Do We Really Want Another One?

The Cheney Family’s decision to abandon a crazed Donald Trump and endorse Kamala Harris in the pending election was shocking to many, but inevitable to others. This writer has long been violently opposed to most of what Liz & Dick have stood for and expressed but that was about policy. This is about patriotism.

The Cheney’s have stood up for the constitution when many of their fellow Republicans have brushed it aside in the spirit of indifference.

When the likes of Nikki Haley and Vice-President Mike Pence who stood up to Trump and called him demented and insane are still willing to vote for him, primarily it seems to retain some minimal vestige of power in a failing party. It speaks to the Cheney’s courage that they are willing to put it all on the line, to make the right or constitutional choice.


Kansas governor Sara Huckabee Sanders was interviewed on  This Week, and it makes you wonder why they bother. The dowdy fashion ”don’t,” spent all her time spewing out one lie after another about Harris, her plans for the country and her achievements. As if Huckabee Sanders would have any way of obtaining most of that information. It would seem that the GOP and its followers could find at least one item they could legitimately attack but Sad Sack Sara went after the economy, which is booming, inflation which is at a decade long low, and the crisis at the border which the Democrats could have solved by now if Trump hadn’t been afraid of the solution hurting his chances at the ballot box.


Mike McCaul is bringing out the results of his two- year investigation of the US pullout from Afghanistan two days before the Presidential debate. Twenty-four hundred American troops were killed in Afghanistan. Thirteen were killed at the airport the day of the pullout. Even with these figures McCaul can’t bring any evidence of maleficence or incompetence by the Biden government. That’s mostly because there wasn’t any. You see the airport and the evacuation were a military operation and the White House had very little to do with them. Even McCaul is forced to admit that the military command has withheld information that is primary to his investigation, and the sniper who claims he had the bomber in his sights but was told to stand down,  confirms that it was by the military command. So, if the GOP wants to go after someone it looks like they’ll have to go after the military and with a candidate that calls dead soldiers’ suckers and losers that should go down well.


Raphael Warnock looked like he was going to be one of the Democrats young warriors of the future but when he was put to the test on gun problems after the Georgia shooting last week, he sure in hell flunked.

Kristin Welker repeatedly asked Warnock about gun laws and attitudes regarding responsibility and time after time he slid off the answers without establishing any kind of  definitive answer.

It was unclear what was wrong with Warnock, but he looked more like the Republican snakes who are in the pockets of the American gun lobby than the snakes do.


EHUD OLMERT former premier of Israel and NASSER L-KIDWA former Finance minister for the PLA have come up with  proposal for a ceasefire in  the war in Gaza.

PROPOSA-Ceasefire in Gaza

*Release all Israeli hostages in Gaza and a number of Palestinian prisoners in Israel

*Full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza

*Council of Commissioners to administer Gaza

*Return to 1967  borders with 4.4% land exchange

Could it work? Sure, but first you have to get rid of Bibi Netanyahu. That means arrest him or the alternative. Then you have to convince one of the agreeable Arab nations to take on the job of running Gaza, not an attractive  proposition. An then you have to get a lot of rambunctious Arabs and Jews to pull up stakes and move out of their homes. None of that is easy and very little is workable.

Mohammad of Jordan would be the ideal candidate but after 75 years of dealing with the problem he has to be sick of both Israelis and Palestinians.


So, last night Kamala Harris and Donald Trump entered the ring for the first and probably last debate of the 2024 election. Harris beat his brains out and stomped on the remains. It’s that simple. She did everything they said she should do and then she crapped on his head. Her answers to the moderator’s questions were concise, precise and directly to the point while Trump bumbled around, stumbling from subject to subject, and usually completely losing the thread of his answers.

No, it wasn’t a fair fight. Trump has no ability to reason or think logically, so what makes any voter think that he will be able to make reasonable of logical decisions as President. Trump claims that he doesn’t want any more debates because he beat her and any more would be fruitless. The real reason is, he’s tired of getting the  shit beat out of him.

Barely fourteen minutes into the 90-minute debate Harris set him up and Trump took the bait, launching into a wild, angry ramble of mixed subject matter and unrelated attacks. If you didn’t buy that the debate was over at that point, you weren’t paying attention.

The problem with Trump in any kind of discussion or debate is that there is no basis for truth in his thought process and therefore there can be nothing to build any kind of premise, leaving us with no  useable talking points. If nothing is true, nothing is provable, let alone the basis for debate.

Which leaves us with the fact that talking o Trump is like talking to your dog. He doesn’t care what you say as long as you pet him.


Nikki Haley was interviewed on Face the Nation and once again proved why she  is not Presidential. She tells us that there is nothing about Trump the man that she likes or agrees with, but that his policies (what policies?.0)  are better than Harris’ so she will back him and vote for him. What unbelievable stupidity! The guy is a criminal sociopath, but you are going to vote for him anyhow?)  Forget policies. Policies change, people don’t. Policies mean nothing to Trump. He doesn’t even understand the ones he is selling at any particular moment. They will change on a second-to-second schedule but the fact that he is a crazy criminal won’t. He has always been a cheap crook, and he will always be.

If you are going to vote you should, at least pick a candidate you would let babysit your three-year-old. From what she’s said Haley wouldn’t let Trump babysit her kids, but she’ll vote for hm to run the country. That makes her  crazier than him.

One thought on “Do We Really Want Another One?

  1. Amen on everything!!!!!!!!!!!
    Would love to know why Warnock slid off the gun answers.
    And Nikki Haley has never been questioned with exactly what you said she should and what everybody has been saying – your argument about policies changing – right on as well as she has ascertained that he will ruin the country in her campaign and now she’ll help him do it.

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