Once again the Republican congressmen are displaying their infantile ability to be obstructive without having any idea why, or indeed, having any serious or logical counterproposal. This week Republican Senator Kyl (shouldn’t that be pronounced kill) of Arizona went on the offensive
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I’m looking at the front page of the NY Times today and I see a chart of the big donors to the current election campaigns. Over $180 million bucks and that’s just the top 10. What a monumental waste. Just think of
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After listening to many experts, reading hundreds of opinion pieces and engaging in far too many discussions on the subject, it is more than clear that there are limited but very specific ways to conquer the recession. None is simple or easy
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Was having coffee this weekend with an ultra-conservative friend. The discussion was, naturally, about the recent election and the Republican promise/threat to lower taxes and cut spending. I was naive enough to point out that as much as I hoped they were
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I understand that for some unknown reason, many of my subscribers didn’t get this post published on 11/10. I am, therefore sending it our again and since I have no way of knowing who got it and who didn’t I’m sending it
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People keep emailing me nostalgia, great charts where I can pick out music of the ‘50s, photos of the immigrant sections of NYC in the 1880s, lists of stuff that we don’t use anymore like glass milk bottles, steel roller skates and
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The definition of insanity is continuing to repeat the same action and always expecting a different result. It may also be the definition of stupidity. Two columns in today’s NY Times, one by Ross Duthat and the other by Paul Krugman, although
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That seems to be the question of the hour because whoever answers it correctly will come away with a November 2 victory. But is what America wants, really what America needs? There are as many answers to that as there are people
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Holy War: Should Americans Fear Muslims? I have just watched Christiane Amanpour moderate a madhouse catfight on “HolyWar: Should Americans Fear Muslims.” It had a full compliment of nuts featuring; Franklyn Graham, Robert Spenser and Gary Bauer on the anti-Muslim team and
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The Republicans are already bragging about how they will take back the house and how that will allow them to have hearings on everybody and everything that the Democrats have touched. That would be a good thing if the object were to
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