Make Trump Work At All

“Make America great again.”  Sound familiar? Isn’t that the old  slogan Trump used in his first campaign? That was years ago. Why are they still using it? Why didn’t he get that done in the four years he already had? What makes anyone think he can get it done now when he couldn’t before? What makes Trump followers think America isn’t great now? What the hell do they want? Do they even know what greatness is? If they ever bothered to stop and think about it, they would realize that America is a pretty great place right now. Much greater then when Trump was President and just about as great as we’ve ever been.

We have the greatest economy in the world, the strongest military, and the best higher- educational system extant. That’s why more people want to live here than any place else in the world. No question we can make it better but right now, just the way it is, its pretty great and that’s for sure not Donald Trump’s doing.                                                                                                   ******

With all the nonsense going on about SCOTUS, Clarence Thomas has decided that it is time to go on another vacation paid for by his billionaire friend, Harlan Crow. This guy has been funding Thomas’ travels for years. Is it just a coincidence that he also has had a couple of cases before the court that depended on Thomas leanings to bring about favorable results? No, it’s not against the law. It’s just frowned on by honest men. Basically, Thomas doesn’t give a damn. That leaves us  in the same old basket of not having a law to cover what government officials are doing that they shouldn’t be doing.

For years we have mostly elected people who exhibited a strong moral character. It was a requirement that in order to get elected such individuals display a certain amount of “proper” demeanor. Even if you didn’t believe the bullshit you had to spread around to get elected you had to look like you did. That in itself kept most politicians somewhat in line.

Somehow the necessity of playing that game  has been abandoned.  Now the lowest of sleaze get elected promising to be assholes and then keep their promises.

This hit its peak with Trump. A criminal sociopath promised to be a despotic sleaze, if elected and we voted for him anyhow. He got in office with no knowledge of how to be a functional president, or even how to fake it, and delivered a comic version of POTUS. It was a disaster. Even the clowns that voted for him saw that, so they voted him out the next election but like everything else in our Tik Tok world it “influenced” a lot of people, and they started thinking just like the asshole they hard elected.

Now we have the majority of the Supreme Court, and a good percentage of congress acting like spoiled two-year-olds or just plain crooks. We have Trump, back in the battle, promising to be a dictator if we’re dumb enough to elect him again, and we have enough idiots not paying any attention to what he’s saying, that we actually have a race.

It’s easy to say, “they get what they deserve” and move on, but what about the voters who pay more attention to what’s going on in politics than  to who poisoned who’s lasagna on The Real Housewives of Hackensack.

This is important shit people. It will decide how, not just America, but the whole world, survives the next hundred years. It’s time to drop Truth Social and get a view of what the people who pay attention are saying.                                                                                                                                                       ****

J.D. Vance has been spending a lot of his time lately attacking Tim  Walz about his military service. Sure, Walz may have misspoken about carrying a weapon into battle but what’s the big deal? Vance has been kissing the ass of a clown who was  actually a draft dodger, using his father’s money to buy off doctors with a condition that was so serious he can’t remember which foot it was in. So, now he denigrates the military and those who serve their country every chance he gets.


Book burning is the tool employed by the least intelligent among us to prevent those who know more than they do from informing the rest of the world of their discoveries.

 In the last decade the banning of books has increased by almost 10%. That’s criminal and the reason is always the same. Those who publish or distribute the book are always accused of using the books in question to make some undesirable, often satanic, point. A recent spate of book burning in South Dakota was attributed to a couple of books that featured information and fictional descriptions of and about  gay or transgender life. But there’s nothing new about that. Most banned or burned books include sexual or political material the  burners find offensive  and after having read it themselves wish to prevent others from digesting it “for their own good.”


A little over a week ago a nutcase in Pennsylvania took a shot a Donald Trump. He missed. That’s a good thing. No, I’m not a fan of Donald Trump but political assassination is never a viable  solution to anything. Generally speaking, neither is political violence of any kind, and that includes the ultimate act of political violence, war.

Killing Trump with an assassin’s bullet would only enshrine him as a political martyr and that’s the last thing any sensible person would want to do.  He is the ultimate example of all the things we do not want a President of our country to be. He must lose this election, and he must be brought to trial for all the criminal activities he has participated in because it is vitally important that he be held responsible for his  criminal actions and even more important that h be held to the benchmark that no man, no matter how high his office, is above the law.


It’s August of 2024 and like previous August’s of other years divisible by 4 Donald Trump is about to indulge in one of his favorite pastimes, executing his entre election team and replacing them with himself .  How did I know this was going to happen? Easy, he does it before every election.  What happens is that Trump hits a point in August of election years when he doesn’t feel that he is knocking it out of the park and since someone has to accept the blame and since it could never be him, it must be the experts whose advice he has previously refused to listen to. So, another bunch of professional election advisors  takes the hit.

So, what has this bunch done that it should cost them their jobs? Easy, they told Trump not to be Trump. They saw that he was getting killed on the stump because instead of telling the people how he was going to make their live better in the future, he was locked into telling them how he was going to eviscerate Kamala and Tim and run roughshod over the whole Democratic team and anyone who had ever spoken ill of him.

But the voters don’t give a rat’s ass about who rubs him the wrong way.  They only care about making more money from their work, so except for the complete diehard’s, his message is falling on deaf ears. Like most crazy people Trump has no ability to be self- analytic, so the only solution is to chop off their heads and call Cory Lewandowski.

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