Exploding Pagers & Pets du Jour

I’ve never been a big fan of Rand Paul, but I watched an interview of him on Amanpour this week and  was very impressed with his intelligent view of the country’s financial situation and the solutions to it.  Paul had a firm grip on our spending and how we should control it. Unfortunately he won’t completely let go of Trump, but he won’t endorse him either.

He seemed to come at problems using reason and a desire to seek rather than impose solutions, and that, for me, is the way you solve problems.

I have never thought of Paul as a problem solver, but both parties are in desperate need of them. If he fits the bill that would be great, and maybe we can overlook some of his multiple shortcomings.


The mayor of Springfield, Ohio was on This Week on Sunday. He seems like a rather nice, albeit ineffectual guy who tells us he supports Trump, but that Haitians aren’t eating the pet population of Springfield. He tells us that the immigrants are legal and are doing a good job filling jobs with much needed workers in Springfield, but he still supports Trump and Vance.  Is this guy mentally challenged? Perhaps not completely, but surely a tad slow. Why else would he is still be supporting the man who is holding up his little city to be a laughingstock?


Trump shooters are now 0 for 2. The guy who actually got a shot off came pretty close to  putting him away, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

According to JD Vance it’s unfortunate that no one is taking shots at Kamala Harris. Of course, no one but JD Vance has been crass enough to comment to that effect.

When you add Vance’s pet lunch comments from Springfield to the Harris assassination comments that followed, it’s pretty hard to see him as anything but brain dead.

He’s already admitted that he and Trump made up the sauteed pet du jour stories. Now maybe he can seek help from Sara Huckabee Sanders who has already made herself look like an asshole by admitting that her kids hold her in minimal esteem. Of course they do, just look at her record.


Immediately following the beatdown in Philly, Kamala Harris called for another debate. Trump, recognizing a losing game, refused, claiming he had now beaten both Biden and Harris so there was no need for another match. Of course, like everything else Trump says this was a lie. He won the debate with Biden, but not because of anything  he did. It was Biden’s self-destruction that cost him the debate, and ultimately led to his retreat from the race. Trump could have easily looked like the winner if he hadn’t had his usual case of diarrhea of the mouth.

As for Donald’s claim that he won the second debate, that goes to a sustained inability to deal with reality.


The big question about the exploding pagers in Lebanon doesn’t seem to be who did it, but how many more are still on the shelf, just waiting for someone to trigger them? It would seem fairly clear that the explosions were set of by Israeli intelligence forces, but so far Israel has not claimed responsibility. That does not mean they didn’t do it. It only means they haven’t admitted it, and they may never do so because with that admission comes the accusation that they are killing innocent women and children.

For the last seventy plus years the US and most of its citizens have been staunch backers of Israel because of the narrative of the Jews getting the short end of the stick in all matters. We very much wanted to help them, and we did so in a framework where the Israeli’s have our permanent protection, but they are required to live up to certain standards, which is not always easy. This is specifically one of those times when it’s definitely not.

The Israeli’s point to the October 7th invasion as an excuse for the complete destruction of Gaza and the murders of thousands of Palestinian women and children. That dog won’t hunt. The opposition view says, granted, October 7th was awful but now you’re acting like barbarians, more, in fact, than the Hamas sub-humans that attacked you.

This latest tactic of exploding pagers is very sophisticated and smells very much of Moussad. It is not something that a civilized nation embarks upon because of the damage caused to innocent bystanders.

This writer thinks it’s time for our government to set some boundaries for Israel. We have been giving them billions in support and it’s not out of line for us to expect them to respect humanitarian guidelines.

We have allowed Netanyahu to prosecute this war too long, especially as it’s being done to keep him in office and out of jail.

Yes, I’m aware that we have our own criminal running for President but fortunately we haven’t elected him again and hopefully we won’t.  Letting Bibi continue this war and avoid a settlement of the Palestinian problem for all this time is simply non-productive. We should force Bibi to the negotiating table and demand a solution by withholding our donations to the Israeli war effort. It is quite clear that these exploding pagers were a  strategic move by Israel. They are saying “we can get you no matter where you hide. No inch of hostile ground is safe from us so back off.”    This message was sent to Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon and Iran. You can bet they all got it.  Now we’ll have to wait and see if all this death and destruction can lead to some kind of negotiations.


Laura Loomer, the latest ugly noise emanating from MAGA country is such an infection that even Marjorie Taylor Greene is pouring disinfectant on her. It seems that her comments on Kamala Harris have drawn a great deal of attention to the fact that Trump takes her on the campaign plane with him.

First, she attacked Harris for being a gun owner while trying to get stronger gun legislation. Of course, this is a reasonable position to most normal human beings so why wouldn’t Loomer attack it. Then she commented about the White House smelling of curry if Harris were elected.

Her disgusting rhetoric might not have  made the news if the fact of her position in a convenient location in proximity to Trump on campaign flights hadn’t come up. Of course, no one wants to actually state her function on these flights. I say that while asking myself, “Why Not?”  I mean, Trump has been quite clear about the function of any woman within touching distance of his disgusting presence. What would make Loomer different?

problem for all these years, must stop.

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