Mick Mulvaney who will be taking over as White House Chief of Staff was on This Weekestablishing that he is as big a liar as his boss, Donald Trump. He started by lying that Trump’s promise to build the wall was based on border security when everyone and their brother knows it’s about getting his base to yell louder. He followed this by trying to sell the bullshit that Mexico would indeed pay fro the wall through taxes and tariffs. Even his mother laughed at that one. He then added another lie about the fact that the President has forgotten his own lies about the wall. Then he went on to lie about our present immigration policies, blaming them on Obama before continuing on to lie about the Mattis departure and finished up lying about the economy. This guy is going to fit right in with the Trump administration. I sure hope he’s got his legal team lined up cause he’s going to need them sure as God made little lying Trumps.
Trump campaigned on the wall saying Mexico would pay for it but now he wants us to pay for it. He raves about how really important border security is. If it’s so important, how come $900 million of the $1 billion that was allocated last year for border security still hasn’t been spent and the year is over?
So all the noise about border security is all bullshit. Trump doesn’t give a good-God-dam about border security. All he cares about is delivering his ridiculous promise to what’s left of his shrinking base. But he can’t deliver his promise. He promised that Mexico would pay for the wall and Mexico has told us where to stick our wall. And they’re right.
Now this degenerate liar has shut down the government, not because of the Democrats, but because he can’t deliver on his own lying promises. Hell, he couldn’t deliver them when the GOP had the House. Then an asshole like Mulvaney comes on the tube and tries to make it look like the government is shutting down because the Democrats are being uncooperative.
Then we get Jon Karl, the temp host on This Weekasking why the Democrats aren’t willing to get in line with Trump on the wall. If this was a real question, Karl should have been fired at the next commercial break. Why should the American people have to pay for something that every expert says will not work, just because an idiot like Trump said he would build it?
Now as soon as I wrote that line I realized that fully half the jerks that voted for Trump would come back with a list of all the wasteful programs that our government supports with our money. Yeah there are a lot of bad, wasteful programs out there, but do we have to add to it just to make the liar in the White House feel better?
When the subject of Trump announcing the removal of our troops in Syria and Mattis’ subsequent resignation came up, Mulvaney immediately attacked Mattis.
Mattis is a man with 40 years experience in military operations and international affairs. Trump is a man with no experience in anything but cheating potential students, molesting women and stiffing people who worked for him. Still Mulvaney is willing to back Trump in a fight in which he is so obviously wrong that even a number of Republicans have stepped forward and denounced his decision on troop withdrawals. This is why I stated earlier that Mulvaney had better already be going over a list of defense lawyers.
Democratic Congressman Adam Smith was involved in a discussion of “the wall,” this weekend and he had a refreshing take on the whole subject. He pointed out that we already have walls where walls are appropriate; something that our lying President never mentions, and to add walls where they are not appropriate is just dumb. Of course Trump has no idea where we have walls and where we don’t, simply because h e is too uninterested, too uninformed and far too lazy to be bothered to find out. The fat liar knows he promised a wall and by God he’s going to deliver one. It’s typical that while he remembers that part of his promise, he always seems to forget the part about Mexico paying for it.
Smith was followed on This Weekby spawn of universal evil, Liz Cheney, daughter of the VP who almost destroyed this nation. Cheney vomits out the same useless lies that have come from Trump and Pence, completely unaware that there is an audience in TV land that is not moored to the idiocy of the Trump base and that actually thinks occasionally. She, like Trump, is completely unaware that all informed intelligence tells us the wall has no part in providing functional security for the border. She obfuscated and babbled on about every national and international situation that came to mind but she never made a single cogent point; just noise.
It’s amazing that the voters of Wyoming, all twelve of them, having already polluted the American political scene by pushing Dick Cheney onto it, are now foisting this miserable example of American womanhood onto our governmental process.
The second, after Trump, most scurvaceous liar in the country, Mick Mulvaney, was on Meet the Presstrying to get the American people to swallow the fantasy that Trump has some kind of real security reason for wanting the wall. Yes, Mulvaney thinks that everyone in the country is as gullible as he wished they were.
Like all the Trumpets, Mulvaney wants us t believe that Trump gives a rat’s ass about border security. He doesn’t! He cares only about his promise to his base and that’s only because he knows that if he reneges he will lose them. He has been threatened with this loss by Hannity, Coulter, Limbaugh and the rest of Right Wing radio. That’s who is making decisions in our government right now, a bunch crazy racists with radio shows that one listens to when stuck in traffic and no sports shows are on the air. That’s who made Trump change what’s left of his mind last week when it looked like he might give up the wall and put people back to work.
That’s the big item, of course, eight hundred thousand government workers who aren’t getting paid. But Trump doesn’t care about that. It has no place in his thought process because he was always a rich kid who never had to miss a meal, whose old man always bailed him out of any trouble he was in. Well, his old man can’t bail him out of this one. This one he made himself and there isn’t a soul out there who can save his sorry ass from his own stupidity. The fat liar talks about keeping the government shut down for a year. Of course he has no idea what that means, no concept of the chaos that would ensue, mainly because he isn’t bright enough to conceive of anything that complex.
Fortunately that will never happen. At some point in the very near future, government workers will stop working for nothing. Air traffic controllers, TSA officers and any number of other government workers will simply stop going to work. Government workers are forbidden to strike, but there is no law that forces them to work if they’re not getting paid. That’s still called slavery, and while that concept may be extremely appealing to Donald Trump it just doesn’t fly with most of us.
That will be the point at which Trump’s decision-making will identify him as fair game for impeachment. Up to that point there will never be enough Republicans in the Senate that will vote to convict in an impeachment, but when Trump’s decisions have led to national chaos, when they have brought down the government and stopped all the services that Right Wingers like to call socialist, but which are necessary to the orderly function of the nation; then there won’t be a Republican in the House or Senate willing to stand up and back the idiot in the White House. They will almost to a man or woman vote to convict and Donald Trump will be a foul memory.
There is only one truthful description of this situation. Trump has shut down the government to get what he wants, even though its not what the people want, even though its not what the experts say will work. There can no longer be any compromise. What Trump wants is wrong. It would be immoral for the Democrats to give Trump what he wants. Trump has injected the wall into the question of the orderly financing of the government only because he thinks he can get leverage that way. Trump’s wall has nothing to do with financing the government except that he has forced it into the discussion. The Democrats can’t give in. There is no moral excuse for just throwing away money to make a politician feel good about himself.
Now it’s time for Mitch McConnell to get off his toady butt and maybe for the first time in his life, do the right thing. There is no way anyone other then Trump’s base will ever accept that there is a legitimate reason to shut down the government over the wall. McConnell’s fellow Republicans are going to get killed if they follow Trump down the drain. The big question is, will McConnell play the Pied Piper to the destruction of the GOP or will he see the train coming and abandon Trump by leading his fellow Republicans to safer, saner ground?
So the question becomes; is Donald Trump really a Russian asset or just a cheap crook trying to protect the money he has invested in Russia and its projects. I don’t think we’ll find out that answer until all the inquiries by the new House and the final reconciliation of the Mueller investigation are all made public, but until then we have a plethora of reasons to believe that Trump is backing Russia and the creep that runs it to the hilt. If you need reminding, here are just a few of them:
1-Trump never criticizes Putin
2- Trump supports Russian Propaganda
3- Trump congratulated Putin on his election victory
4- Trump chose former Putin friend Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
5- Trump attacked and denigrated our NATO allies
6- Trump drafted a public statement concealing purpose of 2016 Trump Tower meeting
7- Trump invited Putin to Washington
8- Trump fought the implementation of congress approved Russian sanctions
9- Trump called NATO obsolete
10- Trump withdrew from the TPP
11- Trump fought with Western Allies and attacked EU
12- Trump sided with Russia over American intelligence reports on Russia meddling in 2016 election
13- Trump changed his campaign platform to be more Russia-friendly
This list could go on and on but I figure that by now you’ve gotten the point. I agree with those who want to tell me that making friends with Russia is better than being at war with it, but this groveling isn’t anything like that. Russia under Putin is battling a failing economy, a plummeting self-image and a real loss of stature in the world community, especially as a military power. Trump’s actions have helped Russia restore its position in the world community. He has ignored the aggressive military movements in Chechnya and the Ukraine. He has tried to ignore and cover up their interference in our elections both past and future and he has insulted allies who have stood behind us when we have, in the past, had conflicts.
In doing all this, Trump has weakened a better than 70 year-old foreign policy built by previous American presidents and the leaders of our allies, a policy that has frustrated Russia in its aggressive attempts to bully smaller nations and nudge bigger ones in a direction that would harm a democratic movement that has kept the world from a massive war ever since the end of WWII.
There are many of us, myself included that think Trump’s actions involving Russia are treasonous and at some point he will have to face charges based on what he has done to weaken the nation he was elected to lead and strengthen the nation he was elected to protect us from. Allowing Trump to walk away from these charges will undeniably weaken our whole concept of justice and inevitably lead to a breakdown in our entire democratic system of government.