It Gets Worse and Worse

The Emperor without clothes, Donald Trump called his cabinet together the other day to praise him in the manner to which he thinks he is entitled. A couple of dozen people, all appointed or hired for important positions in our government prostrated themselves before a fat egomaniac with a bad hairdo and groveled their way through peons of praise so our President’s ego could survive another day. It was probably the most disgusting exhibition of cowardly sycophantism ever displayed in public in this nation.

All around the nation, strong men cried and women threw up their breakfast as these pathetic ass lickers lied their way through a series of baseless congratulations and then it was finally capped when his fatness gave us a list of his supposed accomplishments, adding that his administration had done more in office than any one except Roosevelt.

Of course all this noise was false news. In fact the Trump administration has not passed one significant piece of legislation since Trump took office. Sure, he has signed a lot of documents outlining changes to the improvements that Obama had made during his term. Actually the only thing that has been accomplished in this country since January 20th 2017 is the appointment of a Supreme Court judge, and that was accomplished by the despicable Mitch Mc Connell, not Trump. Healthcare, taxes, the infrastructure and the wall have all lain fallow while education, immigration, the environment and foreign relations have all gone into the crapper. So this bloviating liar had finally come to the point where he needed a little boost and what better way than to line up the turkeys he has put in positions to do his will and have them prove that they have no guts, no pride and no balls as they demeaned themselves before the world for the sake of holding onto their jobs. Make no mistake about it. If you work for Trump and you don’t know how to grovel you won’t be working for him long.


Mitch McConnell, the snake that wriggles like a man saw what happened to the Trumpcare bill in the House, watched the polling that indicated only a 12% backing of the ideas that the GOP wanted to incorporate into healthcare and has gone dark. The Senate version of a healthcare bill, which has been in the process of construction by 13 fat, white Republicans, has been worked on like it’s the Manhattan Project. No one knew what McConnell and his panel of the bribed was doing in their secret chambers? You can bet the house that most Americans won’t like the result. McConnell knows this. That’s why he has kept the work under wraps. That’s also why when he finally released it, it was to lobbyists representing the drug, insurance and medical manufacturing industries not to the members of the Senate. That’s right. First he wanted to get the opinion of those who had already bought and paid for the bill even before the Senate got to see it.

McConnell knows that most Americans, especially those who voted for him will be severely damaged by this bill. Only the rich will benefit from this mess. So McConnell also knows that any pre-knowledge will bring out the lions trying to devour anyone attached to it even before the vote on it. Eventually McConnell must reveal to the entire Senate what he and his lackeys are doing about a healthcare bill. He claims that it will be ready for a vote by July 4th. That’s very patriotic but not very functional. It takes time to digest big legislation, time to make necessary adjustments and McConnell knows full well that the less time available to those who have an interest in the bill, the better chance he has of slipping it through. So this morning when it was revealed to the members of the Senate it immediately caused a huge ugly noise. This isn’t the way we should be making laws in this country. McConnell and his despicable bill must be stopped before it even comes to a vote or this country will be stuck with a healthcare plan whose most important aspect will be a tax saving for the rich and whose result will be millions losing their healthcare.


Our Attorney General Topo Gigo appeared before a congressional committee yesterday and seemed to remember nothing except how to talk with a confederate accent. To hear Sessions speak one would think he was seriously afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease.

Sessions claimed that he had no memory of meeting Russian diplomat Sergi Kislyak at an embassy party, which is quite possible but when asked about other meetings with Kislyak, meetings that he first denied happened and later admitted to, he could not remember what they talked about. Now this little clown is being paid to be the Attorney General of this country and he wants us to believe that he can’t remember a conversation that happened only a couple of months ago with the Russian Ambassador? If he’s that dumb, why are we paying him?

When asked about this seeming anomaly the White House stated that they weren’t going to comment on private conversations that may or may not have happened. This is not a private conversation we are talking about. Sessions is a representative of the United States and Kislyak is a rep of Russia. This is government business that could be felonious collusion. It isn’t by definition, “private.” There is no may or may not about it. It is in the records proving that Sessions is either too feeble for his job or he lied and should be charged with perjury.

Sessions and Trump are the guys who had nothing but praise for Comey when they thought he was causing problems for Hillary. As soon as he started looking into their crooked business they got all bent out of shape. about him. It’s interesting how everybody always looks like a crook to a crook.

One of the principle pieces of information to come out of these hearings is how little Sessions was interested in te Russian hacking of our election. This little cartoon character is unfortunately the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. As such, the protection of our people and our system of government should be his foremost concerns. As it turns out neither seem to make any impression on him and the fact that he never questioned Comey about the Russian investigation sends a message of shocking indifference to what can be considered an act of war. What does this little asshole do except make speeches at confederate monuments.


If there is one thing to be discerned from the Coney hearings it is that politicians talk too much. The hearings were supposed to be about Comey’s relationship with President Trump but the whole initial part of the hearings was allocated to the GOP and Democratic heads of the panel giving long and useless speeches about what the hearings would be about. Millions of viewers wasted approximately twenty minutes apiece of their time so these two hacks could make a speech and show that they could actually speak English.

Then came James Risch, ® Idaho who took minutes to thank Comey for something that should have taken seconds. They’re all the same. But the big conflict that has come out of the hearings is; whom do you believe? From this seat it looks pretty easy. On the one hand you have a man who has built a reputation of being truthful and honorable, a real boy scout. On he other hand you find a man who has lied about every subject on which he has spoken since he reached national prominence, a man who a is proven liar and who seems to have no concept of the difference between lies and truth. It really seems like a no brainer.


The great curse of political office is an infectious disease that seems to afflict all politicians accused of any crime or misdemeanor. The inability to say, “hell yes I did it. I was wrong and I’m sorry.” Instead they lie, cover up, cheat and do anything to avoid accepting responsibility for their improper acts. Of Course, this leads to bigger problems than they would have faced if they had just fessed up. We saw this with Richard Nixon where his pathetic attempts to cover up the Watergate burglary led to perjury and impeachment threats before he resigned. We saw it with Bill Clinton where parsing the word “is” instead of saying. “Yeah she went down on me and it ws fine,” actually led to impeachment proceedings, not because he engaged in an adulterous sex act but because he lied to congress about it. We saw it again with Hilary where instead of saying, “Sure I had my own server, it was set up before the State Department issued decrees on activity that was out of their purview, and it was a hell of a lot more convenient.”

And now we see Trump and his minions and their dealings with the Russians. All the king’s men have now been associated with conversations with Russian entities and all first lied about having those conversations and lied again on the forms they signed during their security clearance and were later proved to be the liars that they are. They are now all on the precipice of indictment.

The latest revelations come on the tail of the Comey hearings and involve Jeff Sessions, arguably the most functional of Trumps domestic cabinet appointments. Comey revealed that the FBI never dealt in any way with Sessions because they had already calculated that he would have to recuse himself from the Russian investigation. This is devastation for Sessions. It means that Sessions is involved to a point where he may be the subject of indictments.


When Congressman Burr asked James Comey about, the previously only hinted at, “Steele Document,” that seemingly fictional dossier that indicts Donald Trump as a water sports pervert and general hooker playboy he didn’t expect anything from Comey but a denial of the file’s reality. What he got instead was a statement that Comey couldn’t discuss it in open hearings, a virtual admission that the file is real and is being looked at by the FBI to see if it puts Trump in a position to be blackmailed. This is probably the most serious accusation aimed at Trump that has emerged from the hearings so far. Trump can Tweet about vindication all he wants but that is just so much more of his egregious lies.


Jeff Sessions wasn’t in enough trouble with the revelations that the FBI was looking hard at his Russian problems but now it seems that a third undisclosed meeting between Sessions and Russian Ambassador/ Spy, Sergi Kislyak did take place. Why has Sessions lied about or eluded responsibility for these meetings? Why does anybody lie about what they’ve done? They’re guilty – of something.


Maybe it’s time that that 36% of Trump fanatics come to realize that the crook they believed would get them jobs isn’t interested in any such thing. That a man who has a history of doing nothing but screwing his partners and his workers isn’t going to suddenly emerge as a champion of those he has spent is life cheating.