I really don’t know what’s wrong with the morons in congress. I’m not talking right or left here, I’ m talking stupid. With all the work they have to do on a disastrous economy, failed infrastructure and a collapsing educational system they are wasting their time trying to destroy one of the few things in our country that has currently been working. I’m speaking about our Homeland security system, which, with the help of some terrorist incompetence, has managed to keep the post 911 incidents to a bare minimum. Yes, there have been a couple of semi-successful nuts with bombs that have slipped through the web but considering how many people there are in the world that hate us, their lack of success has been startling.
So why is congress wasting their time working on provisions in the military budget bill that will take the primary responsibility of interrogating, charging and trying most terrorism cases away from the FBI and federal prosecutors and turning it over to military intelligence who have already established their title as an oxymoron.
These new establishments would weaken national security, crush our already fragile justice system, degrade our intelligence gathering abilities and weaken cooperation from foreign governments. It would put us one step closer to being a military dictatorship, would give the gun nuts a viable platform for retaining the right to own every kind of weapon up to heavy tanks and seriously impair our personal freedoms under the constitution. In addition it would place our military, an organization not necessarily known for its sensitivity to outside need, in direct conflict with the American public by giving it the right to act against that public without regard to the restraints now in place. If there is any oxymoron that holds more truth than military intelligence it is military justice.
I am, of course, speaking again of the National Defense Authorization Act. There are both House and Senate versions but both are abominations. Both allow for the arrest and detention without trial of American citizens, both make the gulag at Guantanamo a permanent boil on the ass of the nation. Both are unnecessary and un-American.
Being such, the question comes immediately to mind, why are we pursuing these goals? Why does the military want these powers when they will only lead to confrontations with US citizens and a loss of respect for those in their ranks?
President Obama, who has maintained a conservative stance in matters of terrorism and detention, has stated that he will veto the entire military budget if it contains these egregious sections but it seems that, of late, he has been faltering in his reserve. It is this blogs opinion that he should do exactly what he promised, to the entire current budget and have congress come back with a new budget cleansed of any taint of the offensive content.
As of November 30th, there have been 381 proposed amendments to this bill, most of them having nothing to do with the problem sections, but of those proposed amendments, every one that has to do with the problem sections have been either withdrawn or rejected. As of December 21st, the Senate has passed the bill with the offending sections intact. Someone in congress is working very hard to turn this country into a military dictatorship and it behooves both the media and the government to ferret out this fascist slime before he or they are successful.