The President stated, a while back, that the private sector was doing okay and that caused the expected eruption of vilification from the right, but if you really look at the statement, it was more accurate than anything the Republican’s have said in recent memory. When you compare the private sector to the public sector, the private sector is doing okay. Not as okay as we’d like, but a hell of a lot better than the other. The private sector has had slow but steady job growth since 2009 but the public sector has now lost almost a million jobs, many of them teachers, firemen and police.
The Republican leaders say we should let the public sector rot, failing to mention that this means your safety and your children’s educations will rot along with it. They claim that they know how to move the private sector but they point to nothing. Why not? Well they can’t point to their theory because trickle down economics has trickled right into the drain everywhere it has been tried. They can’t point to austerity because right now austerity is strangling Europe, where nations are abandoning the concept like rats from a sinking ship. They can’t point to this country because that will mean they will have to explain why no jobs are being created when industry is not spending over a trillion bucks of their surplus money.
What they try to say is that industry can’t move because they are unsure of their future tax situation but that’s fantasy because everyone knows that the real problem is lack of demand and there won’t be demand until consumers have jobs and excess money. No jobs no demand. No demand no jobs. The eternal Catch 22. Of course the only way to create jobs without demand is to create jobs to solve a problem, like fixing the infrastructure or starting another war, and the only one who can do that is government but the right wants to shrink government instead of expanding it to create jobs. So no matter how you look at it, it’s the Republican’s and no one else, who are standing in the way of job creation in this country, and that’s a stupid position because, eventually in a country where there are no jobs and no production to create jobs, industry will begin to crumble and that’s when the super rich will wake up and realize that their destruction of the middle class has actually been suicidal and that without a thriving middle class to buy their products there is no way that they can continue to fuel their yachts.
I am aware that readers come after me because I have on occasion referred to the right as stupid. I think the above explanation of our current situation is a good illustration of why I think that way; but if you, dear reader, need a more pointed example of my attitude toward the right’s lack of intelligence, let me refer to a now famous sign that was repeatedly used at Tea Party rallies. It read; Keep the government’s hands off our Medicare. I hope I don’t have to explain it.
Scott Walker, the big winner in Wisconsin, says that prosperity should be defined by how many people have jobs in the private sector so that government can shrink without destroying the economy. That’s a good concept but it doesn’t change the fact that without demand there will be no jobs in the private sector and we still go back to the fact that the only way to create demand in this climate when private capital will not take a chance on creating jobs without demand, is to create jobs in the public sector so someone has money to spend and create demand.
Walker thinks the private sector needs more help and he’s right, but then he goes on to say it should not come from government. Okay Scott, where the hell is it going to come from? Of course he has no idea. Actually he really doesn’t care about all this. What he really cares about is busting unions. You can hate unions all you want but you have to realize that there wouldn’t be any unions if management always did the right thing. Unions are the result of bad management not good organizers.
Walker’s biggest problem is that he can’t tell the truth and he can’t help himself. It’s pretty much a Republican disease. Watched him run off at the mouth on Face the Nation, about how Reagan lowered taxes. He must know this is not true. If he doesn’t I refer you back to my earlier point about Republican’s on the intelligence scale. But Walker had to go along with the current, billionaire run, party line because these billionaires bought him a recall election.
Not that he needed them. The Democrats did everything they possibly could to throw the damn thing. If there had been a decent line on it, I would have bet the house on Walker. The Democrats did everything humanly possible to lose. They started by not polling the voters before they decided to run a recall. If thy had they would have found out that 60% of registered voters didn’t believe you should have a recall vote for political purposes, only in the case of criminal indictment. That would have been the end of it, right there.
Then the Democrats handicapped themselves by going into business with Richard Trumpka, head of the AFL/CIO. This guy is the Donald Trump of the left. Watched him of FTN and he made a capital ass of himself, denying that they had lost the election. It was like the big lie. No we didn’t lose the war, we’re being executed because they have too much ammunition left over and they have to get rid of some of it. Trumpka is the epitome of why people hate unions. He sits on national TV and says Walker didn’t win anything. Maybe not Dick, but he sure wiped the floor with your sorry ass. Trumpka is too stupid to understand what happened, let alone learn from it. He didn’t even deliver his own union family vote, that’s how pathetic he is. He should have, at least, poled his membership to find out how they felt about recalls.
Then, of course, we have the Democrats failure to find a suitable opponent for Walker. Tom Barrett, mayor of Milwaukee, had already lost an election to Walker. It’s not love, people, you don’t do better the second time around. He was a boring, inept candidate who only in Milwaukee could be elected anything but dog catcher. He is a mushy simpering clown. What about him did the Democrats think would lead them to victory against a tough opponent like Walker. They needed a fiery candidate who could push Walker into a blunder that might have turned the election but the combination of a boring candidate an inept union presence and being out spent 8 to 1 made the results a foregone conclusion. The problem now is how do the Democrats resuscitate the electorate and get them out again to support Obama in the fall. It will be no mean trick, especially when you consider the job falls to the same inept Democratic clowns that already screwed it up once.