot make laws that contravene federal laws. This is a union of states. They all have to obey the same laws. It’s fascinating that it is always the states that have the least to contribute to the national well being that are always the ones who want to have their own way.
And for those of you who didn’t manage to read any history because you were out under the grandstand getting it on with Daisy Mae, let me remind you that the reason for the Constitution was that the Articles of Confederacy which were our national code from 1777 to 1787 left the states with so much power that we couldn’t run the country properly, couldn’t build roads, couldn’t deliver mail, couldn’t, in fact, get out of our own way. Why, because each state wanted to do it their way. It was because of the original states inability to agree on almost anything, that those founding fathers who the Right finds so endearing, came up with the Constitution; a document that stripped away most of the states rights and made us into, “one nation, indivisible…”
Now I know that despite their flag waving allegiance to the good Ole US of A there is a sustainable minority down in Texas that is talking seriously about cession. I wonder if all them patriots down there understand that cession is treason under federal law and that they could be shot just for talking about it. Maybe it’s time Rick Perry’s over-worked electric chair got something besides retarded minorities strapped into it.
I have never really understood the reason why people who believe in God need to express it through a religion, but I am certainly willing to accept that need if it means so much to them. That does not mean that they are free to foist their beliefs on the rest of us.
This is not a Christian Nation, and with good reason. The history of mankind illustrates clearly that whenever religion has taken over any state, freedom has disappeared to be replaced by inquisitions, suppression and inequality. Forget history, look at the Middle East, look at Iran, forget the Middle East, look at DOMA, look at North Dakota and its un-constitutional anti-abortion legislation. There is a very good reason why the First Amendment of the Constitution deals with the separation of Church and State.
Sure, we all want to live according to our moral views but we never seem to understand that our moral good may not be the next guy’s moral good. It may, in fact, be a violation of his civil rights and an imposition on his freedom.
So when North Carolina wants to declare itself a Christian State, it can’t. It’s against federal law and that federal law, that force that binds us together as a country, that agreement between logical thinkers, who understood that united we stand and divided we fall, is what has kept this country great. Is there anyone in this great nation, brain dead enough not to realize that as an accumulation of individual states we would have been conquered and divided up into territories by the great European nations, mere years after our founding?
It was because of our unity then and because of our unity now, that we are the greatest nation in the world in terms of invincibility. So let’s try to get rid of those flawed notions of what makes up our civil rights, because if we don’t agree on a simple premise like that, we are never going to agree on complex issues like gun rights and immigration.
We all have one basic right and that is to do as we wish as long as our actions do not impede others from doing what they wish. It’s a simple concept and if we can agree on it we will be able to create a basis for all our other discussions. Of course, that’s easier said then done.