When I was a young person there was a great deal of discussion about how children arrived at the ability to process logical thought at about the age of seven. It was called the age of reason because supposedly at or about
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The Republicans started out the new session of congress by once again proving that they know a hell of a lot about winning elections but damned little about governing. The new session began with a reading of the Constitution. Was that to
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The O’Reilly Fracture Obama made a mistake by going on Bill O’Reilly’s show. O’Reilly is a provocateur not a journalist. Not only is O’Reilly pitifully biased, he’s also a rude and disrespectful egomaniac. As such he ignores his job as an interviewer,
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Social Security Isn’t the Answer Mitch McConnell, ® Kentucky was on the tube this weekend, once again plying the big lie. I really don’t see why almost every Republican congressman has to be the punch line of “How do you know when
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We are now ten years into a war in Afghanistan that by any definition of victory is unwinnable. So what are we doing there and how do we get out? Bush, who started the war, was going to kill Osama bin Laden.
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Well, here we are again, the end of a college football season and once more no legitimate champion. No, you say, Auburn beat Oregon in the battle of the undefeated. That produced a champion. Oh yeah, what about the other undefeated team,
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We are now ten years into a war in Afghanistan that by any definition of victory is unwinnable. So what are we doing there and how do we get out? Bush, who started the war, was going to kill Osama bin Laden.
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Now that the hue and cry over WikiLeaks has subsided somewhat it’s time to take a look at what was actually done, how it was received and where it all stands in the spectrum of journalistic history. The initial reaction to the
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Murder in Tuscon I was just finishing up a new blog on the responsibilities of freedom this morning when the networks were flooded by the news of US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and a number of others attending a meeting in a Tuscon
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Some of you may have gotten this but a number of subscribers called in to let me know that hey didn’t so I am sending it out again. Sorry. This week the right wing majority in Israel decided that they weren’t going
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